Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, NN17 1QG
Contact: Ben Smith, Head of Democratic Services
No. | Item | |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ross Armour, Paul Bell, Charlie Best, David Brackenbury, Wendy Brackenbury, Leanne Buckingham, Mark Dearing, Emily Fedorowycz, Martin Griffiths, Larry Henson, Richard Levell, Steven North, Russell Roberts, Geoff Shacklock, David Sims, Chris Smith-Haynes, Sarah Tubbs, Michael Tye, and Malcolm Waters. |
Presentation from Northamptonshire Community Foundation Minutes: The Chair welcomed Rachel McGrath, Chief Executive of Northamptonshire Community Foundation, to the meeting who provided Council with a short presentation on the work of the foundation. The foundation was part of a network of over 2000 community foundations across the globe. It was dedicated to building community philanthropy locally by raising and giving funds and building an endowment for the future to support changing community needs and the next generation.
More information about the foundation could be found at:-
Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd May 2024 PDF 138 KB
Minutes: Councillor Lora Lawman moved and Councillor Paul Marks seconded that the minutes of the annual meeting held on 23rd May 2024 be approved as a correct record.
The minutes were approved and duly signed by the Chair of the Council. |
Declarations of interest. Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: The Chair asked those members who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda.
There were no declarations of interest. |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair. Minutes: The Chair announced that she had completed approximately 45 engagements/events to date and that it had been a lot of fun to do so. Activities and events included:-
· Attending four summer family fun days at which hundreds of children and their families had enjoyed. The North Northamptonshire Council services involved were to be congratulated;
· Working with Northamptonshire Community Foundation to see how individual councillors could contribute and to see how it may benefit their wards. Members were encouraged to inform the Foundation of any members of the community that had gone over and above what was normally expected as each year a number of community heroes received Rose of Northamptonshire awards.
· Meeting many other organisations which had been very positive about North Northamptonshire Council. |
Leader's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader had no announcements to make on this occasion. |
Public Participation (i) Public Statements
To consider public statements received in accordance with public meeting procedure rule 15.
(ii) Public Questions
To consider public questions received in accordance with public meeting procedure rule 16.
(iii) Petitions
To receive petitions qualifying for full Council in accordance with the council’s petition scheme. Minutes: The Chair confirmed there were no public statements, questions or petitions requested at this meeting. |
Executive Presentations To receive any presentations from the Executive in accordance with meeting procedure rule 3.1 (vi). Minutes: The Leader confirmed that there were no Executive presentations to be made on this occasion.
Variation to the Order of Business Minutes: The Chair noted she had accepted an urgent item of business in accordance with meeting procedure rule 11, due to a vacancy for the Burton and Broughton Ward having arisen, of which the Council was required to declare.
Cllr Smithers requested under meeting procedure rule 9.2 that the urgent item be brought forward on the agenda for consideration immediately after item 12 and prior to item 13 on the agenda.
The Chair confirmed her acceptance of the request. |
Selection and Appointment for Executive Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer) PDF 145 KB
Additional documents: Decision: a) That the appointment of Claire Edwards to the position of Executive Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer designation for North Northamptonshire Council be approved; start date to be confirmed. Claire is currently the Interim Director of Finance and Performance at North Northamptonshire Council. Any final offer of appointment is subject to successful completion of the required pre-appointment checks.
b) That approval be given to appoint within the Executive Director salary range of £144,201 - £154,809, in accordance with the Council’s agreed pay policy.
Reasons for Decisions - · This decision has been made following a comprehensive, inclusive and thorough recruitment and selection process, in accordance with the constitution, to ensure that the right candidate is selected to undertake the Statutory 151 Officer designation and Executive Director of Finance duties.
· Under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 local authorities are required to make arrangements for the proper administration of their financial affairs and appoint a Chief Financial Officer, also known as a Section 151 Officer, to ensure fiscal/financial decision making; promote and maintain high standards of conduct and report any instances of maladministration. The duties of the role of Executive Director of Finance and Performance (S151) are also critical for the effective fiscal/financial functioning of the Council.
Alternative Options Considered - · The role of Executive Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer) is critical for the Council and is a statutory appointment which is required to be filled by law.
· The Council could decide not to permanently recruit to this role. However, the role is critical in leading the council forward to deliver the corporate priorities and ensure that to ensure that the Council complies with its statutory, financial and legal obligations to provide the best possible service and outcomes for our residents and communities. Minutes: [Claire Edwards left the meeting for consideration of this item]
Council considered a report which recommended the permanent appointment of Claire Edwards to the role of Executive Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer) for North Northamptonshire Council.
A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 8’ on the agenda is filed with the agenda papers for this meeting.
Cllr Jason Smithers moved and Cllr Lloyd Bunday seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
The appointment was welcomed by councillors, who in extending their congratulations noted that Claire had an extensive career in both the private and public sector. She was an experienced Section 151 Officer, having undertaken the interim role at North Northamptonshire Council for some months and previously holding the statutory role at Huntingdonshire District Council.
The motion was voted on, with 59 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.
a) That the appointment of Claire Edwards to the position of Executive Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer designation for North Northamptonshire Council be approved; start date to be confirmed. Claire is currently the Interim Director of Finance and Performance at North Northamptonshire Council. Any final offer of appointment is subject to successful completion of the required pre-appointment checks.
b) That approval be given to appoint within the Executive Director salary range of £144,201 - £154,809, in accordance with the Council’s agreed pay policy.
Reasons for Decisions - · This decision has been made following a comprehensive, inclusive and thorough recruitment and selection process, in accordance with the constitution, to ensure that the right candidate is selected to undertake the Statutory 151 Officer designation and Executive Director of Finance duties.
· Under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 local authorities are required to make arrangements for the proper administration of their financial affairs and appoint a Chief Financial Officer, also known as a Section 151 Officer, to ensure fiscal/financial decision making; promote and maintain high standards of conduct and report any instances of maladministration. The duties of the role of Executive Director of Finance and Performance (S151) are also critical for the effective fiscal/financial functioning of the Council.
Alternative Options Considered - · The role of Executive Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer) is critical for the Council and is a statutory appointment which is required to be filled by law.
· The Council could decide not to permanently recruit to this role. However, the role is critical in leading the council forward to deliver the corporate priorities and ensure that to ensure that the Council complies with its statutory, financial and legal obligations to provide the best possible service and outcomes for our residents and communities.
[On returning to the meeting all councillors and officers present, joined in extending a round of applause on to Claire Edwards for her appointment as the Council’s new Executive Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer).] |
South Midlands Authorities Joint Committee and Opportunities for Devolution PDF 2 MB To inform Council of initial discussions on joint working including the potential creation of a South Midlands Authorities’ Joint Committee.
Additional documents: Decision: a) That Council approves, in principle, the establishment of a South Midlands Authorities Joint Committee comprising the six local councils in the South Midlands Area with terms of reference to be agreed and brought back before Council for decision.
b) That the Leader be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Director for Place & Economy (Deputy Chief Executive), to submit an Expression of Interest to Government for greater devolution of powers and funding to the local level.
c) That it be noted a report will be presented to Council to approve membership and the Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee, and to advise Councillors of the response from Government on the Councils Expression of Interest.
Reason for Decisions: · To enable the Council to progress discussions with the other five authorities in the South Midlands on formalising joint working, so that proposals can be developed and considered at a future Council meeting. This is important following the wind-up of the South Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) and the transition of associated responsibilities to the six local authorities and hosted by West Northamptonshire Council. · The recommendations also enable the Council to submit an Expression of Interest to Government relating to future devolution. A further report will be brought regarding participation in a South Midlands Authorities Joint Committee and any response from Government.
Alternative Options Considered: · The Council could choose not to engage with the other South Midlands local authorities on proposals for joint governance in relation to the activities formerly managed by SEMLEP, or not explore the options for devolution. Either approach could result in the Council losing an opportunity to realise potential opportunities to deliver better outcomes for residents of our area. Minutes: Council considered a report which informed members of initial discussions on joint working including the potential creation of a South Midlands Authorities’ Joint Committee (the Joint Committee). This would replace the current Central Area Growth Board (CAGB) governance model and in particular its decision making.
The report also sought approval to respond to Government which were seeking expressions of interest on the appetite for devolution at a local level.
A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 9’ on the agenda is filed with the agenda papers for this meeting.
The report was presented as part of the Council’s ongoing commitment as a key strategic partner in the South Midlands as it looked to work with its neighbouring authorities to maximise growth for the benefit of residents and businesses in North Northamptonshire.
Cllr Jason Smithers moved and Cllr King Lawal seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
During discussion, it was proposed that a cross party working group be formed to ensure all parties were kept up to date on developments as the proposals progressed.
In response, Cllr Smithers welcomed the proposal and moved an amended motion, seconded by Cllr Lawal, that after recommendation a), an additional recommendation be incorporated, providing for the four Group Leaders to meet to discuss progress and also to provide a devolution members’ update to keep all members informed.
The amended motion was voted on, with 50 councillors in favour, 4 abstaining and 2 against.
a) That Council approves, in principle, the establishment of a South Midlands Authorities Joint Committee comprising the six local councils in the South Midlands Area with terms of reference to be agreed and brought back before Council for decision;
b) That the four Group Leaders will meet and a devolution members’ update will be provided to keep members informed of progress;
c) That the Leader be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Director for Place & Economy (Deputy Chief Executive), to submit an Expression of Interest to Government for greater devolution of powers and funding to the local level.
d) That it be noted a report will be presented to Council to approve membership and the Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee, and to advise Councillors of the response from Government on the Councils Expression of Interest.
Reason for Decisions: · To enable the Council to progress discussions with the other five authorities in the South Midlands on formalising joint working, so that proposals can be developed and considered at a future Council meeting. This is important following the wind-up of the South Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) and the transition of associated responsibilities to the six local authorities and hosted by West Northamptonshire Council. · The recommendations also enable the Council to submit an Expression of Interest to Government relating to future devolution. A further report will be brought regarding participation in a South Midlands Authorities Joint Committee and any response from Government.
Alternative Options Considered: · The Council could choose not to engage with the other South ... view the full minutes text for item C/363 |
Draft Scrutiny Annual Report 2023/24 PDF 159 KB To provide the Draft Scrutiny Annual Report summarising the activities for 2023/24 in line with the Statutory Guidance on Overview and Scrutiny. Additional documents: Decision: a) That Council notes the Annual Scrutiny Report 2023/24.
b) That publication of the report be delegated to the Statutory Scrutiny Officer.
Reasons for Decisions:- · To ensure that full Council is informed on the work of Scrutiny, in accordance with statutory guidance.
Alternative Options Considered:- · None. Consideration by Council of the Scrutiny Annual Report is in accordance with statutory guidance and provides the opportunity to highlight the important scrutiny work that has taken place during this municipal year. Minutes: Council considered the draft Scrutiny Annual Report 2023/24 which summarised the activities for 2023/24 in line with the statutory guidance on overview and scrutiny.
A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 10’ on the agenda is filed with the agenda papers for this meeting.
Cllr Graham Lawman moved and Cllr King Lawal seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
Arising from discussion, it was noted that scrutiny had carried out wide ranging activities, mainly falling into three areas – scrutiny of executive reports as a critical friend based on the Executive forward plan, scrutiny of council operation and performance, and scrutiny of partner organisations especially in the health sector.
It was noted that scrutiny had been restructured in readiness for the 2023/24 municipal year, with three committees now under the leadership of the Scrutiny Management Board. The significant work undertaken was highlighted and welcomed by councillors, including 43 meetings held, inclusive of joint working groups such as that of asset rationalisation, levelling up and outside bodies.
Thanks were extended to Councillor Gill Mercer who had done much to contribute to the work of scrutiny during the 2023/24 municipal year prior to taking on her new role as a member of the Executive mid-year.
Particular thanks were also extended by the Leader to the three scrutiny chairs, as well as all other members and professional officers who had all participated in making scrutiny a success.
[The meeting adjourned between 7.25 and 7.37pm]
The motion was voted on, with 52 councillors in favour, 4 abstaining and 1 against.
Resolved that:-
a) That Council notes the Annual Scrutiny Report 2023/24.
b) That publication of the report be delegated to the Statutory Scrutiny Officer.
Reasons for Decisions:- · To ensure that full Council is informed on the work of Scrutiny, in accordance with statutory guidance.
Alternative Options Considered:- · None. Consideration by Council of the Scrutiny Annual Report is in accordance with statutory guidance and provides the opportunity to highlight the important scrutiny work that has taken place during this municipal year. |
Approval of Northamptonshire Children's Trust Business Plan 2024/25 - 2027/28 PDF 394 KB To provide the Northamptonshire Children’s Trust Business Plan 2024/25 – 2027/28. Additional documents:
Decision: a) That Council notes that the Business Plan at Appendix A to the report was completed in line with the Service Delivery Contract and Articles of Association.
b) That following approval by the Children’s Trust Joint Committee, Council notes the Northamptonshire Children’s Trust Business Plan for the 2024/25 – 2027/28.
Reason for Decisions: · For the Councils to discharge their functions as part owner of NCT and meet the requirements set out in the Service Delivery Contract and Articles of Association regarding approval of the Business Plan as a Reserved Matter by the Council.
Alternative Options Considered: · To do nothing – however this is not recommended. The recommendations set out in this report will allow the Council to fulfil its responsibilities as set out in the Articles of Association and the Service Delivery Contract. Minutes: Council considered a report of the Children’s Trust Joint Committee which recommended that Council note the Northamptonshire Children’s Trust Business Plan 2024/25 – 2027/28. A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 11’ on the agenda is filed with the agenda papers for this meeting.
Cllr Scott Edwards moved and Cllr Jan O’Hara seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
Council noted that children, young people and families were at the heart of the business plan prepared by the Children’s Trust, the production of which was a statutory obligation as part of the service delivery contract.
Council also noted the improvement journey that the Children’s Trust had been on since 2019 when it had received an inadequate rating to moving to requires improvement in 2022 which had had been a significant step forward. It was further noted that the Business Plan highlighted six strategic priorities for improvement, with the goal to further improve the services provided to children, young people and families, and that of the overall grade in future.
The motion was voted on, with 56 councillors in favour, 2 abstaining and 0 against.
Resolved that:-
a) That Council notes that the Business Plan at Appendix A to the report was completed in line with the Service Delivery Contract and Articles of Association.
b) That following approval by the Children’s Trust Joint Committee, Council notes the Northamptonshire Children’s Trust Business Plan for the 2024/25 – 2027/28.
Reason for Decisions: · For the Councils to discharge their functions as part owner of NCT and meet the requirements set out in the Service Delivery Contract and Articles of Association regarding approval of the Business Plan as a Reserved Matter by the Council.
Alternative Options Considered: · To do nothing – however this is not recommended. The recommendations set out in this report will allow the Council to fulfil its responsibilities as set out in the Articles of Association and the Service Delivery Contract. |
Revenue & Capital Programme Update 2024/25 PDF 179 KB
Decision: i) That Council approves the following changes to the revenue budget
a) One off funding to be funded from reserves to enable the delivery of the OFSTED Local Area Partnership Priority Plan of £707k.
b) To increase the staffing budget to accommodate the recruitment of permanent staff into Education Support Services of £141k for Education Psychology Services and £66k for Education Health and Care Services in 2024/25 and ongoing into the MTFP.
ii) That Council approves the following changes into the capital programme
a) The re-profiling of the Highways maintenance capital funding scheme, to bring forward budget of £1.5m into 2024/25, £500k into 2025/26 and reduce the budget by £2m in 2026/27, therefore no budget change overall to the £9m additional funding that was added to the budget by the Council.
b) The virement from the Phase 2 Refugee Resettlement programme scheme to Rough Sleepers Accommodation budget of £2.478m.
c) The virement from the development pool stock condition survey scheme to general fund budget for stock condition and work transformation scheme of £1m.
Reasons for Decisions: · These are set out in greater detail within section 5 of the report, but can be summarised as helping to meet the Council’s corporate plan objectives: - Safe and thriving places - Active, fulfilled lives
Alternative Options Considered: · Alternative options considered for the SEND services improvements can be summarised as follows: - o Do nothing – continue to operate inadequate service as outlined in the OFSTED inspection o Adopt improvement recommendations as outlined in the OFSTED Action Plan
· Alternative options considered for the capital programme can be summarised as follows: - o No alternative options were considered as all requests are either virements or re-profiling of existing schemes already approved by Council. Minutes: Council considered the Revenue and Capital Programme Update 2024/25 which requested approval revenue and capital spending and re-profiling. A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 12’ on the agenda is filed with the agenda papers for this meeting.
Cllr Lloyd Bunday moved and Cllr Kevin Watt seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
During discussion the use of the transformation reserve to fund one-off revenue costs to support the SEND service improvements was noted, as well as the inclusion of ongoing revenue costs to accommodate recruitment to permanent positions reducing reliance on temporary staff.
The request for approval for capital schemes that had come forward for inclusion within the Council’s approved Capital Programme was also noted, with approval of the schemes and associated funding allowing them to move forward to procurement and delivery.
The motion was voted on, with 47 councillors in favour, 2 abstaining and 8 against.
Resolved that:-
i) That Council approves the following changes to the revenue budget
a) One off funding to be funded from reserves to enable the delivery of the OFSTED Local Area Partnership Priority Plan of £707k.
b) To increase the staffing budget to accommodate the recruitment of permanent staff into Education Support Services of £141k for Education Psychology Services and £66k for Education Health and Care Services in 2024/25 and ongoing into the MTFP.
ii) That Council approves the following changes into the capital programme
a) The re-profiling of the Highways maintenance capital funding scheme, to bring forward budget of £1.5m into 2024/25, £500k into 2025/26 and reduce the budget by £2m in 2026/27, therefore no budget change overall to the £9m additional funding that was added to the budget by the Council.
b) The virement from the Phase 2 Refugee Resettlement programme scheme to Rough Sleepers Accommodation budget of £2.478m.
c) The virement from the development pool stock condition survey scheme to general fund budget for stock condition and work transformation scheme of £1m.
Reasons for Decisions: · These are set out in greater detail within section 5 of the report, but can be summarised as helping to meet the Council’s corporate plan objectives: - Safe and thriving places - Active, fulfilled lives
Alternative Options Considered: · Alternative options considered for the SEND services improvements can be summarised as follows: - o Do nothing – continue to operate inadequate service as outlined in the OFSTED inspection o Adopt improvement recommendations as outlined in the OFSTED Action Plan
· Alternative options considered for the capital programme can be summarised as follows: - o No alternative options were considered as all requests are either virements or re-profiling of existing schemes already approved by Council. |
Urgent Item - Casual Vacancy: Burton and Broughton Ward Decision: a) That Council notes that Councillor Chris Smith-Haynes has ceased to be a Member of the Council.
b) That Council declares a casual vacancy for the Burton and Broughton Ward.
c) That Council notes that the Returning Officer shall make the necessary arrangements to hold a by election in the Burton and Broughton Ward, in accordance with legislation.
d) That Council delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to declare the office of a councillor vacant, when any change to the membership of the council occurs in the future.
Reason for Decision – · As Councillor Chris Smith-Haynes has ceased to be a Member of the Council, it is in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972 that the council declares her office to be vacant.
Alternative Options Considered – · No alternative options are available as the requirement to declare the office vacant is prescribed in legislation. Minutes: Council considered an urgent item which provided an update of the current membership of the Council and which sought the declaration of a vacancy for the Burton and Broughton Ward.
A copy of the urgent report is filed as a supplementary agenda paper for this meeting.
Cllr Jason Smithers moved and Cllr Helen Howell seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
A number of councillors wished to extend their best wishes to Chris Smith-Haynes for her years of dedicated service to local government including at the former County Council, who was sadly no longer able to undertake her duties. It was noted that Chris Smith-Haynes wanted to convey that she wished her successor the very best as a future North Northamptonshire councillor.
The motion was voted on, with 57 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.
Resolved that:-
a) That Council notes that Councillor Chris Smith-Haynes has ceased to be a Member of the Council.
b) That Council declares a casual vacancy for the Burton and Broughton Ward.
c) That Council notes that the Returning Officer shall make the necessary arrangements to hold a by election in the Burton and Broughton Ward, in accordance with legislation.
d) That Council delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to declare the office of a councillor vacant, when any change to the membership of the council occurs in the future.
Reason for Decision – · As Councillor Chris Smith-Haynes has ceased to be a Member of the Council, it is in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972 that the council declares her office to be vacant.
Alternative Options Considered – · No alternative options are available as the requirement to declare the office vacant is prescribed in legislation. |
Motions on Notice Motions on Notice
To consider motions received in accordance with Meeting Procedure Rule 18 as follows: -
Motion 1
To be proposed by Cllr Emily Fedorowycz and seconded by Cllr Dez Dell.
“According to an independent review of the Most and Least Healthy Areas in the UK by Blue Horizon, North Northamptonshire was ranked 282nd out of 307 places across the UK. This ranking took into account air quality, healthy eating habits, physical activity, mental wellness, and disease.
Access to healthcare and dentistry is an issue for local residents, there is limited mental health support, and cost of living is making eating well much harder, as convenience food is often cheaper to access than fresh fruit and vegetables.
We therefore call upon this council to consider how we can tackle these issues and better support our residents in these areas by Influencing through the ICB to support increased access to doctors, nutritionists and dentists.” Decision: That the proposed motion to Council be rejected. Minutes: Motion 1 – Healthcare and Dentistry
Councillor Emily Fedorowycz moved and Councillor Dez Dell seconded the following motion to Council.
“According to an independent review of the Most and Least Healthy Areas in the UK by Blue Horizon, North Northamptonshire was ranked 282nd out of 307 places across the UK. This ranking took into account air quality, healthy eating habits, physical activity, mental wellness, and disease.
Access to healthcare and dentistry is an issue for local residents, there is limited mental health support, and cost of living is making eating well much harder, as convenience food is often cheaper to access than fresh fruit and vegetables.
We therefore call upon this council to consider how we can tackle these issues and better support our residents in these areas by Influencing through the ICB to support increased access to doctors, nutritionists and dentists.”
During debate a number of views were presented around the provision of healthcare and dentistry within North Northamptonshire.
Following the debate’s conclusion, the motion was voted on, with 13 councillors in favour, 7 abstaining and 36 against.
That the motion be rejected.
[At 8.51pm, Cllr Helen Howell moved, and Cllr Jason Smithers seconded a guillotine motion in accordance with meeting procedure rule 10, to extend the meeting to the conclusion of the business set out on the agenda.
Council provided its assent and the motion was granted.] |
Councillor Questions To receive questions from members. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair noted that two councillor questions had been received for this meeting in accordance with meeting procedure rule 17.
Each of the two questions were asked and responded to, as well as supplementary questions and answers, where requested.
A full copy of the questions and responses made, as well as any supplementary questions and responses, are filed with these minutes as an appendix. |
Close of Meeting Minutes: There being no further business to be transacted, the Chair thanked members, officers and the public viewing the meeting both in person and online for their attendance and closed the meeting. |