Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, NN17 1QG
Contact: Ben Smith
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome Minutes: The Chair welcomed members, officers and members of the public to the meeting. The Chair wished to particularly welcome North Northamptonshire Council’s newest councillor, Bill McElhinney, who had been elected to the Council following the Desborough Ward by-election held on Thursday 4 April 2024.
The Chair also wished to report that Item 8 on the agenda (Annual Report of the Children’s Trust) had been included on the agenda in error and did not require consideration, having already been considered at the 7 December 2023 meeting of the Council.
With the permission of councillors present, Item 8 on the agenda was withdrawn from the meeting.
That Item 8 on the agenda, ‘Annual Report of the Service Delivery Contract between Northamptonshire Children's Trust and West and North Northamptonshire Councils 2022/23 and Update on the Annual Review’, be withdrawn from the meeting. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jean Addison, Paul Bell, Cedwien Brown, Mark Dearing, Helen Howell, Richard Levell, Peter McEwan, Steven North, Chris Smith-Haynes, David Sims, Sarah Tubbs, and Lee Wilkes. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024 PDF 142 KB The minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 7th March 2024 to be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7th March 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of interest. Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: The Chair asked those members who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda.
The following declarations were made:-
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair. Minutes: The Chair noted that this would be her last opportunity to chair a full Council meeting in its entirety, that it had been an honour and that she would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody for the respect afforded to her in the role during the municipal year.
She declared that a great deal had already been achieved in building a strong foundation for the authority in serving local residents and that with mutual respect and understanding everybody could work together to achieve much more in the years to come.
The Chair noted that she had been out and about meeting with groups and organisations and had gained a greater understanding of services provided. She wanted to share that knowledge for the benefit of others, and to that end had invited Christopher Duff, the Chief Executive of Age UK Northamptonshire, to provide a brief outline of the vast range of services it offered.
Christopher Duff addressed Council.
Following his address the Chair and councillors thanked Christopher Duff for his insightful presentation and the excellent work he undertook in Northamptonshire with Age UK.
The Chair then wished to pay tribute to Tim Maguire who had sadly recently passed away. Tim had served on the former Wellingborough Borough Council and Northamptonshire County Council, as well as the North Northamptonshire Shadow Authority and Irchester Parish Council.
Other members also paid tribute to Tim Maguire, prior to a minute’s silence being held in his honour. |
Leader's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader made a statement, as follows:-
“I would like to begin by acknowledging the presence of a new face amongst us today who I would like you all to make feel very welcome, our newest councillor who just recently secured a resounding victory in the Desborough by-election. Please extend a warm welcome to Councillor Bill McEllhinney. I have no doubt he will begin to hit the ground running and get on with the work of this Council within the Desborough ward and he will be a welcome addition to our Conservative Group.
I would also like to acknowledge the successful Big 50 workshop earlier this week and I thank all members and officers who participated in this event. It was a valuable step in fostering a collaborative co-design approach as we begin to shape the future of this Council.
It was inspired by the shared energy and intuitive thinking from both elected members and officers. We as a Council are the change makers, we hold the responsibility to create a brighter future for North Northamptonshire so let us be bold, ambitious and unwavering in our commitment to a long term plan.
I’ll soon share the positive outcomes of the workshop and the work for you all to translate this momentum into a tangible action for our residents. My sincere thanks go to Councillor Keane and Councillor Fedorowycz for their unwavering support of the Big 50 vision.
Whilst this Council may evolve, our dedication to this vision must transcend political allegiances. Our residents deserve our absolute best. Let us all work together so that future generations will not look back with criticism but with gratitude knowing that we have made the choices today that shape their prosperous lives in 2050.
I’m sure every member here will agree with this sentiment. We have a unique opportunity to create a long lasting change. Let’s embrace our role as change makers and fulfil the potential of this Council.
Finally Madam Chair, it’s coming to the end of your tenure as you quite rightly pointed out. You have been an absolutely fantastic Chair, you’ve been fair and you have allowed debate to flow freely in the chamber which is refreshing. I have enjoyed your countless stories of where you’ve been, people’s lives you’ve touched, the causes you have championed and you constantly being on my case to get things done within the community which is fantastic. It shows your dedication to the role of Chair.
I know it almost time to hand over the baton but you can be rest assured you will be doing so with the knowledge that the civic pride is better than when you took over. I am sure we will continue with that journey but thank you Madam Chair for your excellent chairmanship over this last year.”
At the Leader’s invitation, all members gave a round of applause to Cllr Barbra Jenney, the outgoing chair of the Council. |
Public Participation PDF 143 KB (i) Public Statements
To consider public statements received in accordance with public meeting procedure rule 15.
(ii) Public Questions
To consider public questions received in accordance with public meeting procedure rule 16.
(iii) Petitions
To receive petitions qualifying for full Council in accordance with the council’s petition scheme. Additional documents: Minutes: Two members of the Public were invited to speak before Council, having registered their interest under public participation procedure rules.
Michael Blissett made a statement in favour of Item 14, Motion 1 on the agenda for the meeting, which called for all current and potential locations (permanent and temporary) for Gypsy and Traveller communities to be placed into the council’s agreed Local Plan preparation and consultation stages concluding with formal adoption in March 2026. Mr Blissett cited several concerns as to why he considered Rothwell to be an unsuitable site.
Katherine Cadbury, Chairman of Harrington Parish Council, also made a statement in favour of Item 14, Motion 1, commenting that she considered that the published local plan process had not been followed and that she also considered this placed significant risks both financial and reputational on North Northamptonshire Council.
Five public questions to Council had also been received in accordance with meeting procedure rule 16, from Julie Heron, Maria Lloyd, Clark Mitchell, Nick Shaw and Bev Wright.
Julie Heron, Clark Mitchell, Nick Shaw and Bev Wright were unable to attend in person so their questions and answers received were taken as read.
Maria Lloyd asked the following question:-
“Is there going to be a review of education for SEN children and young adults?”
Councillor Scott Edwards replied:-
“Ofsted and CQC have completed a thorough inspection of the arrangements in place for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities and their parents and families in North Northamptonshire. As part of preparation for the the inspection, the SEND Local Area Partnership were required to undertake and submit a self-evaluation of current arrangements.
This formed a rigorous review of the support currently provided for children and young people with SEND and their families across health, social care and education including sufficiency of suitable places. The next stage of that process is the partnership developing a priority action plan for consideration by OFSTED and the Care Quality Commission, to be submitted by 16 May 2024.
There will be continuous reviews both internally and externally to ensure that we are progressing with these plans and evaluating how they are impacting on the children, young people and families of North Northamptonshire.”
Maria Lloyd asked the following supplementary question:-
“I’m with Northants SEND Advocacy Service and it currently appears to us that with 100% of the families that contact us, the laws, guidance and similar around SEND have not been followed as they should have, such as Section 19 of the Education Act of 1996 with numerous children awaiting an education, in many cases for years. My question is, what is the Council currently doing to ensure these legal obligations are met and how can councillors become involved to ensure a move to correct and proper processes being followed for all children?”
Cllr Scott Edwards undertook to reply to the supplementary question in writing.
The Chair thanked all members of the public for their contributions and invited those present to adjourn to the public gallery.
A copy ... view the full minutes text for item C/329 |
Executive Presentations To receive any presentations from the Executive in accordance with meeting procedure rule 3.1 (vi). Minutes: The Leader confirmed that there were no Executive presentations to be made on this occasion.
To provide an update on the progress of the 2022/23 Annual Review of the Service Delivery Contract which includes the 2022/23 Annual Report. Additional documents:
Decision: This item was withdrawn. Minutes: The Chair noted that this item had been withdrawn, as per minute 323. |
Audit & Governance Committee Annual Report 2023 PDF 164 KB To inform the Council on the work of the Audit and Governance Committee during the twelve-month period of 1st October 2022 to 31st September 2023. Additional documents: Decision: That Council:
a) Welcomes the work of the Audit and Governance Committee during the twelve-month period of 1st October 2022 to 31st September 2023;
b) Approve the Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2023.
Reason for Decisions: · To comply with the Audit and Governance Committee’s terms of reference and best practice guidance on effective audit committees.
Alternative Options Considered: · None – it is best practice and consistent with the Council’s Code of Corporate Governance for Council to consider and approve the annual report of the Audit and Governance Committee. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Chief Internal Auditor which informed Council of the work of the Audit and Governance Committee during the twelve-month period of 1st October 2022 to 31st September 2023. The report set out the means by which the Committee had provided independent assurance to those charged with governance on the integrity of financial reporting and annual governance processes, the adequacy of the risk management framework and the internal control environment.
A copy of the report, marked as Item 9, is filed as part of the agenda papers for the meeting.
Cllr Andrew Weatherill moved and Cllr Jonathan Ekins seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
Arising from debate it was noted that good engagement had been had from senior management where there had been areas of less than moderate assurance. This was a very important assurance as it demonstrated the importance placed on the control environment and these processes.
It was also noted that a review on committee effectiveness had been carried out during the year, led by three members in accordance with CIPFA guidance, which was welcomed.
The motion was voted on, with 48 councillors in favour, 0 abstentions and 0 against.
That Council:
a) Welcomes the work of the Audit and Governance Committee during the twelve-month period of 1st October 2022 to 31st September 2023;
b) Approve the Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2023.
Reason for Decisions: · To comply with the Audit and Governance Committee’s terms of reference and best practice guidance on effective audit committees.
Alternative Options Considered: · None – it is best practice and consistent with the Council’s Code of Corporate Governance for Council to consider and approve the annual report of the Audit and Governance Committee. |
Planning Improvement Board PDF 184 KB To advise Council of the findings of an internal review and propose the adoption of a Planning Improvement Plan (PIP) and Planning Improvement Board (PIB) to address the action plan recommended in the report. Additional documents:
Decision: That Full Council:
a) Approves the establishment of the Planning Improvement Board and its draft Terms of reference (attached at Appendix B to the report). The Board will be chaired by a member of the administration and will be made up of 4 conservative members (including the chair) plus one representative from each of the recognised political groups;
b) Approves the establishment of a Planning Improvement Plan that will be overseen by the Planning Improvement Board and reported on to Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee, Audit and Governance Committee, Executive and full Council as required;
c) Notes the specific remedial actions taken thus far and proposed with regards to the processing of planning applications as set out at paragraph 4.9 of the report;
d) Notes the proposedgovernance arrangementsas setout atparagraphs 4.11 to 4.14 to ensure effective oversight and monitoring of progress in relation to the Planning Improvement Plan and the work of the Planning Improvement Board.
Reasons for Decision: · The PIP and PIB would be formulated to address the issues identified in the independent review. The review has highlighted a need for the Council to address issues that appear to have developed following LGR specifically relating to the processing of planning applications. Upon identification of specific issues, the Council has responded promptly and diligently to rectify weaknesses and the PIP will show a significant and continuing commitment to improving standards in the planning service.
· The Council, as local planning authority has a duty to comply with legislation and its own policies in processing planning applications. Failure to do so leaves the Council vulnerable to challenge and negatively impacts public and stakeholder confidence in the service.
· The proposal to establish a PIP and PIB reporting to Place and Environment Scrutiny, the Audit and Governance Committee, and full Council, as required, provides a focus on key areas which means there is greater oversight and accountability from the leadership of the organisation and Councillors to address the issues that have been identified within the planning service as a key priority. Officers will support development of the PIP. The governance arrangements proposed will provide even greater focus and scrutiny from Councillors giving assurance to the Council of the work that is to be undertaken.
Alternative Options Considered: · Given the Council’s statutory duties as Local Planning Authority and the risks highlighted in respect of compliance, maintaining the status quo (do nothing) is not deemed acceptable and further resource and focus will be required to ensure compliance with legislation and planning policy. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Leader of the Council and Executive Director of Place and Economy which advised Councillors of the findings of an internal review and proposed the adoption of a Planning Improvement Plan (PIP) and Planning Improvement Board (PIB). This would address the action plan recommended in the report arising from the review, together with advice to be provided from the Planning Advisory Service following their forthcoming visit in May 2024.
A copy of the report, marked ‘item 10’, is filed with the agenda papers for the meeting.
Cllr Jason Smithers moved and Cllr David Brackenbury seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
A range of views were heard during debate, with Council recognising its need to deliver a significant step change within the planning service, to enable the Council to effectively manage and deliver the service to meet its statutory obligations as the Local Planning Authority.
Arising from the findings of an internal review and input from the Planning Advisory Service, members agreed to the need to adopt a Planning Improvement Plan and work on a cross party basis to form a Planning Improvement Board which would be made up of four conservative members (including the chair) plus one representative from each of the recognised political groups.
Following debate, the motion was voted on, with 57 councillors in favour, three abstaining and 0 against.
That Full Council:
a) Approves the establishment of the Planning Improvement Board and its draft Terms of reference (attached at Appendix B to the report). The Board will be chaired by a member of the administration and will be made up of 4 conservative members (including the chair) plus one representative from each of the recognised political groups;
b) Approves the establishment of a Planning Improvement Plan that will be overseen by the Planning Improvement Board and reported on to Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee, Audit and Governance Committee, Executive and full Council as required;
c) Notes the specific remedial actions taken thus far and proposed with regards to the processing of planning applications as set out at paragraph 4.9 of the report;
d) Notes the proposedgovernance arrangementsas setout atparagraphs 4.11 to 4.14 to ensure effective oversight and monitoring of progress in relation to the Planning Improvement Plan and the work of the Planning Improvement Board.
Reasons for Decision: · The PIP and PIB would be formulated to address the issues identified in the independent review. The review has highlighted a need for the Council to address issues that appear to have developed following LGR specifically relating to the processing of planning applications. Upon identification of specific issues, the Council has responded promptly and diligently to rectify weaknesses and the PIP will show a significant and continuing commitment to improving standards in the planning service.
· The Council, as local planning authority has a duty to comply with legislation and its own policies in processing planning applications. Failure to do so leaves the Council ... view the full minutes text for item C/333 |
Start time of Full Council meetings PDF 188 KB To determine the start time of future full council meetings. Additional documents:
Decision: That the start time of ordinary council meetings not be changed.
Reason for Decision · The Council has trialled afternoon and evening start times for full Council meetings since 1 April 2021. Having done so it is prudent to review the effectiveness and efficiency of meetings during this period so that a start time can be settled on.
Alternative Options Considered · The start time of full Council meetings is a matter of local choice for Council. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Monitoring Officer which proposed that Council consider and determine the start time of full Council meetings following discussion and recommendation by Democracy and Standards Committee on 15 April 2024.
A copy of the report, marked ‘Item 11’, is filed with the agenda papers for the meeting.
Cllr Jason Smithers in wishing to acknowledge the feedback received from members, moved an amended motion to that in the report, as follows:-
“That there be no change to the start time of full Council meetings.”
Cllr Matt Keane seconded the amended motion.
The amended motion was voted on, with 57 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.
That the start time of ordinary council meetings not be changed.
Reason for Decision · The Council has trialled afternoon and evening start times for full Council meetings since 1 April 2021. Having done so it is prudent to review the effectiveness and efficiency of meetings during this period so that a start time can be settled on.
Alternative Options Considered · The start time of full Council meetings is a matter of local choice for Council. |
Political Balance on Council Committees PDF 145 KB To set out the revised political balance of the Council following the results of the Council’s Desborough Ward by-election held on 4th April 2024. Additional documents: Decision: a) That Council approves, in order to maintain political balance on Ordinary Committees, the revised distribution of seats across the political groups as follows:-
[Note:- This results in the Conservative Group gaining one seat on the Scrutiny Management Board which was previously held as vacant seat pending the Desborough by-election. There are no changes to other Group entitlements as a result.]
b) That Council notes that in order to maintain political balance on Area Planning Committees, it be noted there is no requirement to revise the distribution of seats across the political groups.
[Note:- For completeness, the distribution remains as follows:-]
c) That Council notes, in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, that any changes to places on committees arising from the new political balance will be made by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the leaders of the political groups represented on the Council.
Reason for Decisions · To ensure that the revised political balance of the Council is applied to the governance structure of the Council, in accordance with law and approved guidelines contained in the Council Constitution.
Alternative Options Considered · None, as the revised political balance calculation is required to be reported to full Council under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Monitoring Officer, which set out the revised political balance of the Council following the results of the Council’s Desborough Ward by-election held on 4th April 2024 in which Cllr Bill McElhinney was elected and joined the Conservative Group on the Council. It also proposed the apportionment of seats on committees in accordance with the application of the political balance calculations, as required by statute.
A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 12’, is filed with the agenda papers for the meeting.
Cllr Jason Smithers moved and Cllr Matt Keane seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
The motion was voted on, with 58 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.
a) That Council approves, in order to maintain political balance on Ordinary Committees, the revised distribution of seats across the political groups as follows:-
[Note:- This results in the Conservative Group gaining one seat on the Scrutiny Management Board which was previously held as vacant seat pending the Desborough by-election. There are no changes to other Group entitlements as a result.]
b) That Council notes that in order to maintain political balance on Area Planning Committees, it be noted there is no requirement to revise the distribution of seats across the political groups.
[Note:- For completeness, the distribution remains as follows:-]
c) That Council notes, in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, that any changes to places on committees arising from the new political balance will be made by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the leaders of the political groups represented on the Council.
Reason for Decisions · To ensure that the revised political balance of the Council is applied to the governance structure of the Council, in accordance with law and approved guidelines contained in the Council Constitution.
Alternative Options Considered · None, as the revised political balance calculation is required to be reported to full Council under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990. |
Request for Dispensation for Attendance PDF 151 KB To request a dispensation to a Councillor who is currently unable to attend any Council meetings due to illness. Decision: That Council grants a dispensation to Councillor Peter McEwan from attending meetings of the Council for a six-month period, from the date of this meeting, by reason of illness.
Reason for Decision · Pursuant to Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 where a Councillor fails to attend any meeting of the Council for six months, they cease to be a Member of the Council unless a dispensation has been granted by the Council.
Alternative Options Considered · To not approve the dispensation. This was not recommended as the reasons for it were considered reasonable and failure to grant would result in Councillor Peter McEwan ceasing to be a member of North Northamptonshire Council. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Monitoring Officer which advised Councillors of a request for a dispensation to a Councillor who was currently unable to attend any Council meetings due to illness, and to ask them to endorse the request.
A copy of the report, marked as ‘Item 13’, is filed with the agenda papers for the meeting.
Cllr Jason Smithers moved and Cllr Matt Keane seconded the motion setting out the recommendations in the report.
The motion was voted on, with 59 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.
That Council grants a dispensation to Councillor Peter McEwan from attending meetings of the Council for a six-month period, from the date of this meeting, by reason of illness.
Reason for Decision · Pursuant to Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 where a Councillor fails to attend any meeting of the Council for six months, they cease to be a Member of the Council unless a dispensation has been granted by the Council.
Alternative Options Considered · To not approve the dispensation. This was not recommended as the reasons for it were considered reasonable and failure to grant would result in Councillor Peter McEwan ceasing to be a member of North Northamptonshire Council.
The meeting went into recess for a period of 10 minutes. |
Motions on Notice Motions on Notice
To consider motions received in accordance with Meeting Procedure Rule 18 as follows: -
Motion 1
To be proposed by Cllr Jim Hakewill and seconded by Cllr Joseph Smyth - “We call upon North Northamptonshire Council to place all current and potential locations (permanent and temporary) for our Gypsy and Traveller communities into the council’s agreed Local Plan preparation and consultation stages concluding with formal adoption in March 2026.”
Motion 2
To be proposed by Cllr John McGhee and seconded by Cllr Matt Keane –
“Corby and North Northants has had steel making and tube making in the area for decades now and with that many people past and present have been employed in the industry. There is a long history in our area of steel and how it has helped grow the area and provided employment for people from all over North Northants.
This council believes that keeping a steel industry in the UK is vital for the long-term economy of Corby, North Northants and the UK.
This is the time for all MPs to stand up and be counted and back UK Steel and UK workers.
With the right investment nationally, linked to job guarantees, the UK can become the green capital of steel – creating more jobs not losing them. This will save 1000s of jobs and help keep the Corby and North Northants economy strong and keep our residents in Employment.
We call on this Council to support the safe UK steel campaign and ask the Leader of the Council to write to the prime minister asking that Parliament support our local people and the economy by supporting the campaign to save UK steel by supporting these 5 points.
1. Expand steelmaking ability by at least double.?This would take us back towards the European average, while introducing innovative technology and increasing jobs. 2. Tackle energy prices.?Bring in electricity price caps and public ownership of the grid to make our steel even more competitive. 3. Change procurement rules?to ensure UK public contracts use 100% UK steel. This alone can create thousands of jobs. 4. Take a public stake in our steel industry.?No more money for nothing. Public investment for steel must come with solid job guarantees. 5. Public investment of £12 billion.?This will fund a Workers Transition that doubles ability and protects every job. It will pay for itself in as little as 10 years.”
Motion 3
To be proposed by Cllr Alison Dalziel and seconded by Cllr Zoe McGhee
“North Northamptonshire Council is committed to ensuring that any waste product should be recycled where possible to do so. Community Centre waste management currently falls under the commercial waste provision, and centres are provided with a large, single commercial waste bin, for all waste types.
While waste is sorted and recycled after collection, a large proportion of community centre waste could be placed into recycle bins, which includes both dry recyclable and green waste. There is no current provision ... view the full agenda text for item C/337 Minutes: Motion 1 – Gypsy and Traveller Communities
Councillor Jim Hakewill moved and Councillor Joseph Smyth seconded the following motion to Council.
“We call upon North Northamptonshire Council to place all current and potential locations (permanent and temporary) for our Gypsy and Traveller communities into the council’s agreed Local Plan preparation and consultation stages concluding with formal adoption in March 2026.”
During debate, some concern was expressed about the implications of existing plans on the Rothwell community, however others did not support the wording of the motion.
Following the debate’s conclusion, a recorded vote on the motion was requested and accepted, with the requisite number of councillors rising from their seats. The motion was voted on and recorded as follows:-
In favour (19 votes) - Cllrs Ross Armour, Charlie Best, Lyn Buckingham, William Colquhoun, Alison Dalziel, Emily Fedorowycz, Dez Dell, Martin Griffiths, Matt Keane, Jim Hakewill, Lora Lawman, Anne Lee, John McGhee, Zoe McGhee, Elliot Prentice, Simon Rielly, Joseph Smyth, Valerie Anslow, Keli Watts.
Abstained (8 votes) - Cllrs Melanie Coleman, John Currall, Ian Jelley, Ken Harrington, Tim Allebone, Jan O’Hara, Tom Partridge-Underwood, Russell Roberts.
Against (29 votes) - Matt Binley, Jennie Bone, David Brackenbury, Wendy Brackenbury, Scott Brown, Lloyd Bunday, Jon-Paul Carr, Robin Carter, Helen Harrison, Larry Henson, David Howes, Bert Jackson, Philip Irwin, King Lawal, Jonathan Ekins, Scott Edwards, Clive Hallam, Graham Lawman, Dorothy Maxwell, Paul Marks, Bill McElhinney, Andy Mercer, Gill Mercer, Anup Pandey, Roger Powell, Mark Rowley, Jason Smithers, Malcolm Ward and Kevin Watt.
That the motion be rejected.
Motion 2 – Corby Steel
Councillor John McGhee moved and Councillor William Colquhoun seconded the following motion to Council:-
“Corby and North Northants has had steel making and tube making in the area for decades now and with that many people past and present have been employed in the industry. There is a long history in our area of steel and how it has helped grow the area and provided employment for people from all over North Northants.
This council believes that keeping a steel industry in the UK is vital for the long-term economy of Corby, North Northants and the UK.
This is the time for all MPs to stand up and be counted and back UK Steel and UK workers.
With the right investment nationally, linked to job guarantees, the UK can become the green capital of steel – creating more jobs not losing them. This will save 1000s of jobs and help keep the Corby and North Northants economy strong and keep our residents in Employment.
We call on this Council to support the safe UK steel campaign and ask the Leader of the Council to write to the prime minister asking that Parliament support our local people and the economy by supporting the campaign to save UK steel by supporting these 5 points.
1. Expand steelmaking ability by at least double.?This would take us back towards the European average, while introducing innovative technology and ... view the full minutes text for item C/337 |
Councillor Questions PDF 172 KB To receive questions from members. Minutes: The Chair noted that 7 councillor questions had been received for this meeting in accordance with meeting procedure rule 17.
Each of the 7 questions were asked and responded to, as well as supplementary questions and answers, where requested.
A full copy of the questions and responses made, as well as any supplementary questions and responses, are filed with these minutes at Appendix B. |
Close of Meeting Minutes: There being no further business to be transacted, the Chair thanked members, officers and the public viewing the meeting both in person and online for their attendance and closed the meeting. |