Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council - Thursday 7th December, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, NN17 1QG

Contact: Ben Smith  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Paul Bell, Cedwien Brown, Mark Dearing, Jonathan Ekins, Martin Griffiths, Jim Hakewill, Kirk Harrison, Philip Irwin, King Lawal, Mark Pengelly, Harriet Pentland, David Sims, Chris Smith-Haynes, Michael Tebbutt, Michael Tye, and Kevin Watt.


Minutes of the meeting held on 26th October 2023 pdf icon PDF 132 KB

The minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 26th October 2023 to be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 26th October 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of interest.

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at the meeting.


The Chair asked those members who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda.


The following interests were declared:-


Name of Councillor

Minute Number


Reason for Declaration

Dez Dell


Personal interest

Committee member of the Friends of Kettering Art Gallery and Museum

Larry Henson


Personal Interest

Member of Kettering Twinning Society

Bert Jackson


Personal Interest

Member of Higham Ferrers Twinning Group

Graham Lawman


Personal Interest

Member of Wellingborough Twinning Association

Lora Lawman


Personal Interest

Member of Wellingborough Twinning Association

Anne Lee


Personal Interest

Member of the Friends of Kettering Art Gallery and Museum

Paul Marks


Personal Interest

Member of the Friends of Kettering Art Gallery and Museum


Personal Interest

Member of Kettering Twinning Society

Gill Mercer


Personal Interest

Secretary of Higham Ferrers Twinning Group

Kevin Watt


Personal Interest

Member of the Friends of Kettering Art Gallery and Museum


Personal Interest

Member of Kettering Twinning Society



Chair's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair.


The Chair welcomed members, officers and members of the public, wishing to draw attention to the remembrance day services she had recently attended which were especially poignant.


Leader's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council.


The Leader wished to make a statement on domestic violence, as follows:-


‘Members and Officers, I want to present some statistics that may or may not surprise you. 


A woman is killed by a man every three days in the UK.


A Crime survey that took place in England  & Wales in the year ending March 2022  stated 194,683 sexual offences were recorded in the year March 2021-22, of which 70,333 were rape offences. I repeat, 70,333 rapes per year, that’s 5861 per month, that’s 195 per day, that’s eight rapes per hour.


So, whilst we sit here tonight and debate various topics, I think you will agree those statistics are terrifying, even more so if you’re a female.


Rape or assault by penetration (including attempts) since the age of 16 years: 63% of victims in England and Wales reported mental or emotional problems and 10% reported they had tried to kill themselves. In addition, 21% reported taking time off work and 5% reported losing their job or giving up work. But more alarming is what’s the true figure as this is based upon reported crimes. How many crimes go unreported??


This is simply not acceptable, and change needs to happen quickly.

As a father of two daughters and a grandad to a 5-year-old girl, these figures concern me. As leaders within our communities, we should be looking to challenge this behaviour and engage in ways that make women feel safe in their homes, in our open spaces and in our towns when they are enjoying a drink with their friends or simply at work.


16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence  is an annual global campaign that begins on 25 November, which is incidentally the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs through International Human Rights Day on 10 December.


The campaign is supported by the United Nations through the Secretary General’s UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women initiative. This year’s theme is UNiTE! Activism to end violence against women and girls”.

Therefore, I'm pleased to inform you all that  #jointhechorus is scheduling a march for this coming  Saturday, 9th December, starting at 6.30 pm, meeting on the corner of  Northfield Avenue and Meadow Road, Kettering.


The march is non-political and is an opportunity for local communities, individuals and partner organisations to come together and peacefully protest against gender-based violence.


It will also provide a  safe space for survivors’ voices to be heard, as well as an opportunity to remember all women who have tragically lost their lives at the hands of a violent partner.


The event starts with a 20-minute walk within the vicinity of Kettering Town centre, which has an active night-time economy. This will be particularly relevant as it will reinforce the message of every woman’s right to be kept safe and feel safe,  whether they are travelling at night, working in the night-time economy or enjoying a night out.  The walk will be led by Dawn Thomas  ...  view the full minutes text for item C/281


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 114 KB

(i)         Public Statements


To consider public statements received in accordance with public meeting procedure rule 15.


(ii)        Public Questions


To consider public questions received in accordance with public meeting procedure rule 16.


(iii)       Petitions


To receive petitions qualifying for full Council in accordance with the council’s petition scheme.


Chris Davison, Chair of Kettering Library made a statement to Council:-


He spoke to query what plans the Council had in place to involve local community groups and organisations, together with elected representatives, in the proposed Project Team overseeing delivery of the scheme to repair Kettering Library and Art Gallery roofs, the future maintenance and upkeep of the Library and Art Gallery once the roof has been replaced and to that extent what Policies and Procedures did NNC have in place to maintain its estate and public buildings, particularly those that are Grade II listed and are of significant heritage status?


Kelly Duddridge, a member of the public, then asked a question to Council in accordance with meeting procedure rule 16, as follows:-


‘With regard to the Wellingborough recall petition and specifically the opening hours of the signing places, to allow for greater participation, can the weekday opening hours be extended until 7pm and can the signing places be open on the two remaining Saturdays before the deadline expires?’


Adele Wylie, Petitions Officer responded:


‘There is no provision in legislation to amend the  opening hours for the petition signing places once notice of the designated signing places and opening hours has been published in the Notice of Petition.  


In considering arrangements for extended opening hours, we were mindful of ensuring consistency across all 9 signing places and in some cases, we were restricted by the opening hours and limited resources of venues during the 6 week period.  


We were also presented with a number of challenges, due to pre-booked Christmas activities/events at a number of locations. In some cases, we have had to implement workarounds to accommodate existing bookings or business operations. After a great deal of negotiation, we were able to reach a consensus across all 9 locations for the one day of extended opening hours. Electors are able to register for a proxy vote until 5pm on 11th December 2023 should they not be able to attend during opening hours.’


Ms Duddridge asked the following supplementary question:


‘At the conclusion of the recall petition will there be a public report and/or record of the reasoning behind how, why and when available signing places were chosen, with greater detail, as electors are looking for answers as to why they feel like access to democracy has been hindered?’


Adele Wylie, Petitions Officer undertook to provide Ms Duddridge with a written reply to her supplementary question.


Executive Presentations

To receive any presentations from the Executive in accordance with meeting procedure rule 3.1 (vi).


The Leader confirmed that there were no Executive presentations to be made on this occasion.



Selection and Appointment for Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To recommend the appointment of a permanent Chief Executive for North Northamptonshire Council.

Additional documents:


That Council:


a)    Approves the appointment of Adele Wylie to the positions of permanent Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service, Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer for North Northamptonshire Council; with an agreed start date of 27 January 2024;


b)    That approval be given to appoint on a salary of £180,582, which is in accordance with the Council’s agreed pay policy; plus returning officer/election fees, paid in accordance with the agreed legislative/local fees.


Reasons for Decision:-

·         These decisions have been made following a comprehensive, inclusive and thorough recruitment and selection process, in accordance with the constitution, to ensure that the right candidate is selected to undertake the statutory designation of Head of Paid Service and the Chief Executive role at North Northamptonshire Council.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         The role of Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive is critical for the Council and is a statutory appointment which is required to be filled;


·         The Council could have decided not to permanently recruit to this role. However, the role is critical in leading the council forward to deliver the corporate priorities and ensure the best possible service and outcomes for our residents and communities.


[Adele Wylie left the Council Chamber for the duration of this item]


Consideration was given to a report recommending the appointment of Adele Wylie as permanent Chief Executive for North Northamptonshire Council.

A copy of the report is filed with the agenda for the meeting, marked as ‘Item 8’.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Cllr Jason Smithers and seconded by Cllr Matt Keane.


The Leader of the Council was delighted to propose Adele Wylie to Council as the new permanent Chief Executive, her being an exceptional candidate bringing a wealth of inspirational leadership experience, with a proven track record of delivering through excellence in public services, as demonstrated by her current role at the Council as Executive Director for Customer and Governance, Monitoring Officer and Interim Deputy Chief Executive. He also thanked all other candidates who applied for the role and participated in a rigorous recruitment process.


The Leaders of the Labour and Green Alliance Groups also wished to extend their congratulations to Adele as the outstanding candidate and wished her well in her new role.


A huge thanks was extended to George Candler with members extending a round of applause for his valuable input and high levels of professionalism and support and patience with members over recent months.


Following conclusion of the debate, the motion was voted on, with 60 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 1 against.




That Council:


a)    Approves the appointment of Adele Wylie to the positions of permanent Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service, Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer for North Northamptonshire Council; with an agreed start date of 27 January 2024;


b)    That approval be given to appoint on a salary of £180,582, which is in accordance with the Council’s agreed pay policy; plus returning officer/election fees, paid in accordance with the agreed legislative/local fees.


Reasons for Decision:-

·         These decisions have been made following a comprehensive, inclusive and thorough recruitment and selection process, in accordance with the constitution, to ensure that the right candidate is selected to undertake the statutory designation of Head of Paid Service and the Chief Executive role at North Northamptonshire Council.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         The role of Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive is critical for the Council and is a statutory appointment which is required to be filled;


·         The Council could have decided not to permanently recruit to this role. However, the role is critical in leading the council forward to deliver the corporate priorities and ensure the best possible service and outcomes for our residents and communities.


East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To progress the Part 2 Local Plan for East Northamptonshire to adoption in order to provide an up-to-date development plan for making planning decisions and to guide development proposals for the area.

Additional documents:


That Council:-


a)    Supports the content of the Part 2 Local Plan, (as set out in Appendix A to the report) to provide for its adoption;


b)    Delegates authority to the Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Growth and Regeneration, to:-


                      i.        make any minor alterations to the Plan, or its accompanying Policies Map, that relate to factual updates or typographical errors for the purposes of publishing the Plan to presentation standard; and;

                    ii.        prepare and publish the Local Plan Adoption Statement (Appendix B) and the Sustainability Appraisal Statement (Appendix C) and to fulfil any other duties, as required by Regulations 26 to 36 of the Town and Country (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.


Reasons for Decision:-

·         The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the planning system should be genuinely plan-led. Succinct and up-to-date plans should provide a positive vision for the future of each area and a framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social, and environmental priorities.


·         The Plan prepared by the Council was subject to thorough examination and has been modified as a result of the recommendations made by the Inspector, as set out in her report (Appendix D refers). The Council has previously consulted on a schedule of these Main Modifications (Appendix E) and has also made non-substantive modifications to the plan during the examination, which are set out at Appendix F to this report. Corresponding changes to the Policies Map are also set out in Appendix G.


·         Subsequent to the adoption of the East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2, it will supersede all the saved policies from the 1996 Local Plan for East Northamptonshire, along with the extant policies from the 2011 Rural North, Oundle and Thrapston Local Plan.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         The options considered were either to adopt the Local Plan incorporating the recommended modifications, or to resolve not to adopt the Plan.


·         Adoption of the Plan would provide full coverage for Part 2 Plan policies across the whole of North Northamptonshire. If the Plan was not adopted this would put at risk the delivery of key policies guiding future, sustainable development proposals across East Northamptonshire area.


Consideration was given to a report seeking to progress the Part 2 Local Plan for East Northamptonshire to adoption, in order to provide an up-to-date development plan for making planning decisions and to guide development proposals for the area. A copy of the report is filed with the agenda for the meeting, marked as ‘Item 9’.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor David Brackenbury and seconded by Cllr Gill Mercer.


The Plan was welcomed as an extremely important document in planning terms. It was noted that had been in development for some years and it was felt important to extend the Council’s thanks to all those who had contributed to its passage.


It was noted that the other areas of North Northamptonshire, Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough already had their Part 2 plans adopted. Also, that work was now being undertaken to develop the North Northamptonshire strategic plan which would replace the current joint strategy that had been adopted some years previously.


Following conclusion of the debate, the motion was voted on, with 61 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.




That Council:-


a)    Supports the content of the Part 2 Local Plan, (as set out in Appendix A to the report) to provide for its adoption;


b)    Delegates authority to the Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Growth and Regeneration, to:-


                      i.        make any minor alterations to the Plan, or its accompanying Policies Map, that relate to factual updates or typographical errors for the purposes of publishing the Plan to presentation standard; and;

                    ii.        prepare and publish the Local Plan Adoption Statement (Appendix B) and the Sustainability Appraisal Statement (Appendix C) and to fulfil any other duties, as required by Regulations 26 to 36 of the Town and Country (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.


Reasons for Decision:-

·         The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the planning system should be genuinely plan-led. Succinct and up-to-date plans should provide a positive vision for the future of each area and a framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social, and environmental priorities.


·         The Plan prepared by the Council was subject to thorough examination and has been modified as a result of the recommendations made by the Inspector, as set out in her report (Appendix D refers). The Council has previously consulted on a schedule of these Main Modifications (Appendix E) and has also made non-substantive modifications to the plan during the examination, which are set out at Appendix F to this report. Corresponding changes to the Policies Map are also set out in Appendix G.


·         Subsequent to the adoption of the East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2, it will supersede all the saved policies from the 1996 Local Plan for East Northamptonshire, along with the extant policies from the 2011 Rural North, Oundle and Thrapston Local Plan.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         The options considered were either to adopt the Local Plan incorporating the recommended modifications, or to resolve not to  ...  view the full minutes text for item C/285


Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To update Council on the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2023/24 and seek Council endorsement for the proposed scheme for 2024/25.


That Council:-


Has considered the information as set out in the report and approves the proposed 2024/25 Local Council Tax Support Scheme which maintains the current 2023/24 scheme, allowing for the changes required to reflect the annual uprating of allowances and premiums and any statutory base legislation changes which are requires to be made to the scheme.


Reason for Decision:-

·         To deliver a Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25 that meets statutory requirements.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         The Council could choose to increase or decreased the minimum contribution payable to the customer. Decreasing the contribution would lead to a budget pressure and increasing the contribution would result in the scheme exceeding the breakeven requirement as detailed in section 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 of the report.


Consideration was given to a report proposing a Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2023/24 following recommendation by the Executive at its meeting held on 16 November 2024. A copy of the report is filed with the agenda for the meeting, marked as ‘Item 10’.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Lloyd Bunday and seconded by Cllr Eliot Prentice.


The motion was voted on, with 57 councillors in favour, 2 abstaining and 0 against.




That Council:-


Has considered the information as set out in the report and approves the proposed 2024/25 Local Council Tax Support Scheme which maintains the current 2023/24 scheme, allowing for the changes required to reflect the annual uprating of allowances and premiums and any statutory base legislation changes which are requires to be made to the scheme.


Reason for Decision:-

·         To deliver a Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25 that meets statutory requirements.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         The Council could choose to increase or decreased the minimum contribution payable to the customer. Decreasing the contribution would lead to a budget pressure and increasing the contribution would result in the scheme exceeding the breakeven requirement as detailed in section 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 of the report.


Council Tax Base 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To seek Council approval to set the Council Tax Base for 2024/25 as required by Section 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012.

Additional documents:


That Council:-


a)    In accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulation 1992, as amended, approves the amount calculated as the Band D equivalent Council Tax Base for the North Northamptonshire area 2024/25 shall be 115,847 dwellings as detailed in this report and appendices. This is an increase of 1,568 dwellings over the 2023/24 Tax Base, a 1.4% increase.


b)    Notes a Council Tax Collection rate assumption of 98.5% for 2024/25.


Reason for Decision:-

·         Section 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012 requires the Council as the Billing Authority to calculate a Council Tax Base for its area by 31 January each year.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         None. The Council is required to set the Council Tax Base for 2024/25, as required by Section 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


Consideration was given to a report proposing to set the Council Tax Base for 2024/25, as required by Section 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council tax Base) England Regulations 2012. A copy of the report is filed with the agenda for the meeting, marked as ‘Item 11’.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Lloyd Bunday and seconded by Cllr Joseph Smyth.


The motion was voted on, with 61 councillors in favour, 1 abstaining and 0 against.




That Council:-


a)    In accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulation 1992, as amended, approves the amount calculated as the Band D equivalent Council Tax Base for the North Northamptonshire area 2024/25 shall be 115,847 dwellings as detailed in this report and appendices. This is an increase of 1,568 dwellings over the 2023/24 Tax Base, a 1.4% increase.


b)    Notes a Council Tax Collection rate assumption of 98.5% for 2024/25.


Reason for Decision:-

·         Section 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012 requires the Council as the Billing Authority to calculate a Council Tax Base for its area by 31 January each year.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         None. The Council is required to set the Council Tax Base for 2024/25, as required by Section 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


Capital Budget Update 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To  seek  Council  approval  for  budget  to  be  added  to  the  Capital Programme  to  fulfil  the  Executive’s  longstanding  commitment  to replace the Kettering Library roof and to commit to repair the roof of the Art Gallery.


That Council:-


Approves the funding for the following changes to the Capital Programme:


a)    Kettering Library roof replacement and associated work to the roof of the Art Gallery – budget approval for £6.807m in 2023/24 which is to be funded from borrowing.

b)    Isham Bypass – budget approval for a virement of £0.790m, £0.600m in 2023/24 and £0.190m in 2024/25 from the Integrated Transport Block budget for 2023/24 and 2024/25 to the Isham Bypass scheme.


Reasons for Decisions:-

These are set out in greater detail within section 5 of the report, but can be summarised as:


·         To enable the Council to continue to deliver its library functions within Kettering Town Centre; and


·         To meet the requirements of the Department of Transport in the development of the road scheme for the Isham Bypass.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         Further detail in relation to alternative options considered by the Executive for the above schemes are set out in the reports presented to Executive on 16th November 2023, as referenced in Section 8 of this report; and


·         The funding options are recommended in light of the capital resources available to the Council.


Consideration was given to a report requesting approval for works funded through borrowing and virements for capital schemes which were in excess of £0.5m. A copy of the report is filed with the agenda for the meeting, marked as ‘Item 12’.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Lloyd Bunday and seconded by Cllr Clive Hallam.


During debate, funding for the A509 Isham Bypass was welcomed as it was considered an important piece of infrastructure to provide relief to residents of Isham and improve journey times and capacity between Kettering and Wellingborough, and opportunity for housing along the road corridor.


It was considered important to approve the budget for the replacement of the Kettering library roof replacement and associated works and that this project be progressed as soon as possible to enable the attached art gallery to open and for the library to expand from its interim location.


It was noted that should grant opportunities be available in the future to support the library and art gallery, these would be pursued,


Following conclusion of the debate, the motion was voted on, with 60 councillors in favour, 1 abstaining and 0 against.




That Council:-


Approves the funding for the following changes to the Capital Programme:


a)    Kettering Library roof replacement and associated work to the roof of the Art Gallery – budget approval for £6.807m in 2023/24 which is to be funded from borrowing.

b)    Isham Bypass – budget approval for a virement of £0.790m, £0.600m in 2023/24 and £0.190m in 2024/25 from the Integrated Transport Block budget for 2023/24 and 2024/25 to the Isham Bypass scheme.


Reasons for Decisions:-

These are set out in greater detail within section 5 of the report, but can be summarised as:


·         To enable the Council to continue to deliver its library functions within Kettering Town Centre; and


·         To meet the requirements of the Department of Transport in the development of the road scheme for the Isham Bypass.


Alternative Options Considered:-

·         Further detail in relation to alternative options considered by the Executive for the above schemes are set out in the reports presented to Executive on 16th November 2023, as referenced in Section 8 of this report; and


·         The funding options are recommended in light of the capital resources available to the Council.


Annual Report of the Service Delivery Contract between Northamptonshire Children's Trust and West and North Northamptonshire Councils 2022/23 and Update on the Annual Review pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To provide Council with an update on the progress of the 2022/23 Annual Review of the Service Delivery Contract (SDC).

Additional documents:


That Council:-


a)    Notes that the Annual Report contained at Appendices A-L to the report was completed in line with the service delivery contract;


b)    Notes that Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in the Service Delivery Contract (SDC) have remained the same since the start of the contract with Northamptonshire Children’s Trust (NCT) and that the Annual Review, completed by Strategic Group in October 23, will consider and agree any amendments to the SDC, including changes to KPI’s;


c)    Notes that any changes to the SDC would need to be agreed by all parties, presented to Children’s Trust Joint Committee meeting for approval and once approved, be implemented by a Change Control to the SDC.


Reason for Decision

·         The arrangements to complete the Annual Review and Annual Report are set out in the SDC and provide a procedure through which the Councils can review the Service Delivery Contract and NCT’s performance in delivering its functions.


Alternative Options Considered

·         Do nothing - Failing to complete the Annual Review or produce an Annual Report would not be compliant with the SDC and would not allow the Councils to formally review the contractual arrangements with NCT and agree changes. It should be noted that the SDC contains a process for the Councils to propose changes outside of the Annual Review if required.


Consideration was given to a report providing an update on progress of the 2022/23 Annual Review of the Service Delivery Contract between Northamptonshire Children’s Trust (NCT) and West and North Northamptonshire Councils, which included the 2022/23 Annual Report,. A copy of the report is filed with the agenda for the meeting, marked as ‘Item 13’.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Scott Edwards and seconded by Cllr Lora Lawman.


It was noted that as pat of the contractual arrangements between NCT and North and West Northamptonshire Councils, there was a requirement to undertake an annual review and produce an annual report.


It was noted that the report contained all of the performance results within the past year from Ofsted and a total of 21 key performance indicators agreed with the Trust. Whilst it was welcomed that the Children’s Trust had now moved from inadequate to requires improvement, it was acknowledged that there was some way to go to improve its services.


There was some concern in respect of those key performance indicators that had fallen below target, although it was noted that there was a clear plan to improve on these. It was also considered important that future audit plans were able to be scrutinised and accountable.


Following conclusion of the debate, the motion was voted on, with 61 councillors in favour, 0 abstaining and 0 against.




That Council:-


a)    Notes that the Annual Report contained at Appendices A-L to the report was completed in line with the service delivery contract;


b)    Notes that Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in the Service Delivery Contract (SDC) have remained the same since the start of the contract with Northamptonshire Children’s Trust (NCT) and that the Annual Review, completed by Strategic Group in October 23, will consider and agree any amendments to the SDC, including changes to KPI’s;


c)    Notes that any changes to the SDC would need to be agreed by all parties, presented to Children’s Trust Joint Committee meeting for approval and once approved, be implemented by a Change Control to the SDC.


Reason for Decision

·         The arrangements to complete the Annual Review and Annual Report are set out in the SDC and provide a procedure through which the Councils can review the Service Delivery Contract and NCT’s performance in delivering its functions.


Alternative Options Considered

·         Do nothing - Failing to complete the Annual Review or produce an Annual Report would not be compliant with the SDC and would not allow the Councils to formally review the contractual arrangements with NCT and agree changes. It should be noted that the SDC contains a process for the Councils to propose changes outside of the Annual Review if required.


Motions on Notice

To consider motions received in accordance with Meeting Procedure Rule 18 as follows: -


Motion 1


To be proposed by Cllr Leanne Buckingham-


“That this Council affirms and upholds the longstanding twinning relationships that our sovereign twin towns have cultivated with their counterparts in Europe. These partnerships have played a vital role in fostering cultural exchange, understanding, and cooperation between our communities.


Recognising the mutual benefits derived from these twinning arrangements, this council takes responsibility for ensuring the continuity of these relationships. Our sovereign twin towns serve as ambassadors of goodwill, contributing to the rich tapestry of international connections that enhance the cultural and social fabric of North Northants.


By reaffirming our commitment to the twinning relationships with European counterparts, we not only promote friendship and cooperation but also demonstrate our dedication to maintaining strong global ties in an ever-changing world.


We will also preserve and nurture these valuable connections that have contributed positively to our community and beyond.


Council asks that the member for culture, leisure and tourism looks at the formal arrangements that are required to devolve the twinning of the North Northamptonshire towns and villages to their parish and town councils, at the soonest possible opportunity.”


Motion 1 – Twinning Relationships


That Council rejects the proposed motion, as set out on the agenda for the meeting.


Motion 1 – Twinning Relationships


The mover of the motion, Cllr Leanne Buckingham requested that the motion be amended to that set out on the agenda prior to debate as it now appeared on the screen. Cllr Ross Armour seconded the amended motion. Members of the Council gave their consent via a show of hands in accordance with meeting procedure rule 19.26, agreeing that the revised wording become the substantive motion for debate, as follows:


That this Council affirms and upholds the longstanding twinning relationships that our sovereign twin towns have cultivated with their counterparts in Europe.


These partnerships have played a vital role in fostering cultural exchange, understanding, and cooperation between our communities.


Recognising the mutual benefits derived from these twinning arrangements, this council takes responsibility (for those that are not devolved) for ensuring the continuity of these relationships.


Our sovereign twin towns serve as ambassadors of goodwill, contributing to the rich tapestry of international connections that enhance the cultural and social fabric of North Northants. By reaffirming our commitment to the twinning relationships with European counterparts, we not only promote friendship and cooperation but also demonstrate our dedication to maintaining strong global ties in an ever-changing world. We will also preserve and nurture these valuable connections that have contributed positively to our community and beyond.


Council asks that the Executive Member for Housing and Communities looks at the formal arrangements (for those that are not already devolved) that are required to devolve the twinning of the North Northamptonshire towns and villages to their parish and town councils, at the soonest possible opportunity.


During debate, the various twinning arrangements within North Northamptonshire were welcomed, with the work by individuals and organisations to maintain and further these being praised.


Whilst some councillors considered that the arrangements should be formalised via North Northamptonshire Council, others considered the current arrangements worked well and should continue as they were.


Following conclusion of the debate, the motion was voted on, with 14 councillors in favour, 2 abstaining and 44 against.




That Council rejects the proposed motion, as amended from the agenda for the meeting.



The Council then adjourned for a period of 10 minutes


Councillor Questions pdf icon PDF 175 KB

To receive questions from members.

Additional documents:


The Chair noted that 11 councillor questions had been received for this meeting in accordance with meeting procedure rule 17.


All 11 questions were received and responded to, as well as supplementary questions and answers, where requested.


A full copy of the questions and responses made, as well as any supplementary questions and responses, are filed with these minutes.


Close of Meeting


There being no further business to be transacted, the Chair thanked members, officers and the public viewing the meeting both in person and online for their attendance and closed the meeting.