Election results for Wellingborough

Wellingborough Parliamentary by-election - Thursday 15th February, 2024

Wellingborough - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Gen Kitchen Labour Party 13844 46% Elected
Helen Jane Harrison Conservative Party 7408 25% Not elected
Ben Habib Reform UK 3919 13% Not elected
Ana Savage Gunn Liberal Democrats 1422 5% Not elected
Marion Eileen Turner-Hawes 1115 4% Not elected
Will Morris Green Party 1020 3% Not elected
Kev Watts Independent 533 2% Not elected
Alex Merola Britain First - Stop The Boats 477 2% Not elected
Nick The Flying Brick The Official Monster Raving Loony Party 217 1% Not elected
Andre Pyne-Bailey Independent 172 1% Not elected
Ankit Love Jknpp Jay Mala Post-Mortem 18 0% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 30145
Electorate 79376
Number of ballot papers issued 30231
Number of ballot papers rejected 75
Number of postal votes sent 14818
Turnout 38%
Share of the votes (%)
Gen Kitchen 46% Elected
Helen Jane Harrison 25% Not elected
Ben Habib 13% Not elected
Ana Savage Gunn 5% Not elected
Marion Eileen Turner-Hawes 4% Not elected
Will Morris 3% Not elected
Kev Watts 2% Not elected
Alex Merola 2% Not elected
Nick The Flying Brick 1% Not elected
Andre Pyne-Bailey 1% Not elected
Ankit Love Jknpp Jay Mala Post-Mortem 0% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
B - voting for more than one candidate14
E - void for uncertainty61
Total rejected75