Issue - decisions


24/06/2021 - NK/2021/0034

Proposed Development


*3.1     Full Planning Permission: Retention of mail order business from home workshop, including use of the workshop for light engineering operations associated with the sale of bird related equipment. (KET/2018/0937) at 4 Richardsons Lane, Loddington for Mr J Westwood


            Application No: NK/2021/0034




Cllr Jim Hakewill attended the meeting and addressed the committee as the ward councillor for the proposed development stating that application should be refused as the original development was established retrospectively without consent. Cllr Hakewill also stated that the business on site had a detrimental impact on residential amenity and that the development was not in keeping with the residential nature of neighbouring properties.





Members received a report about a proposal for which full planning permission was being sought for the retention of the current use of a the site as a home workshop for a mail order business, including use of the workshop for light engineering operations associated with the sale of bird related equipment.


It was confirmed to members that the current use at the site had been granted a temporary two-year conditional planning approval under reference KET/2018/0937, to see if there would have been any impacts on residential amenity, and that this application sought to replace this with a permanent planning permission.


Members sought clarification regarding the nature of the business and the prospect of the site being used to breed birds. Members also raised questions in relation to enfocrcement actiona and complaints.


It was confirmed to members that the business was a mail order buisiness and that the breeding of birds was outside of the planning application. It was also confirmed that there had been no complaints to enforcement officers.


Following debate it was proposed by Councillor Smyth and seconded by Councillor Prentice that the application be approved in line with the officers recommendation.


It was agreed that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:



1.     Within six months from the date of this approval a detailed scheme for gates and boundary treatments in front of the workshop building, located as shown on previously approved plan KET/2018/0937/2A on 13th March 2019 shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing.  The approved gates and boundary treatment are to be installed within two months of their approval and once installed shall be retained in that form thereafter.


2.     The landscaping scheme shown on approved plan NK/2021/0034/2, received by the Local Planning Authority on 22nd March 2021 (as previously approved under reference KET/2019/0837 on 31st May 2019), shall be completed within six months from the date of this permission.  Any newly approved trees or plants which, within a period of 3 years from the date of planting, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species.


3.     Visibility splays of 2.4 metres by 2.4 metres are to be retained either side of the access with the public highway, and these splays shall thereafter be permanently kept free of all obstacles to visibility over 1 metre in height above carriageway level.


4.     The mail order business use and its associated light industrial operations hereby approved taking place at the site shall enure for the benefit of the Applicant (Mr J Westwood) only and shall not enure for the benefit of the land and the use hereby permitted shall be discontinued on the date when Mr J Westwood ceases to occupy the premises where at which point the workshop building and the site as a whole shall have residential use only.


5.     The workshop building, hereby approved shall only be used for business purposes associated with the mail order sale and manufacture of 'Falconry' equipment and for no other purpose whatsoever. For clarification this does not include the sale of birds.


6.     The operation of any machinery associated with the business shall not take place anywhere on the application site except within the workshop building shown on the approved plans.


7.     No equipment, materials, products, parts, containers, waste or any other articles associated with the business shall be stacked or stored on the site at any time except within the workshop building.


8.     No plant or machinery shall be operated at the site (including within the workshop), except between the hours of 10:00-16:00 Mondays to Fridays and between the months of October and February (inclusive) only. There shall be no operation of plant or machinery at the site, on Saturdays, Sundays or recognised public holidays or between the months of March to September (inclusive). No customers shall be permitted to visit the site.


 (Members voted on the officers’ recommendation to approve the application)


(Voting: For: Unanimous)


The application was therefore