Issue - decisions

Concessionary Travel Reimbursement in 2023/24

16/02/2023 - Concessionary Travel Reimbursement in 2023/24





That the Executive agreed to reimburse bus operators for concessionary travel at 90% of pre-Covid levels until 31st March 2024 (this is subject to the passage of appropriate secondary legislation through Parliament)



Reason for Recommendation – To support bus operators in  North Northamptonshire following the decline in passenger numbers caused by the Covid pandemic with the intention of securing current bus provision.



Alternative Options Considered – The Council could provide a lower level of concessionary reimbursement than proposed; however, this would be likely to lead to a reduction in the level of bus service for North Northamptonshire communities. The Council could provide a 100% reimbursement based on pre-Covid levels. This would  reverse the recent reduction to 90% and is considered to set an unrealistic expectation that patronage levels (and related funding) will reach 100% of pre-Covid levels in the foreseeable future. It is, therefore, not recommended. Except for the small number of subsidised services provided under contract to the Council, the level of service provided is a matter for the commercial bus operators and not a decision which the Council can make or directly influence.