Issue - decisions

Security Services Contract

16/02/2023 - Security Services Contract





That the Executive:

a)    Confirmed the preferred procurement route of procuring a single Building Security Services provider through a dedicated competitive tendering exercise to deliver all services across North Northamptonshire

b)    Delegated authority to the Executive Member for Highways, Travel, and Assets in consultation with the Assistant Director for Assets & Environment to:

                               i.        finalise the scope of services, and the preferred service standards to be specified

                              ii.        ensure scalability and willingness for the contractor to invest are included as key requirements

                             iii.        commence the procurement process and award the contract.


Reasons for Recommendations:

·           The recommendation provides a cost-effective solution, which can be deployed to suit the changes in service need and delivery throughout the contract period.

·           The proposed option will provide a reliable security service and provision to monitor contractor performance, providing quality services for North Northamptonshire residents.

·           The proposed framework route will allow flexibility to add and remove the buildings covered by the contract as the Council’s estate is reviewed and evolves over the coming years.



Alternative Options Considered - A number of alternative options were considered by both operational managers and procurement colleagues, including building an in-house team, using an established Security Services framework agreement or incorporating Security Services within a wider Facilities Management (FM) contract. The preferred option was deemed to offer the best value for money to the Council in terms of access to providers, risk and overall value for money.