Issue - decisions

Provision of fleet arrangements for Grounds Maintenance, Cleansing, Refuse & Recycling Collections for Wellingborough – Post April 2023

25/08/2022 - Provision of Council Fleet Arrangements





That the Executive:


a)   Confirmed the preferred procurement route of using an established framework agreement as set out paragraph 5.3 of the report


b)    Delegated authority to procure and execute the necessary contracts to secure the required fleet and equipment to the Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and the Executive Director for Place and Economy.


c)    Noted that appropriate logistical, garaging and fuelling arrangements will need to be in place to allow the new arrangements to work effectively and efficiently once secured.



Reasons for Recommendations:


·      The recommendation provides a cost-effective solution, which can be deployed to suit the timescales for existing contractual arrangements.

·      The proposed option will provide a reliable fleet service, providing quality services for North Northamptonshire residents.

·      The proposed framework route will allow flexibility to change vehicles as new technology becomes available, supporting the Council’s climate change policy objectives.


Alternative Options Considered:


·      A number of options were considered, including, purchase of new fleet and equipment; both short and long-term leasing. The preferred option was deemed to offer the best value for money to the Council in terms of payment routes, access to preferred vehicles, flexibility over time, and overall value for money.