Issue - decisions

Tree Strategy and Policy

25/08/2022 - Tree Management & Care Policy





That the Executive agreed the Tree Management & Care Policy at Appendix A to the report



Reasons for Recommendation:


·      A harmonised policy will offer one consistent approach to tree management across the council.

·      A harmonised policy will minimise current issues with different approaches to requests for work and enable the Council to meet its duty of care, legal and health and safety obligations.

·      The policy provides the basis for unifying the varying practices adopted by the legacy councils.

·      The policy supports the Council’s key commitments to a greener, sustainable environment and the council’s obligations under the Environment Act 2021, which includes provisions to strengthen and improve the duty on public bodies to conserve and enhance biodiversity and to produce a Local Nature Recovery Strategy by the end of 2023.

·      The council receives many queries from the public about its trees and there is a wide range of expectations about the council’s responsibilities.  The policy provides a clear statement to residents of how the council is seeking to manage its trees and a sound basis for officers to respond to queries.

·      The policy provides a foundation on which to develop a wider, comprehensive tree strategy which will include aspirational targets for planting and woodland expansion.



Alternative Options Considered: The only other option is to not have clear policies for tree care and management, delaying harmonisation of working practices and fragmented Policies across the separate service areas. This is not an option that can continue to be maintained effectively over time.


The option to not to have a Council wide tree policy and to continue with management under existing practices and policies has been discounted in favour of harmonising working practices and Policies as soon as possible, clearly establishing consistent guiding principles for the care and management of trees for North Northamptonshire Council and improving the service.