Agenda item

NE/21/00742/FUL - Land to Rear of Cemetery, Stoke Doyle Road, Oundle


Following debate it was proposed by Councillor Brackenbury and seconded by Councillor Marks that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions and completion of a satisfactory Section 106 legal agreement which secures the planning obligations.


(Members voted on the officers recommendation to approve the application)


(Voting: Unanimous)



The application was therefore



Members received a report for which full planning permission was being sought for the erection of 50 dwellings with associated open space, parking, landscaping and access on the land to the rear of the cemetery on Stoke Doyle Road in Oundle for David Wilson Homes.


The case officer addressed the committee and provided an update which stated that paragraph 7.9.1 of the committee report was to amended to take into account appropriate obligations to secure the long term maintenance of the open space and that Condition 31 was deleted due to the full details (floor plans) of the M4(2) and M4(3) already being secured as part of the approved plans condition (condition 3).It was also stated that condition 28 was recommended to be slightly re-worded to strengthen up details required and take into account that the surface water drainage system is required to be maintained with replacements and repairs in full for the lifetime of the development.


Sue Heaney addressed the committee as a third party objector to the proposed development and stated that the application would have a major negative visual impact in relation to overlooking and privacy issues for nearby residents. Landscaping and wildlife concerns were also raised.


Jeff Cox also attended the committee and addressed the committee as a third party objector raising several concerns involving highway and pedestrian safety as well as the detrimental impact of increased traffic flow.


David Gooda then addressed the committee as a third party objector to the proposed development and raised concerns regarding flooding risks and the necessity for immediate remedial works in order to protect area at most risk from flooding due to the development.


Alex Wood Davis also attended the meeting and also addressed the committee as a third party objector to the proposed development stating that there had been major public objections to the development and that these concerns had not been addressed by the developer including the possible reorientation of the properties closest to existing dwellings.


Mark Quigley then addressed the committee as a third party objector raising concerns regarding flood risk and the detrimental impact on local infrastructure and the need for the developer to help mitigate flood risk for local residents.


Nick Kohli and Pritesh Shah then addressed the committee as agents an behalf of the applicant stating that the application had undergone an extensive consultation exercise and benefitted from allocation in the local area plan and offered a mixture of house types including 22% affordable housing. The development also benefitted from S106 contributions towards local education, health services and local transport.


Members sought clarification and satisfaction regarding the concerns raised about flood risks as well as landscaping and remedial works in order to protect wildlife and residential amenity.


Following debate it was proposed by Councillor Brackenbury and seconded by Councillor Marks that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions and completion of a satisfactory Section 106 legal agreement which secures the planning obligations.


(Members voted on the officers recommendation to approve the application)


(Voting: For 5, Against 3)



The application was therefore


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