Agenda item

Applications for planning permission, listed building consent and appeal information


The Committee considered the planning applications report and representations made by public speakers at the meeting.  It was noted that there was additional information on the applications included in the update sheet.


(i)           NE/21/00123/FUL – 19 North Street, Raunds


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a detached bungalow and garage.  A planning permission was already in place at the site for two dwellings granted under reference 19/01532/FUL and this application sought to change the design of one of the dwellings that already had planning permission to incorporate an integral garage.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Raunds Town Council.


It was noted that the objections which had been submitted had been dealt with through the initial application.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.


(ii)         20/01272/FUL – Land East of Addington Road, Irthlingborough


The Committee considered an application for the erection of 54 dwellings and associated works.  An outline application for up to 49 dwellings (18/01009/OUT) had been refused by East Northamptonshire Council in December 2018.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been objections from Irthlingborough Town Council and the local community.


During debate on the application, Members raised specific concerns about the impact of the development on nearby heritage assets and the safety of Addington Road.    A large number of vehicles parked on one side of Addington Road which made it difficult to drive down the road and adding an additional entrance on to the road would have an impact on highway safety as there would be no clear line of sight for those vehicles leaving the development.  Members also highlighted that that the land was allocated for housing in the East Northamptonshire District Local Plan 1996 but was not included in the draft Local Plan Part 2, which should have considerable weight given to it during consideration of applications.  There were also questions raised about the amount of affordable housing being proposed, particularly as there were two other sites in the town with significant levels of affordable housing, and the type of open space. 


In response to the issues raised, the Planning Officer advised that more affordable housing had been included than was required and it was believed that the scheme provided a reasonable balance.  It was accepted that the development was always going to be in conflict with the conservation setting but it was the view of the Conservation Officer that there would be less than substantial harm to the heritage.  With regards to the weight given to the draft Local Plan Part 2, at this time only limited weight could be given to it as it had not yet been through inspection.  It was accepted that Addington Road was a poor road but the introduction of yellow lines and the provision of parking bays on the other side of the road would make the road work better. 


It was moved and seconded that the application be refused.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to refuse the application, against officer recommendation, for the following reasons:


1)    Would have a major detrimental impact on the Conservation Area and the Manor House complex including the Mews building.  The level of harm is considered to be substantial.


2)    The addition of a new access point on to Addington Road to serve 54 dwellings has failed to demonstrate an acceptable level of impact on highway safety and that it would not result in an impact on existing cars parked on Addington Road.


Wording of the refusal reasons is delegated to the Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Ward Members.


Councillor Geoff Shacklock left the meeting for the following item.


(iii)        20/01359/FUL – Land North of Stanion Road, Brigstock


The Committee considered an application for the erection of 35 dwellings with associated open space, parking, landscaping and access.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been three or more objections from local residents.


During debate on the application, Members welcomed that the existing trees and hedgerows would be protected by being conditioned.  It was noted that the application was supported by Brigstock Parish Council and that the site was allocated for residential development in the Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan 2019.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and update sheet as well as an amendment to condition 20 to amend the wording to require details of “play/recreational equipment…” rather than “play and recreational equipment”.


Councillor Geoff Shacklock returned to the meeting.


(iv)        NE/21/00539/FUL – 1 Saxon Way, Raunds


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a fence to enclose an area of outside amenity space belonging to the property.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Raunds Town Council.


During debate on the application, Members noted that the road was a green and open space and fencing in front gardens and amenity space would have a negative effect on the street scene.


It was moved and seconded that the application be refused.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to refuse the application, against officer recommendation, because the location of the proposed fence would negatively affect the street scene.


Detailed wording of the refusal reason is delegated to the Director of Place and Economy.


(v)         NE/21/00700/FUL – Lower Farm Barn, Main Street, Lower Benefield


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a sheep shelter in an agricultural field on existing concrete slab.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been more than three objections from local residents.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.


(vi)        NE/21/00665/FUL – 56 West Street, Kings Cliffe


The Committee considered an application for the replacement of windows and door to front aspect of a house in a conservation Article 4 area.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Kings Cliffe Parish Council.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.

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