Agenda item

Motions on Notice

To consider motions received in accordance with Meeting Procedure Rule 18 as follows: -


Motion 1


To be proposed by Cllr Valerie Anslow and seconded by Cllr Lyn Buckingham-


It is clear that the country as a whole is in the midst of a real and continuing housing crisis, we acknowledge the enormous challenge and pressure faced by our members of Staff on homeless presentations in recent years. 

?Whilst we acknowledge the pressures, we also feel much more should be being done by this council to put housing and homelessness on top of the agenda. 


There are blockages and delays in our house building/development programmes which although could be perceived as down to external forces, also see us prepared to be selling off surplus land instead of finding constructive ways to build. 


We have seen over the past two years, massive delays in processing housing applications, far in excess of the time needed to prevent homelessness effectively, which although reported that the backlog being cleared, the backlog is again growing to an unacceptable over three months wait for applications being processed. 


We have seen homeless families be moved away from support and education networks because of lack of temporary accommodation, bringing disruption and chaos for families already facing hardship. 

Despite this Council putting forward resources to assist with rough sleeping programmes, (building on the successes of finding bed spaces during the height of the Covid pandemic) it seems that very little progress is being made in this area also partnering with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise. 


This motion asks that North Northamptonshire Council develop its vision and strategy for the building and development of social housing and prevention of homelessness including, if appropriate, a review of the allocations strategy to support programmes that prioritise our duty under the armed forces covenant, the growing need for homeless provision for single women and young care leavers, in North Northamptonshire. Acting quickly and decisively ensures that right to buy receipts are not swallowed by raising build costs and that North Northamptonshire Council also commit further investment in housing.” 



Motion 2


To be proposed by Cllr Anne Lee and seconded by Cllr Keli Watts-


“'The Alfred East Art Gallery in Kettering has now been closed for two years for works to improve and maximise its potential. ?North Northants Council undertakes to keep councillors informed of progress made on repairing the roof of the building, and to request that the Executive progress the project with a view to reopen the Art Gallery by the summer of 2024 at the latest.'


Motion 3


To be proposed by Cllr Jim Hakewill and seconded by Cllr Chalie Best-


“This council treasures the Library Service and the many events and personal well-being experiences provided by our libraries, whether in the Statutory or Community Managed Library (CML) family.? Many of the assets of our libraries have been, and are today, shared across the entire County.


Before any proposals for change in the way in which our libraries are funded, managed, and operated there must be a clear, compelling, financially sound, and customer-service-oriented business case, subjected to wide public consultation and full scrutiny by North Northamptonshire (and ideally, jointly, with West Northamptonshire) Councillor colleagues. ?


This will ensure that everyone involved in running our libraries and everyone who benefits from the vast array of books and events will be able to confidently continue to enjoy the same services when visiting their local library in the future.”


Motion 4


To be proposed by Cllr Emily Fedorowycz and seconded by Cllr Harriett Pentland-


“The River Nene is one of NNC’s most important assets in terms of tourism and ecology and, as such, needs proper guardianship. 


The Environment Agency has primary responsibility for the River Nene. NNC is one of many that has riparian responsibilities and also an important role in flood management. 


This Council will: 


·       Ask the Environment Agency to provide the current levels of pollution in the Nene River and North Northants waterways; 


·       Continue to engage with the EA and Ofwat to understand what work is being undertaken in North Northamptonshire to protect waterways and consider options for ensuring the health of our waterways including, but not limited to, investigating Bathing Water Status for key leisure areas; 


·       Continue to engage with the EA and Ofwat on the processes for feeding in reports of pollution incidents.”  



Motion 1 – Housing and Homelessness


Councillor Valerie Anslow moved and Councillor Lyn Buckingham seconded the motion as set out on the agenda for the meeting.


Following an initial period of debate the guillotine was reached and so the meeting was concluded.


[Note:- At this point of the meeting, in accordance with meeting procedure 10.3 the following outstanding items of business were adjourned to the next ordinary meeting of Council are:-

·         Motions on Notice

o   Motion 1 – Housing and Homelessness

§  Having been in mid-debate at the conclusion of the meeting would serve as the first substantive agenda item at the next ordinary meeting of Council.

o   Motion 2 – Alfred East Art Gallery

o   Motion 3 – Library Services

o   Motion 4 – River Nene


·         Councillor Questions]