Agenda item

Committee Membership and Appointment of Chairs/Vice Chairs of Committees

To consider and determine the allocation of seats to Committees in accordance with political balance rules set out in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.



Full Council was requested to confirm the membership of the Council’s committees and bodies, where it was the responsibility of Full Council to make such appointments. Details of nominations received from the recognised political groups had been circulated prior to the meeting.

It was noted that the Monitoring Officer had delegated authority, upon receiving a request from a recognised political group, to authorise in-year changes to membership.

Councillor Helen Harrison MOVED and Councillor Helen Howell SECONDED recommendations (a), (b) & (d) as detailed in the report, to agree the political proportionality applied as per Appendix A, to note the respective group nominations to committees as contained in Appendix B, and to note the delegation of the Monitoring Officer.

RESOLVED that: -

(i)               The proportionality rules applied be noted (as detailed in Appendix A);

(ii)              The appointments to committees made by the recognised political groups be noted (as detailed in Appendix B)

(iii)            The delegated authority granted to the Monitoring Officer to make any in-year changes to the membership of committees on behalf of the Council, in consultation with the respective leaders of the recognised political groups, be noted.

Nominations for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair of committees in the gift of Full Council had been sought. Details of the nominations received had been circulated.

Councillor Andy Mercer MOVED, and Councillor Emily Fedorowycz SECONDED the uncontested nominations only as detailed in the report and appendices.

RESOLVED that: -

(i)               The appointments to the Chair and Vice Chair positions as detailed below be agreed -

Vice Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Lora Lawman

Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee

Councillor King Lawal

Chair of the Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Gill Mercer

Vice Chair of the Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Kevin Watt

Chair of the Scrutiny Management Board

Councillor Gill Mercer

Vice Chair of the Scrutiny Management Board

Councillor King Lawal

Chair of the Licensing and Appeals Committee

Councillor Jonathan Ekins

Vice Chair of the Licensing and Appeals Committee

Councillor Jennie Bone

Chair of Employment Committee

Councillor Lora Lawman

Vice Chair of the Employment Committee

Councillor John Currall

Chair of the Democracy and Standards Committee

Councillor Andy Mercer

Vice Chair of the Democracy and Standards Committee

Councillor Ian Jelley

Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee

Councillor Andrew Weatherill

Vice Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee

Councillor Jonathan Ekins

Chair of the Planning Committee (North)

Councillor Mark Rowley

Vice Chair of the Planning Committee (North)

Councillor Kevin Watt

Chair of the Planning Committee (South)

Councillor Jennie Bone

Vice Chair of the Planning Committee (South)

Councillor Lee Wilkes

Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board

Councillor Helen Harrison


For the position of Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee two nominations had been received. Councillor Keane MOVED and Councillor John McGhee SECONDED the nomination of Councillor Lyn Buckingham. Councillor Fedorowycz MOVED and Councillor Dell SECONDED the nomination of Councillor Hakewill.

RESOLVED that: -

(i)               Councillor Lyn Buckingham be elected as Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.

For the position of Vice Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee two nominations had been received. Councillor Binley MOVED and Councillor Nichol SECONDED the nomination of Councillor Larry Henson. Councillor Armour MOVED and Councillor Zoe McGhee SECONDED the nomination of Councillor John McGhee.

RESOLVED that: -

(i)               Councillor Larry Henson be appointed as Vice Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee.


Supporting documents: