Agenda item

Applications for planning permission, listed building consent and appeal information


The Committee considered the planning applications report and representations made by public speakers at the meeting.  It was noted that there was additional information on the applications included in the update sheet.


(i)         NE/21/00654/FUL – 63 Church Street, Nassington


The Committee considered an application for the removal of French doors and side lights from a rear elevation; moving and widening the opening to install a timber sliding door of similar appearance, style and materiality.  The application had been brought to the Committee as the applicant was a member of the Council.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.



(ii)        NE/21/00655/LBC – 63 Church Street, Nassington


The Committee considered an application for listed building consent for the removal of French doors and side lights from a rear elevation; moving and widening the opening to install a timber sliding door of similar appearance, style and materiality.  The application had been brought to the Committee as the applicant was a member of the Council.


            It was moved and seconded that the application be granted. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant listed building consent subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.


Councillor Roger Powell left the meeting for the following item.


(iii)       NE/21/00421/FUL – 13-19 High Street, Irthlingborough


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of existing first floor ancillary retail area and erection of two floors containing eight residential units with associated car and cycle parking and refuse store.  The application had been brought to the Committee because Irthlingborough Town Council had objected to the proposed development.


During debate on the application, the Planning Officer confirmed that during the previous planning appeals the extra floor had not been included and had only been included in this application.  It was clarified that Conservation Officer comments had not been sought as that had not been raised as an issue at the previous appeals.  Members raised concerns at the number of parking spaces proposed and it was confirmed that one space per flat had been accepted by a Planning Inspector previously.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.


Councillor Roger Powell returned to the meeting.


Councillor Lee Wilkes left the meeting for the following item.


(iv)      NE/21/00558/FUL – 55 Butts Road, Raunds


The Committee considered an application for a first-floor extension; loft conversion; internal and external alterations.  The application had been brought to the Committee as the applicant was a member of the Council.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.


Councillor Lee Wilkes returned to the meeting.


(v)       NE/21/00394/FUL – 91 Main Road, Collyweston


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of three two and a half storey dwellings and associated works (Revised proposals following approval of 15/00693/FUL).  The application had been brought to the Committee as the officer’s recommendation was contrary to Collyweston Parish Council’s objection and more than three objections had been received.


During debate on the application, the Planning Officer proposed an amendment to the informatives as informative 2 conflicted with condition 4 and informative 3 referred to the wrong condition.  It was noted that the height of the proposed dwellings was the same as what was granted permission in 2015 but the siting of the dwellings had changed.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted, subject to the amended informatives. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and the following amendments to the informatives:


·         Delete informative 2 as it conflicts with condition 4

·         Amend informative 3 to refer to condition 6 instead of 7


(vi)      NE/21/00507/FUL – 28 Nene Valley Business Park, Oundle


The Committee considered a retrospective application for the erection of a demountable crane within the existing plant hire yard for improved access and safety operations.  Crane to remain fixed in place.  The application had been brought to the Committee as Oundle Town Council had objected to the application and more than three objections had been received.


During debate on the application, Members sought clarification as to why the conditions on the original application were considered sensible then but not now.  The Planning Officer confirmed that the conditions on the original application were those which were requested by the applicant at the time.  Members welcomed the proposed condition to limit the times the crane was operational.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted, subject to the inclusion of an additional condition. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and the inclusion of the following condition:


·         Condition 5 – No CCTV camera or image capturing equipment shall be installed on any part of the crane.

Reason: To ensure the privacy of adjacent residents is maintained.


(vii)     20/01019/FUL – Manor Farm High Street, Twywell


The Committee considered an application for the alteration and conversion of four disused agricultural building into four residential dwellings (Class C3), to include extension works, new car ports, associated site layout and landscaping works.  The application had been brought to the Committee as Twywell Parish Council had objected to the application and more than three objections had been received.


During debate on the application, the Planning Officer advised that it was now being proposed that one of the conditions on the listed building consent application (20/01020/LBC) would now be included on this application.  It was noted that the Parish Council had objected to the application as the reinstatement of the granite setts had not been addressed and had sought confirmation that the barns would retain their original names.  The Planning Officer advised that the issue of the granite setts had been discussed with the Conservation Officer, but he did not agree that they were a historical feature.  The issue of the barn names would be included as an informative.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted, subject to the moving of condition 2 from the listed building consent application to this application. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and the moving of condition 2 (joinery details) from the listed building consent application (20/01020/LBC) to this planning permission.


(viii)    20/01020/LBC – Manor Farm High Street, Twywell


The Committee considered an application for listed building consent for the external and internal alterations to these barns to facilitate their conversion to four residential dwellings.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Twywell Parish Council.


In accordance with the decision in the previous application (20/01019/FUL), it was now proposed to remove condition 2 from this application.


            It was moved and seconded that the application be granted, subject to the deletion of condition 2. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant listed building consent subject to the conditions detailed in the officer report and the deletion of condition 2.


(ix)      NE/21/00033/FUL – 11 Chainbridge Court, Thrapston


The Committee considered an application for the change of use of an existing outbuilding from garage to part massage therapy clinic and part storage.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Thrapston Town Council.


During debate on the application, Members were concerned that the applicant would be limited by the proposed working hours as detailed in condition 3 and she would be required to submit a further planning application if she wanted to change them and therefore a change to the wording of the condition was proposed to make it more flexible.  Members also felt that condition 4 should be amended to ensure that there would be a minimum of a 15-minute gap between appointments.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted, subject to amendments to conditions 3 and 4. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and amendments to the conditions as follows:


·         Condition 3 – The use of the garage for the massage business hereby permitted shall only take place between the following hours:

-       9.30am to 2pm during the working week excluding weekends and Bank/Public holidays

-       Any two evenings during the working week between the hours of 6pm and 8pm excluding weekends and Bank/Public holidays

·         Condition 4 – There shall be a minimum of a 15-minute gap between each appointment at the site for the use hereby permitted.


(x)       NE/21/00625/FUL – Dovedale, Herne Park, East Road, Oundle


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of an existing bungalow and the erection of one replacement dwelling and one new build dwelling.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Oundle Town Council.


During debate on the application, Members raised concerns at the practicality of the proposed condition 6 which would limit water use.  The Planning Development Manager clarified that incorporating measures to limit water use for residential developments was a requirement of Policy 9 of the Joint Core Strategy, but the wording of the condition could be looked at.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted, subject to an amendment to condition 6. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and an amendment to condition 6 to change the word ‘limit’ to ‘encourage’.


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