Agenda item

Application to vary a premises licence for The Volunteer, 69 Midland Road, Wellingborough


The circulated report of the principal environmental health manager was received following receipt of an application to vary the hours permitted for the sale of alcohol and to add recorded music to the licence.


The chairman asked all present to introduce themselves and welcomed Mr Cox on behalf of the applicant.


Following consultation, one representation from Wellingborough Town Council had been received objecting to the granting of the licence on the grounds that the licensing objectives, as prescribed by Section 4(2) of the Act, of the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of public nuisance, would not be met. The reason for the objection was due to the proximity of neighbouring residents and the potential for antisocial behaviour and sought clarity on the proposed mitigation measures for neighbouring residents and indicated that if suitable mitigation was in place, they would be content.


The police had liaised with the applicant and the following conditions had been agreed:


·         After 23:00 hours admittance to the premises by members of the public will only be permitted by use of a door entry system controlled by the premises license holder/designated premises supervisor;

·         A Challenge 25 proof of age scheme shall be operated at the premises where the only acceptable forms of identification are recognised photographic identification cards, such as a driving licence, passport or proof of age card with the PASS Hologram.


The chairman asked Mr Cox if he wished to comment on the issues raised.


Mr Cox clarified that no complaints had been received from anyone living near to the pub, entry to the pub had always been controlled and the music was always at a low level to ensure there was little disruption to neighbouring properties.  Most of those using the pub were local and of an older generation.  The variation would be used occasionally on a Friday and Saturday for a Quiz night or party to enable attendees to stay a littler later if they wished to do so.  The licence holder would ensure there was signage asking those exiting the pub to leave quietly.


The chairman thanked Mr Cox and asked his fellow councillors if they wished to comment or ask questions.


Councillor Hallam commented that he was aware of the pub and commented that it was very close to the police station, new CCTV cameras had recently been placed in this location and entry was via an intercom system to ensure that only regular customers were able to enter.


Councillor Bone was also aware of the pub and had no questions or comments.


The chairman also confirmed that the pub was a well-known establishment and had been very well run as a family concern, with no issues for many, many years.  


There being no further questions the committee adjourned to make their decision at 2.15pm.


The committee re-convened at 2.25pm.




RESOLVED that the sub-committee unanimously agreed to grant the variation to the licence as applied for including the conditions agreed with Northants Police.



The sub-committee took into consideration the following:


·         The report from Mr O’Donnell, Team Leader Health Protection;

·         The representation from Mr Cox on behalf of the applicant;

·         Section 182 of the Licensing Act guidance 2003;

·         Statement of Licensing Policy.


It is the duty of the sub-committee to decide on balance of probabilities.


The sub-committee carefully considered the representation of the parties and gave due regard to the above documents. The sub-committee was satisfied that the applicant had sufficient mitigation in place to ensure effective promotion of the licensing objectives.


Supporting documents: