Agenda item

Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee - Budget Scrutiny Submission 2023/2024


The Chair, Cllr Jason Smithers invited the Chair of the Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee (F&RSC), Cllr Mark Pengelly to present the committee’s budget consultation submission following the conclusion of the process to scrutinise the Council’s draft budget for 2023/24.


Cllr Pengelly thanked all those who had taken part in the scrutiny process, noting that a significant period of time had been spent examining in-year spend and service performance for 2022/23 prior to undertaking more detailed scrutiny work for the 2023/24 budget. Pressures and uncertainties involved in the budget setting process were highlighted, with a number of factors such New Homes Bonus, Business Rates and government funding referenced.


Cllr Pengelly thanked officers and Executive members for their assistance in providing detailed responses to questions raised by committee members during the scrutiny process. It was heard that obtaining relevant details from Northamptonshire Children’s Trust to allow for effective scrutiny had been difficult, and it was critical this information was made available in future as the current overspend level for the trust was unsustainable.


Cllr Pengelly noted the concerns of Scrutiny in relation to home-to-school transport costs, although the recent disaggregation of the service would allow a greater level of control over these costs. He requested that this topic be the subject of a further review by the F&RSC in six months’ time.


Cllr Pengelly made reference to the following specific areas of interest during the scrutiny process:


·        Children’s social care and out of county placements

·        Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) assessment timescales

·        That revised Fees and Charges to be circulated to councillors

·        Legacy council proposed income (crematoria, sports centres)

·        That the Council’s new contract with Kier be reviewed to ensure value for money

·        Harmonisation of car-parking charges across North Northamptonshire

·        The existing budget gap for Enabling Services

·        Audit fee increases

·        Reliance on agency staff, staff numbers and vacancies

·        Adult social care provision

·        The current housing repairs backlog

·        Temporary accommodation availability


Councillor Pengelly noted that a significant amount of work had been undertaken during the scrutiny process and requested that the Executive take on board the comments raised by F&RSC in order to build a better council for all involved.


The Chair, Cllr Jason Smithers thanked Cllr Pengelly and the Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee members for the sterling work they had undertaken in supporting the Executive through their work and to ensure value for money for the Council.


Cllr Wendy Brackenbury, as Chair of the Scrutiny Commission was invited to address the meeting. Cllr Brackenbury thanked all members of the F&RSC and all the officers involved in the budget scrutiny process.


Cllr Scott Edwards made reference to the Children’s Trust overspend and noted that the Council was doing everything possible to obtain the information required to hold the Trust to account. Cllr Edwards also noted that out of area placements for children in care were not beneficial for the children involved and were not financially viable. In addition, work was ongoing to improve the Council’s SEND provision, and recognition of improvements made to date was welcomed.


Cllr Lawman made reference to home-to-school transport noting that new management was in place for the scheme and a consultation process regarding future provision of the service would take place in the Spring. Cllr Lawman also made reference to food waste collections, activities of the Asset Rationalisation group regarding the Council’s estate and stated that a report would shortly be submitted to the Executive regarding the Council’s Parking Strategy. The meeting also heard that updated Fees and Charges had been available on the Council’s website since 1st January 2023.


Cllr Helen Howell made reference to the subsidy received for Chester House Estate while Cllr David Brackenbury spoke to reflect on increased utility costs impacting the Council’s crematorium facilities.


Cllr Helen Harrison commented on recruitment and retention of staff in Adult Social Services with a report on the consultation for provider services due to be presented to Executive in the near future. Cllr Binley advised that Right to Buy receipts would continue to be monitored, with officers satisfied that the Council was on track to spend these receipts within the required timeframes. Reference was also made to out of area temporary accommodation placements and the positive work undertaken to reduce these.


The Chair concluded by stating that although the Council faced significant budgetary pressures, it had a good team of officers who had worked to put the authority on a strong trajectory going forward.

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