Agenda item

Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan






That the Executive:


i)             Approved the content of the Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan as a document to guide investment and redevelopment opportunities and form a part of the Council’s evidence base in terms of planning policy;


ii)            Agreed ways for the Council to promote the delivery of improvements to the station and investment in the surrounding area.



Reason for Recommendation: To provide Member awareness; approve the Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan; and agree ways for supporting the delivery of improvement, investment and redevelopment opportunities at the station and surrounding area.


Alternative Options Considered: The Council could determine not to agree the Masterplan, or part of its content, but this would weaken its ability to secure solutions to issues (e.g. access conflict at the entrance and flooding) and encourage investment in the area.  To progress most of the Masterplan projects still needs further detailed design and costings work, as well as consultation.  For the Council to decline to approve the Masterplan, would reduce the impetus gained to date, and the potential for delivering a significant regeneration project, based around sustainability and public land, to Kettering and North Northamptonshire. 





The Chair invited Cllr David Brackenbury, Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration to present a report that informed Members of the content of the Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan and sought approval of the Masterplan document and method for the Council to promote the delivery of improvements to the station and investment in the surrounding area.


Cllr Brackenbury noted that in 2019 Kettering Borough Council had made a successful application for funding to prepare a Masterplan for the reimagining of the Kettering Station Quarter. Details of the area and current site constraints were outlined to the meeting, including flooding issues caused in the vicinity of Slade Brook adjacent to the station.


It was noted that current access to the station did not provide an attractive or easily accessible gateway into the town and a lengthy piece of work had been undertaken factoring in other improvement works ongoing elsewhere in Kettering. The Masterplan outlined five proposed phases that would involve sequential moving of car-parking facilities and the redevelopment of these sites to result in more attractive, accessible gateway to the town. Significant engagement with stakeholders and landowners had been undertaken in the production of the Masterplan.


The ambition of the scheme was noted, and although there was a current identified funding deficit of £11m, work continued to be undertaken to seek other funding streams that could improve the viability of the project moving forward.


Cllr Brackenbury concluded by welcoming the input of both the Climate Change, Environment & Growth and Planning Policy Executive Advisory Panels (EAP) in consideration of the Masterplan.


Cllr Harriet Pentland stated that the Climate Change, Environment & Growth EAP had considered the importance of biodiversity and the mitigation required to avoid significant impact on this as the development came to fruition.


Cllrs Edwards and Howell welcomed the Masterplan, noting that it would be beneficial for local residents in reducing congestion and parking issues as well as forming part of the bigger picture as the Council developed its cycling, leisure facilities and Greenway.






That the Executive:


i)             Approved the content of the Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan as a document to guide investment and redevelopment opportunities and form a part of the Council’s evidence base in terms of planning policy;


ii)            Agreed ways for the Council to promote the delivery of improvements to the station and investment in the surrounding area.



Reason for Recommendation: To provide Member awareness; approve the Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan; and agree ways for supporting the delivery of improvement, investment and redevelopment opportunities at the station and surrounding area.


Alternative Options Considered: The Council could determine not to agree the Masterplan, or part of its content, but this would weaken its ability to secure solutions to issues (e.g. access conflict at the entrance and flooding) and encourage investment in the area.  To progress most of the Masterplan projects still needs further detailed design and costings work, as well as consultation.  For the Council to decline to approve the Masterplan, would reduce the impetus gained to date, and the potential for delivering a significant regeneration project, based around sustainability and public land, to Kettering and North Northamptonshire. 




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