Agenda item

Planning Application NE/21/01309/REM - Land Between St Christopher's Drive and A605 Oundle Bypass, Oundle

Reserved Matters approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to application number 19/01355/OUT – Outline planning permission for the erection of 65 dwellings and an extra-care facility of up to 65 units.

Recommendation: That reserved matters approval is not granted until the Lead Local Flood Authority has given its advice.


The Committee considered a reserved matters application for approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to application number 19/01355/OUT – Outline planning permission for the erection of 65 dwellings and an extra care facility of up to 65 units.


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.


Following receipt of the LLFA comments, it was now recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report and in the Committee Update Report.


Requests to address the meeting had been received from Rob Hill, a supporter; Tony Robinson, an objector; Councillor Rupert Reichhold on behalf of Oundle Town Council; Councillor Helen Harrison, a Ward Member; and Katie Dowling, the applicant and the Committee was given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification.


Mr Hill addressed the Committee and stated that drainage scheme had been submitted and considered at the outline planning stage and it was believed that all the issues had now been addressed.  Anglian Water had confirmed that their system had capacity for the development.  The drainage scheme matched the outline scheme.


Mr Robinson addressed the Committee and stated that several issues had not been considered at the meeting on 3rd May, including visitor parking, the self-build plots and other issues.  The proposed site of the three self-build properties could not be delivered due to noise levels and was not viable.  There had been no consideration of approximately 260 children using the pedestrian crossing.  Site vehicles could cause infrastructure damage and safety issues.  At the development already approved at Cotterstock Road, site vehicles were already not following the agreed route.  With regards to Anglian Water, OFWAT had stated that they must improve.


Councillor Reichhold addressed the Committee and advised that he had nothing further to add to that he had already said on the previous application.


Councillor Harrison addressed the Committee and explained that several issues had not been considered at the meeting on 3rd May.  She was also surprised that Anglian Water’s position had now changed.  20 of the four-bedroom dwellings would not have the required third parking space.  It was accepted that development would take place, but local people wanted the best development possible.  If the extra care facility was able to reduce the number of stories from four to three, then the number of houses on this site could be reduced.  The report stated that the development could not have both the required parking and tree-lined streets.


Ms Dowling addressed the Committee and stated that Anglian Water found the development acceptable with regards to capacity.  The LLFA had now responded with no objections.  All of the queries with the tree officer had been addressed and an acoustic fence would replace the existing fence.  If NNC did not adopt the open space, details of the management company would be submitted prior to occupation of the first dwelling.  There was a need for housing, in this sustainable area.  The applicant had also sought legal advice.


The Chair invited the Committee to determine the application.


Members raised concerns about the parking for the development, particularly that 20 of the four-bedroom dwellings had no third parking space. The level of on street parking was unacceptable and would have an impact on the road network.  If there were less dwellings on the site, more parking would be available.  Members also queried the trees which had been agreed for the development and whether they could impact on the highway.  Concerns were also raised about the possible noise levels of the proposed self-build plots.


In response, officers explained that with regards to parking, it was accepted that it was a matter of judgement.  There were constraints on the site and with regard to tandem parking, the Committee were reminded that several appeals had been lost when this had been used as a refusal reason.  For the trees, the NPPF encouraged the inclusion of street trees.  There had been an increase in the size of the soil pits which would give the roots more room and would not disrupt the highway surface.  Outside of native species of trees, a number of fruit and nut trees had been encouraged.  With the self-build plots, the advice from Environmental Protection was that the location of the plots would be acceptable and it was only the location, and not the design, being considered today.


On behalf of Anglian Water, Hannah Wilson advised that Anglian Water were working with OFWAT and the Environment Agency.  When emergency overflows occurred, the Environment Agency take samples and Anglian Water were working to ensure that these overflows were not permanent.  Flooding does occur in adverse weather conditions but was highly regulated.


It was proposed by Councillor Gill Mercer and seconded by Councillor Michael Tye that reserved matters approval be granted.


On being put to the vote, there were five votes for and three against the motion, therefore the motion for approval was granted.




That reserved matters approval be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the Committee reports and Committee Update Report.

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