Agenda item

North Northamptonshire Strategic Plan Scope and Issues Consultation Headlines - Verbal Update


The Panel considered a verbal report of the Policy Manager, which updated the Panel on the headlines of the Scope and Issues consultation which had taken place between March and May 2022. 


The consultation had used a variety of methods, consistent with the Statement of Community Involvement and was more extensive than required by regulations.  This included:


   Town and parish council virtual workshops

   Drop-in sessions at main council offices

   Member workshop

   Consultation material being made available at main council offices and libraries

   Notifying people on the Strategic Plan database, North Northamptonshire Consultation Register and Residents Panel

   Press release and use of Council social media channels.


Around 370 respondents to the consultation had submitted thousands of individual responses.  Key issues from initial review included:


   Oxford-Cambridge Arc: Developers recognised the uncertainty with the ASF but considered that the Strategic Plan should still capitalise on the opportunities of the Arc. 

   Plan-period: Number of developers were seeking the plan-period to be extended beyond 2041.

   Spatial Strategy: There was recognition of the benefits of an urban-focused strategy, but several respondents sought a more flexible spatial strategy with more growth at Market Towns and in Rural Areas/a dispersed spatial strategy. The over-reliance on delivery from Garden Communities was highlighted/challenged, although promoters of some of the Garden Communities were seeking extensions to these.

   Local Housing Need: Number of developers considered the Strategic Plan should set out a provision above Local Housing Need.

   Logistics: The approach to logistics would be a key issue for the Strategic Plan. Several strategic sites had been promoted through the Scope and Issues/Call for Sites and there was strong developer pressure citing incredibly strong demand/need and a shortage of suitable sites, also highlighting opportunities provided by the sector. Several other respondents, including members of the public, some parish councils, CPRE and some Members had expressed concerns/opposite view.

   Standards: Number of developers considered the Strategic Plan should not introduce new standards beyond Building Regulations/10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

   Kettering North: Several respondents said that Kettering North should be de-allocated, and the present use of this site should be retained and/or used as a country park.

   Special Protection Area: Natural England set out that any growth needs to consider the Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits Special Protection Area and the Mitigation Strategy – growth above that planned for within the strategy may require it to be updated and revised so it continued to protect the site from increased recreational pressures and loss of Functionally Linked Land.

   Place-making principles: Broad support for the Place-making principles in the consultation document.

   Duty to Cooperate: Positive responses from adjoining authorities.


There were around 50 respondents to the SA Scoping Report and a significant amount of technical work is also progressing.


During discussion, the following principal points were noted:


i.        With regards to the plan period, members felt that it would be useful to have some indication of surrounding areas plan periods.  It was noted that West Northamptonshire had recommended the plan period of its Strategic Plan be changed to 2041.


ii.       Responses to the consultation would be published in due course.  Summaries for each question would be produced and the Council’s response would be reported to the EAP.


iii.      With reference to the logistics comments, it was noted that North Northamptonshire was an accessible area for companies.  It was acknowledged that there was a need for logistics, but the Council wanted a balanced/mixed economy.  Any logistics development needed to be sustainable and the cumulative impact needed to be looked at.  It was noted that SEMLEP were currently undertaking a review of logistics.


It was anticipated that the feedback and its implications would be reported to the EAP in early Autumn, along with the next steps.  There also needed to be consideration of the implications of planning reforms and the measures set out in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.




To note the verbal update.