Agenda item



Proposed Development


*4.1     s.73 Application: Variation of conditions 1 (approved plans) and 2 (parking spaces) of KET/2016/0607 (Appearance, scale, layout and landscaping in respect of KET/2006/0541, residential development for 151 dwellings): proposed changes to house types associated with 59 homes (parcels 4A and 4B) including design and material changes and to take account of Nationally Described Space Standards and Updated Part M of the Building Regulations (disabled access and adaption). Changes also include more space for the existing landscape, which has matured since the original approval, and makes more allowance for the drainage ditch on the northern boundary at Phase 4, Westhill (land at), Kettering for Mr J Griffiths Tilia Homes


            Application No: NK/2022/0098




James Griffiths attended the meeting and addressed the committee as the applicant stating that 270 units had been delivered so far as part of the wider development and that existing reserved matters was in place. The variation was needed in order to incorporate changes to legislation including national space standards and energy efficiency. The parking provision mirrored that of the rest of the Westhill development. Commencement of the next developments would also release the affordable housing phase.




Members received a report about a proposal for which variations to existing conditions were being sought of conditions 1 (approved plans) and 2 (parking spaces) of KET/2016/0607 (Appearance, scale, layout and landscaping in respect of KET/2006/0541, residential development for 151 dwellings): proposed changes to house types associated with 59 homes (parcels 4A and 4B) including design and material changes and to take account of Nationally Described Space Standards and Updated Part M of the Building Regulations (disabled access and adaption). Changes also included more space for the existing landscape, which has matured since the original approval, and makes more allowance for the drainage ditch on the northern boundary.


Members raised several questions regarding energy efficiency, parking and the use of EV charging points/solar panels. .


Members agreed that the application was satisfactory and raised no objection in contrary to the officers recommendation to approve the application


Following debate it was proposed by Councillor Thurland and seconded by Councillor Carter that the application be approved in line with the officer’s recommendation.








It was agreed that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:




1.      The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the approved plans and details listed below.


2.      No works shall take place above slab level until full details of an external lighting scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the approved details and remain in place for the duration of the development.


3.      All of the dwellings shall be constructed to achieve a maximum water use of no more than 105 Iitres per person per day in accordance with the optional standards 36(2)(b) of the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) as detailed within the Building Regulations 2010 Approved Document G - Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency (2015 edition);


4.      The noise mitigation measures outlined in Section 6, page 3 of the technical note reference 4501 written by WBM Acoustic Consultant, Dr Robert Storey dated 9 August 2016 shall be carried out in full before occupation of the residential units and remain in place for the duration of the development.


(Members voted on the officers’ recommendation to approve the application)


(Voting: For 5; Abstention 1)


The application was therefore







Supporting documents: