Agenda item

Financial Uplifts for Adult Social Care Providers 2021-22

To set out the proposed increase for care and support service areas and direct payment cost rate, and to outline the methodology used to develop the new rates.



a)     That the following increases in fee levels for 2021-2022 be approved.


Provision Type


Current Annual Cost


New Annual Cost


Home Care

A fee uplift of 2.25% for home care suppliers currently on a framework. This is primarily related to NLW increase and additional on-costs impacted because of NLW. This uplift is in line with regional benchmarking This will have an annual anticipated impact of an additional  £0.262m to the social care budget.




Older People’s Residential and Nursing Care (Framework Providers)

A 2.70% uplift for older person’s residential homes. The residential/nursing sector has been heavily impacted both financially and for the wellbeing of their staff during the pandemic. NNC is in the process of tendering for a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) framework and these fees will be used to provide final details on fee structure of the invitation to tender (ITT). Like domiciliary care there is some mobility of potential users of providers between North and West Northants due to often having family connections in different parts of the county.  Additional annual impact of £0.209m.




Learning Disabilities framework

A 0% increase for those suppliers on the learning disabilities framework due to a newly established contract with a 5% uplift in 2020 after only being in effect for several months previously.






Mental Health

A 0% increase for those suppliers on the mental health framework established by Nene CCG, due to further work required to establish any uplift options as a result of the commissioning responsibility transferring back to the council alongside the framework in development for 2022.




Spot Services

A 0% increase for spot purchased suppliers. Older peoples residential and nursing providers are able to apply to the dynamic purchasing system tender that is currently being tendered for (launched 01 June 2021). As a newly formed commissioning authority further work is required to understand local impacts on the domicilary care sector and it is not possible to evaluate the uplift requirements at this point in the fiscal year.





b)     That approval be given to the full breakdown of current service fees with comparison of 2.25% and 2.70% increases and definitions of “provision type” in Appendix A to the report.


(Reasons for Decision:


The Care Act 2015 establishes a general responsibility and duty on local authorities and Directors of Social Services to promote diversity and quality in care provision and ensure a sustainable market of care in their areas.)


Councillor Helen Harrison, Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing, introduced a report of the Executive Director for Adults, Health and Wellbeing which set out the proposed increase for care and support service areas and direct payment cost rate, and to outline the methodology used to develop the new rates.


A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 8’, was provided as part of the agenda document pack provided to members prior to the meeting.


It was noted that the proposed uplifts had been benchmarked against neighbouring authorities and that the Council would work within its own marketplace to benchmark and set its own rates. It was also noted that further work needed to be undertaken in establishing uplift options for mental health activity as this moved across from the clinical commissioning groups to the Council.


The Executive wished to pay tribute to the hard work of dedicated individuals on the front line, particularly through the current pandemic.





a)     That the following increases in fee levels for 2021-2022 be approved.


Provision Type


Current Annual Cost


New Annual Cost


Home Care

A fee uplift of 2.25% for home care suppliers currently on a framework. This is primarily related to NLW increase and additional on-costs impacted because of NLW. This uplift is in line with regional benchmarking This will have an annual anticipated impact of an additional  £0.262m to the social care budget.




Older People’s Residential and Nursing Care (Framework Providers)

A 2.70% uplift for older person’s residential homes. The residential/nursing sector has been heavily impacted both financially and for the wellbeing of their staff during the pandemic. NNC is in the process of tendering for a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) framework and these fees will be used to provide final details on fee structure of the invitation to tender (ITT). Like domiciliary care there is some mobility of potential users of providers between North and West Northants due to often having family connections in different parts of the county.  Additional annual impact of £0.209m.




Learning Disabilities framework

A 0% increase for those suppliers on the learning disabilities framework due to a newly established contract with a 5% uplift in 2020 after only being in effect for several months previously.






Mental Health

A 0% increase for those suppliers on the mental health framework established by Nene CCG, due to further work required to establish any uplift options as a result of the commissioning responsibility transferring back to the council alongside the framework in development for 2022.




Spot Services

A 0% increase for spot purchased suppliers. Older peoples residential and nursing providers are able to apply to the dynamic purchasing system tender that is currently being tendered for (launched 01 June 2021). As a newly formed commissioning authority further work is required to understand local impacts on the domicilary care sector and it is not possible to evaluate the uplift requirements at this point in the fiscal year.





b)     That approval be given to the full breakdown of current service fees with comparison of 2.25% and 2.70% increases and definitions of “provision type” in Appendix A to the report.


(Reasons for Decision:


The Care Act 2015 establishes a general responsibility and duty on local authorities and Directors of Social Services to promote diversity and quality in care provision and ensure a sustainable market of care in their areas.)