Agenda item

Community Managed Libraries Transfer Programme update






That the Executive:


a)    Noted the programme to provide library services through a community managed model, as adopted by Northamptonshire County Council in 2018.


b)    Noted the current progress on the 3 remaining libraries, including the completion of the existing work around the leases for Irchester Library and Rothwell Library with the existing partners, which have been delayed due to works required to the associated properties.


c)    Noted that a further report will be brought forward to seek approval to enter into the lease agreement for Raunds library.


d)    Delegated authority to the Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism in consultation with the Executive Director for Adults, Communities and Wellbeing, to take actions necessary to complete the transfer process for Irchester and Rothwell Libraries.



Reason for Recommendations: The approval of these recommendations will enable the officers to continue to progress the 3 remaining transfers via the agreed processes outlined in this report, whilst maintaining the integrity of the Community Managed Library transfer programme as a whole and the duty of NNC to obtain best value.


Alternative Options Considered: The only other option considered as part of the library service transformation programme, established by the former County Council as detailed in section 4 of this report, is that where no viable proposal for a community managed library is forthcoming, that library would close.



The Chair invited Cllr Dorothy Maxwell to address the meeting in relation to this report. Cllr Maxwell noted the importance of libraries as part of local communities, particularly in the role of community hubs.


The Chair thanked Cllr Maxwell for her attendance before the Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism, Cllr Helen Howell introduced a report that sought to brief the Executive on the background around the Community Managed Libraries transfer programme and provided an update on the progress of those libraries yet to be transferred.


Cllr Howell stated that seven libraries in North Northamptonshire had transferred to community organisations as a result of the former County Council’s Community Managed Libraries Transfer Programme, with the transfer of a further three libraries (Irechester, Raunds and Rothwell) having been delayed by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Updates for each were provided as below.


·         Irchester library had been closed since the March 2020 lockdown. The Council had liaised with the parish council who had waited for essential maintenance to be carried out on the library building before signing the lease. This work had been underway for some time and was now very close to completion.

·         Work had been ongoing with Raunds Community Library Trust (RCLT) towards a transfer since 2018. To ensure continuity of services, the trust began to run the library with volunteers under a temporary Tenancy at Will, re-opening in October 2020. During this time funding had been  sought to progress to full transfer, without success. The Council wrote to RCLT in December 2021 to explain that if a full transfer was not in place by 31st March 2022 the Tenancy at Will would cease and the library would close in accordance with the former County Council cabinet decision. Following press coverage around the potential closure, an Academy Trust expressed interest in supporting RCLT with the funding required to successfully transfer. Following further press coverage of this offer, a second Academy expressed interest in running a community managed library in Raunds. In accordance with legal advice, the Council had sought final expressions of interest from any interested parties from 17th May 2022. A further report providing an analysis of available options would be submitted to a future meeting of the Executive.

·         The transfer of Rothwell library to Creating Tomorrow Multi-Academy Trust and Rothwell Community Library Trust that had been delayed due to a number of property issues was now ready to be signed.


The Chair noted that local communities held libraries close to their heart and transfers such as those outlined above provided a great opportunity for those communities to be involved in making local decisions.






That the Executive:


a)    Noted the programme to provide library services through a community managed model, as adopted by Northamptonshire County Council in 2018.


b)    Noted the current progress on the 3 remaining libraries, including the completion of the existing work around the leases for Irchester Library and Rothwell Library with the existing partners, which have been delayed due to works required to the associated properties.


c)    Noted that a further report will be brought forward to seek approval to enter into the lease agreement for Raunds library.


d)    Delegated authority to the Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism in consultation with the Executive Director for Adults, Communities and Wellbeing, to take actions necessary to complete the transfer process for Irchester and Rothwell Libraries.



Reason for Recommendations: The approval of these recommendations will enable the officers to continue to progress the 3 remaining transfers via the agreed processes outlined in this report, whilst maintaining the integrity of the Community Managed Library transfer programme as a whole and the duty of NNC to obtain best value.


Alternative Options Considered: The only other option considered as part of the library service transformation programme, established by the former County Council as detailed in section 4 of this report, is that where no viable proposal for a community managed library is forthcoming, that library would close.


Supporting documents: