Agenda item

Ise Valley Strategic Plan






That the Executive:


a)     Noted the contents of the Ise Valley Strategic Plan and acknowledge it has been prepared by the River Nene Regional Park (RNRP) on behalf of, and with input from, the River Ise Partnership, of which the Council is an actively participating member


b)     Approved the content and approach set out in the Ise Valley Strategic Plan to enable project development and delivery that will bring about environmental, social and economic benefits to the Ise Valley


Reason for Recommendations: Approval from the Executive will enable Officers of the Council to use the Ise Valley Strategic Plan as a tool to attract funding streams and develop and deliver collaborative projects that will protect and enhance the Ise Valley and deliver priorities set out in the Council’s Corporate Plan(2021).


Alternative Options Considered:


·           The Executive could resolve not to approve the content of the Ise Valley Strategic Plan.  However, not approving the Plan would send a message to the River Ise Partnership that the Council does not see the River Ise Strategic Plan as a credible tool with which to attract funding for the development and delivery of projects that will protect and enhance the Ise Valley.


·           This approach could diminish the Council’s credibility as an active participant within the Partnership which could reduce the Council’s ability to make recommendations for project development and delivery.


·           Rejecting the Ise Valley Strategic Plan and the opportunity to actively participate on the River Ise Partnership will not stop the Council delivering against priorities set out in the Corporate Plan (2021) but it will reduce the number of opportunities available to deliver multiple priorities effectively and efficiently






Cllr David Brackenbury, Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration introduced a report that sought to advise the Executive of the preparation and content of the Ise Valley Strategic Plan and requested its approval to allow for its recognition as a tool to secure funding and to develop and deliver projects to enhance the Ise Valley.


Cllr Brackenbury noted the significant level of work undertaken in the production of the plan, acknowledging it that it had been prepared by the River Nene Regional Park on behalf of, and with input from, the River Ise Partnership, of which the Council was a member. It was further noted that due to its strategic nature, the plan could be used attract funding streams and develop projects that went beyond the borders of North Northamptonshire.


Reference was made to work undertaken by the Partnership since its 2019 inception, including:


·         The Ise Valley Way project and projected links to the existing Greenway Project

·         South Meadows, Wicksteed Park – a re-engineering of the Slade Brook and River Ise confluence


Cllr Howell spoke to recognise and thank River Nene Regional Park for the work undertaken on behalf of the River Ise Partnership, noting the benefits of collaborative working and the exceptional nature of the resulting output. The plan before members formed part of a larger picture, with walking and cycling infrastructure across the whole of North Northamptonshire being considered with a view to enhancing accessibility to benefit the health and wellbeing of residents.


Cllr Pentland welcomed the report and noted the involvement of the Climate Change, Environment and Growth EAP in commending the plan and the benefits that would stem from its adoption.


Cllr Lawman also spoke positively regarding the plan, noting the opportunity to enhance connectivity and the leisure offer as part of the wider Greenway network.  






That the Executive:


a)     Noted the contents of the Ise Valley Strategic Plan and acknowledge it has been prepared by the River Nene Regional Park (RNRP) on behalf of, and with input from, the River Ise Partnership, of which the Council is an actively participating member


b)     Approved the content and approach set out in the Ise Valley Strategic Plan to enable project development and delivery that will bring about environmental, social and economic benefits to the Ise Valley


Reason for Recommendations: Approval from the Executive will enable Officers of the Council to use the Ise Valley Strategic Plan as a tool to attract funding streams and develop and deliver collaborative projects that will protect and enhance the Ise Valley and deliver priorities set out in the Council’s Corporate Plan(2021).


Alternative Options Considered:


·           The Executive could resolve not to approve the content of the Ise Valley Strategic Plan.  However, not approving the Plan would send a message to the River Ise Partnership that the Council does not see the River Ise Strategic Plan as a credible tool with which to attract funding for the development and delivery of projects that will protect and enhance the Ise Valley.


·           This approach could diminish the Council’s credibility as an active participant within the Partnership which could reduce the Council’s ability to make recommendations for project development and delivery.


·           Rejecting the Ise Valley Strategic Plan and the opportunity to actively participate on the River Ise Partnership will not stop the Council delivering against priorities set out in the Corporate Plan (2021) but it will reduce the number of opportunities available to deliver multiple priorities effectively and efficiently





Supporting documents: