Agenda item

Levelling Up Fund Round 2 - Bid submission






That the Executive:


a)       Delegated to the Executive Member for Growth & Regeneration; in consultation with the Executive Members for Highways, Travel and Assets; Sport, Leisure Culture & Tourism; Housing, Communities & Levelling Up; and Climate and the Green Environment, the Executive Director of Finance and the Executive Director of Place and Economy authority to submit a bid/s to the Levelling Up Fund Round 2 by noon on 6th July 2022.


Reason for Recommendations – The submitted bid(s), if approved will unlock the funding for the identified projects and deliver significant benefits to the area. If funding is secured each project will commence as soon as possible with spend expected in the 2022/2023 financial year.


Alternative Options Considered – The only alternative option would be to not submit the bids for the projects identified. The consequences of this would be that there was no possibility of any funding from the Levelling Up Round 2 fund.



The Chair invited Cllr Lyn Buckingham to address the Executive. Cllr Buckingham expressed her disappointed in the report and suggested it showed a lack of vision and innovation, noting the lack of projects for Kettering and East Northamptonshire and raising concerns regarding the cycle-path link planned for Corby. Cllr Buckingham concluded by stating that it was hard to understand the vision for North Northamptonshire based on the report and suggested that the funding referred to in the report could be better spent.


Cllr Zoe McGhee was then invited to address the meeting. Cllr McGhee queried where the incentive was for people struggling financially to access some of the planned provisions noting regional disparities and the lack of projects in “left behind” areas of North Northamptonshire. Cllr McGhee also noted the lack of projects for the Kingswood area of Corby, despite these having been submitted


Cllr Jean Addison was invited to address the Executive. Cllr Addison also made reference to projects in the Kingswood area and stated that the funding should be spent in areas where it was most required, not in relation to areas suggested to be “vanity projects”.


Cllr Lora Lawman was then invited to address the meeting. Cllr Lawman made reference to the village of Wilby and disadvantages suffered by residents due to the lack of pavements or road connections, with no safe crossing point over the busy A509 and associated roundabout. It was suggested that financial support to assist in improvements would not only reduce the serious risk of accidents but would assist the Council in meeting its green agenda by championing walking and cycling. Cllr Lawman noted that there would be support from residents, ward members and the local MP for such improvements to a “left behind” area.


The Chair thanked all speakers for their comments before the Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration, Cllr David Brackenbury introduced a report that sought to provide background on the Levelling Up Fund, explained the process undertaken to identify and consider projects which may be suitable for the fund, and identified shortlisted projects. The report also sought approval to delegate the decision on which projects and package(s) were submitted to Government by the deadline on 6th July 2022.


Cllr Brackenbury thanked all the speakers for attending, noting the passion that had been brought to the debate. Cllr Brackenbury sought to provide clarity regarding the purpose of the fund, noting that its purpose was not for “left behind” areas, but to cover three key themes; transport, cultural and regeneration and town centre investments. It was noted that other funding streams from Government could be utilised in relation to “left behind” areas, and comments from speakers in this regard had been noted.


It was heard that the Council would be part of a bidding process and bids relating to all submissions would be scrutinised by Government before any funding award was successful. Consequently, projects had to be in a position to be worked up in terms of design, viability, finance and match funding as well as being ready to implement inside the current financial year and completed by 2025. As a result, the Council was constrained in regard to which projects could be submitted to stand the best chance of a successful funding bid. 


A consultation exercise undertaken during February and March 2022 had seen 59 projects received, with projects sitting within the Council’s Development Pool also considered, as were projects from the previous sovereign authorities capital programmes. An initial review process undertaken by a Levelling Up Fund Panel involving members and officers identified a shortlist of seven projects in conformity with government criteria for further consideration by consultants. Cllr Brackenbury noted that the inclusion of projects not properly considered or costed would weaken the overall bid to government and the seven suggested, if taken forward would maximise the chances of investment.


The Chair and Cllr Howell welcomed the opportunity for further Government investment and echoed the comments regarding the need for sound business cases to improve the chances of a successful funding bid.


Cllr Graham Lawman sought to provide clarity regarding the Corby Town Centre to Station Active Travel Link referred to by Cllr Buckingham and noted his support for road safety improvements in Wilby as well as noting that additional projects that had not made the shortlist of seven were being worked upon in case of a further round of funding.


Cllr Binley noted that the context of the item had been misinterpreted and welcomed clarification from Cllr Brackenbury as to the purpose of the fund. Cllr Binley also welcomed the opportunity to work up further projects in “left behind” areas in case of a further funding round.


Cllr Pentland spoke to note the significant investment that a successful funding bid could bring to area, with potential benefits for all the projects and a wide range of residents. Cllr Pentland also referenced the Active Travel Link and the improved connectivity it offered.


Cllr Harrison understood the disappointment of some speakers that projects in areas of interest were not part of those being considered for submission, but noted that developing priorities and opportunities ready for future funding rounds should be a priority.







That the Executive:


a)       Delegated to the Executive Member for Growth & Regeneration; in consultation with the Executive Members for Highways, Travel and Assets; Sport, Leisure Culture & Tourism; Housing, Communities & Levelling Up; and Climate and the Green Environment, the Executive Director of Finance and the Executive Director of Place and Economy authority to submit a bid/s to the Levelling Up Fund Round 2 by noon on 6th July 2022.


Reason for Recommendations – The submitted bid(s), if approved will unlock the funding for the identified projects and deliver significant benefits to the area. If funding is secured each project will commence as soon as possible with spend expected in the 2022/2023 financial year.


Alternative Options Considered – The only alternative option would be to not submit the bids for the projects identified. The consequences of this would be that there was no possibility of any funding from the Levelling Up Round 2 fund.


Supporting documents: