Agenda item

Budget Forecast 2021/22 as at Period 11






That the Executive:


a)    Noted the Council’s forecast outturn position for 2021/22 as summarised in section 4 of the report, alongside the further analysis, risks and other considerations as set out from section 5 of the report onwards.


b)    Noted the assessment of the current deliverability of the 2021/22 savings proposals in Appendix A of the report.


c)    Approved a contribution of up to £742k to external leisure providers to support in year pressures, with any remaining budget moved to a reserve to smooth potential future requirements, as set out in section 5.34 - 5.40 of the report.


d)    Noted that the Council has been allocated £561,450 of grant funding for discretionary support to energy bill payers outside the core rebate scheme for Council Tax Bands A-D, as set out in paragraph 5.92; and delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance to develop and implement a discretionary scheme for the allocation of this funding.



Reason for Recommendations – to note the forecast financial position for 2021/22 as at Period 11 and consider the impact on this year and future years budgets.   Specific approval is required to provide financial support to specific external leisure providers in order to help safeguard the service provision following the impact of COVID on the sector.  The Executive is also requested to delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation to develop a discretionary council tax rebate scheme in order that this can be implemented in a timely manner.


Alternative Options Considered


·                     Support for the leisure sector may be withheld or restricted further, however, this is likely to have a detrimental impact on the sustainability of the service provision in the longer term.  The support package proposed is up to £742k based on the information presented to date and will be subject to due diligence checks before payment is made. 

·                     The development of a discretionary scheme to provide support to energy bill payers who are outside the core rebate scheme for Council Tax Bands A-D, is part of a national requirement for billing authorities.  A discretionary scheme is currently being drawn up and will be funded through Government grant as indicated in the report.  There is no alternative option.



The Chair invited Cllr Jim Hakewill to address the Executive. Cllr Hakewill made reference to the final accounts of the former legacy councils, noting that figures for the former county council were not provided. Cllr Hakewill queried when the outcome of a Covid-related funding bid made by the Children’s Trust would be known given its financial pressure of £3.390m and requested an update regarding the current position of the Council Tax Rebate agreed by Government for those in Council Tax Bands A to D.


The Chair thanked Cllr Hakewill for his comments before Councillor Lloyd Bunday, Executive Member for Finance and Transformation introduced a report that set out the forecast outturn position for the Council based on the Period 11 monitoring forecasts for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.


In response to Cllr Hakewill, it was heard that with regards to the Council Tax Rebate a significant level of work was required. Those customers who paid by Direct Debit would have their accounts credited, with a view for this to commence by the end of April. Approximately 50,000 Council Tax payers in North Northamptonshire did not pay by Direct Debit and would need to be contacted to seek their preferred payment method. With regard to the former county council’s account figures not appearing in the report, it was noted that the responsibility for closure of these accounts lay with West Northamptonshire Council. In relation to the funding bid from the Children’s Trust, further evidence had been requested of the trust and a bid decision was anticipated to be made in the near future.


It was noted that there was current a forecast underspend against the General Fund budget of £1.908m, a positive movement of £959,000 since the last report and budget variances for directorates were outlined to the meeting. Cllr Bunday stated that in future years access to historical financial data would allow the Council to make more accurate budgetary predictions and large fluctuations in over and underspends would reduce.


Cllr Bunday made reference to the proposal to provide a contribution of up to £742k to external leisure providers to support in year pressures, with any remaining budget to be moved to a reserve to smooth potential future requirements.


It was noted that with regard to the Council’s two Housing Revenue Accounts, there was a reported £192,000 underspend against an approved budget of over £35m.







That the Executive:


a)    Noted the Council’s forecast outturn position for 2021/22 as summarised in section 4 of the report, alongside the further analysis, risks and other considerations as set out from section 5 of the report onwards.


b)    Noted the assessment of the current deliverability of the 2021/22 savings proposals in Appendix A of the report.


c)    Approved a contribution of up to £742k to external leisure providers to support in year pressures, with any remaining budget moved to a reserve to smooth potential future requirements, as set out in section 5.34 - 5.40 of the report.


d)    Noted that the Council has been allocated £561,450 of grant funding for discretionary support to energy bill payers outside the core rebate scheme for Council Tax Bands A-D, as set out in paragraph 5.92; and delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance to develop and implement a discretionary scheme for the allocation of this funding.



Reason for Recommendations – to note the forecast financial position for 2021/22 as at Period 11 and consider the impact on this year and future years budgets.   Specific approval is required to provide financial support to specific external leisure providers in order to help safeguard the service provision following the impact of COVID on the sector.  The Executive is also requested to delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation to develop a discretionary council tax rebate scheme in order that this can be implemented in a timely manner.


Alternative Options Considered


·                     Support for the leisure sector may be withheld or restricted further, however, this is likely to have a detrimental impact on the sustainability of the service provision in the longer term.  The support package proposed is up to £742k based on the information presented to date and will be subject to due diligence checks before payment is made. 

·                     The development of a discretionary scheme to provide support to energy bill payers who are outside the core rebate scheme for Council Tax Bands A-D, is part of a national requirement for billing authorities.  A discretionary scheme is currently being drawn up and will be funded through Government grant as indicated in the report.  There is no alternative option.


Supporting documents: