Agenda item

Transformation Plan and Progress




That the Executive:


a)     Noted the Transformation Programme progress to date


b)     Approved the five Transformation Benefit Themes as set out in section 5.3 of the report that will drive and focus the Transformation Plan 2022-25


c)      Endorsed the draft Transformation Project Proposal Plan 2022 – 25, as set out in Appendix D to the report


d)     Approved the proposed timetable for consultation as set out in section 7.5.4 of the report


Reasons for Decisions:


·         The option proposed aligns with local government reform and transformation outcomes

·         Proposed recommendation aligns and is consistent with the transformational activity and assumptions reflected within the Medium-Term Financial Plan

·         The Council and its customers will receive the maximum benefit from the option proposed



Cllr Lloyd Bunday, Executive Member for Finance and Transformation introduced a report that set out the background context to the transformation activity that had been prioritised across the Council in 2021/2022 since Vesting Day on 1st April 2021.


The report sought to:


·         Present North Northamptonshire’s transformation progress and context since 1st April 2021.


·         Define the Transformation Plan aims, objectives and benefit themes, which would shape future plans.


·         Present the Transformation Project Proposal Plan 2022-25; and


·         Set out the timetable for consultation and engagement.



Cllr Bunday stated that the plans before members had been formulated in collaboration and agreement with the Directorates of the Council and would be monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis.  It was noted that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Northamptonshire Reorganisation programme had required reprofiling as critical resource was redeployed. This had resulted in a significant amount of work being carried over from the legacy councils.


An interim Transformation Plan had been implemented from April 2021, including the three key programme areas; Critical Business, Service Improvement Structures and Disaggregation. This work had largely focused on delivering specific projects with a key dependency such as statutory obligation, contract period or legal requirement, as well as commencing the disaggregation of over 20 services currently within a hosted arrangement. This work would continue into 2022. In addition, focus had been placed on supporting the service improvement and harmonisation of key enabling support services as the Council aggregated multiple teams and services from across the geography of the legacy councils.


Details were provided to the meeting of completed and in progress projects across the Council which the Transformation team were supporting.


It was considered that with the adoption of the Corporate Plan, and aligned to the Budget setting process, now was the time to develop the Council’s transformational objectives and plans for the future to contribute to the required savings by 2025. Accordingly, the report before members sought Executive approval of five Transformation Benefit Themes, which aligned directly to the areas of focus set out within the Budget Report and would help to focus, shape and demonstrate both the cashable and non-cashable benefits of the Council’s Transformation Plan and priorities; Income Optimalisation, Rationalisation, Service Improvement Design, Service Structure and Disaggregation.


Cllr Bunday stated that by using these themes and working with services via the recent ‘check and challenge’ sessions, service areas had identified their transformational priorities and where possible had outlined anticipated income or savings. Current plans had identified that Transformation, working with the service areas would contribute savings to the 2022/23 Budget. The Plan also identified key future projects that would be developed further to deliver savings in future years.


Cllr Bunday concluded by stating that Local Government Reform had provided North Northamptonshire with an opportunity to transform local government, allowing the Council to deliver great services that residents and businesses required in an effective and efficient way.


Cllrs Harrison and Brackenbury welcomed the report, noting that the Transformation Plan was a living document, the outcomes from which were key to the Council being able to deliver high standard services to its residents. Both Councillors also welcomed the concept and introduction of Community Hubs.


The Chair, Cllr Jason Smithers, also welcomed the report, noting that transformation required genuine outcomes, something the report before members clearly set out. 




That the Executive:


a)     Noted the Transformation Programme progress to date


b)     Approved the five Transformation Benefit Themes as set out in section 5.3 of the report that will drive and focus the Transformation Plan 2022-25


c)      Endorsed the draft Transformation Project Proposal Plan 2022 – 25, as set out in Appendix D to the report


d)     Approved the proposed timetable for consultation as set out in section 7.5.4 of the report


Reasons for Decisions:


·        The option proposed aligns with local government reform and transformation outcomes

·        Proposed recommendation aligns and is consistent with the transformational activity and assumptions reflected within the Medium-Term Financial Plan

·        The Council and its customers will receive the maximum benefit from the option proposed

Supporting documents: