Agenda item

Budget Strategy Process 2022/23


The Committee received a report that provided an overview of the Budget Strategy for the 2022/23 budget process in regard to the General Fund, the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the Capital Programme. The report also set out proposals for scrutiny in relation to the budget and provided a timeline for both the budget and scrutiny processes.


Members were requested to consider the proposed budget strategy for the forthcoming financial year as well as the approach to consultation and Equality Impact Assessments (EIA) as part of the budget setting process. In addition, members were asked to consider the process to scrutinise the draft budget and Medium-Term financial assumptions.


It was noted that at the 23rd February 2022 meeting of Full Council, approval would be required for:


·         The General Fund Budget and Council Tax levels for 2022-23

·         The General Fund Medium Term Financial Plan for 2023-24 to 2025-26

·         The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget for 2022-23

·         The level of Housing Rents for 2022-23

·         The Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Plan for 2023-24 to 2025-26.


Council would also be asked to approve the Capital Strategy and Capital Programme 2022-26 for the both the Housing Revenue Account and the General Fund.


Prior to the reports outlined above being presented to Council in February, the Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee would be provided with the opportunity to rigorously scrutinise and review the budget proposals, prior to providing recommendations on these proposals back to the 10th February 2022 meeting of Executive.


The Committee noted that it was proposed to commence the budget scrutiny process after the presentation of the 2022-23 budget to the Executive at its 16th December meeting, with a view to completing Scrutiny in January 2022 allowing Scrutiny feedback to form part of the updated budget report to the Executive on 10th February 2022.


Members heard that in order to assist in the Scrutiny process in reviewing both the revenue budgets and the capital programmes for each of the main service areas, it was proposed that separate scrutiny sessions take place across the main service areas of:


·         Place and Economy

·         Adults, Communities and Wellbeing Services, including the HRA

·         Children’s and Education Services

·         Enabling and Support Services Finance, Transformation and ICT and Legal and Democratic including HR.


The Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee would be able to scrutinise each area and would have the opportunity to request further details on a particular area. Members were requested to identify any areas requiring further detailed information prior to the meetings with the Directorates taking place in order for this to be collated in advance of the meeting. This would allow for adequate scrutiny of the proposals and would allow for informed recommendations to the Executive.


The Committee broadly welcomed the proposals for budget scrutiny and made the following requests:


·         A back-up scrutiny session be made available for each Directorate to allow for further questions and information provision, if required

·         The relevant Senior Council Officers and Executive Member portfolio holders should be in attendance at each scrutiny session

·         A specific Children’s Trust session should be arranged jointly with West Northamptonshire Council

·         The scrutiny session timetable should be agreed as soon as possible


The Committee wished to see strong public engagement in the budget consultation process, with members of the public provided with the opportunity to feed into the scrutiny process and able to access the budget consultation not only online, but through all Council facilities and all libraries, including those operated by community groups.


Following discussion, it was:


RESOLVED   that the Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee:


a)    Noted and commented on the budget setting process as set out above;


b)    Noted the proposed timeline for the setting of the budget and that this may be subject to change in line with Government announcements;


c)    Commented on and agreed the proposed scrutiny arrangements as set out in the report, with the additions as set out above;


d)    Noted and commented on the consultation process as set out above


Supporting documents: