Agenda item

Capital Programme Update 2021-22




That the Executive approved the following changes to the capital programme:


a.               Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme (RSAP):

                                          i.        to increase the overall capital programme by £0.580m recognising the £0.580m RSAP grant allocation, with the remainder of the programme funded through £0.580m match funding;

                                         ii.        To recommend to Council the virement of the required match funding of £0.580m from the Housing and Homelessness Prevention approved programme to the RSAP;


b.               Devolved Formula Capital Grant Funding 2021/22 – to increase the fund by £281k to reflect additional funding allocated by the Department for Education;


c.               Disabled Facilities Grant Programme 2021/22 – to increase the fund by £311k following confirmation of grant funding allocation. 


d.               Oundle Cycle Way – to include the sum of £125k funded by Oundle Town Council;


e.               Treescape Transformation – to include the sum of £238k funded by a grant from the Forestry Commission;


f.          Corby Town Fund – to include £0.975m for preliminary design and development costs, funded by early release of funding awarded from the Levelling Up Fund;


g.               Isham Bypass - to include in the capital programme funding of £1.859m to develop an outline business case, funded by the Department for Transport Major Road Network Capital Grant.


h.               Improving Access for Disabled People – to vire £50k from an underspend on the roof renewals budget to progress urgent cases on the current waiting list.


i.           Recommended that Council approve the virement of £0.580m from the housing and homelessness programme to the RSAP.


Reasons for Decisions:


·         To increase the number of supported housing units available to rough sleepers and therefore reduce the number of individuals sleeping rough in North Northamptonshire.

·         To passport capital grants provided as part of annual allocations by government to schools.

·         To allow final grant allocations to be recognised and utilised to support adaptations and other related spend through Disabled Facility Grants.

·         To support increases to cycling provision as part of healthy living and the carbon neutral agenda.

·         Increased tree canopy outside of woodlands supporting the carbon neutral agenda. 

·         To deliver essential highways infrastructure to support growth and development in North Northamptonshire.

·         To deliver essential access for people with disabilities within their homes when providing facilities as accessible showers and stairlifts.



The Chair invited Cllr Leanne Buckingham to speak in relation to this item. Cllr Buckingham stated her disappointment that the report did not contain mention on street lighting, an issue that was frequently raised to members by members of the public in relation to the perceived impact in regard to crime and feelings of safety among residents.


The Chair thanked Cllr Buckingham for her attendance before Cllr Lloyd Bunday, Executive Member for Finance and Transformation introduced the report that requested approval for capital schemes that had come forward for inclusion in the Council’s Capital Programme. Approval of the funding would allow the schemes to move forward to procurement and delivery.


Eight schemes were highlighted as per the report and recommendation below.


Cllr Graham Lawman, responding to Cllr Buckingham’s comments noted that a project was underway to identify which of the streetlights across North Northamptonshire were the responsibility of the Council.






That the Executive approved the following changes to the capital programme:


a.               Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme (RSAP):

                                          i.        to increase the overall capital programme by £0.580m recognising the £0.580m RSAP grant allocation, with the remainder of the programme funded through £0.580m match funding;

                                         ii.        To recommend to Council the virement of the required match funding of £0.580m from the Housing and Homelessness Prevention approved programme to the RSAP;


b.               Devolved Formula Capital Grant Funding 2021/22 – to increase the fund by £281k to reflect additional funding allocated by the Department for Education;


c.               Disabled Facilities Grant Programme 2021/22 – to increase the fund by £311k following confirmation of grant funding allocation. 


d.               Oundle Cycle Way – to include the sum of £125k funded by Oundle Town Council;


e.               Treescape Transformation – to include the sum of £238k funded by a grant from the Forestry Commission;


f.          Corby Town Fund – to include £0.975m for preliminary design and development costs, funded by early release of funding awarded from the Levelling Up Fund;


g.               Isham Bypass - to include in the capital programme funding of £1.859m to develop an outline business case, funded by the Department for Transport Major Road Network Capital Grant.


h.               Improving Access for Disabled People – to vire £50k from an underspend on the roof renewals budget to progress urgent cases on the current waiting list.


i.           Recommended that Council approve the virement of £0.580m from the housing and homelessness programme to the RSAP.


Reasons for Decisions:


·         To increase the number of supported housing units available to rough sleepers and therefore reduce the number of individuals sleeping rough in North Northamptonshire.

·         To passport capital grants provided as part of annual allocations by government to schools.

·         To allow final grant allocations to be recognised and utilised to support adaptations and other related spend through Disabled Facility Grants.

·         To support increases to cycling provision as part of healthy living and the carbon neutral agenda.

·         Increased tree canopy outside of woodlands supporting the carbon neutral agenda. 

·         To deliver essential highways infrastructure to support growth and development in North Northamptonshire.

·         To deliver essential access for people with disabilities within their homes when providing facilities as accessible showers and stairlifts.


Supporting documents: