Agenda item

Applications for planning permission, listed building consent and appeal information


The Committee considered the planning applications report and representations made by public speakers at the meeting.  It was noted that there was additional information on the applications included in the update sheet.


(i)           20/01466/FUL – 4 Main Street, Hemington


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a new 3 bedroom home and provision of off street car parking for the applicant property and also nos. 1-4 Main Street.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Hemington Parish Council, the application had been called in by Councillor Geoff Shacklock and there had been more than three neighbour objections to the application.


During the debate on the application, Members raised the issue of whether it would be possible to include a condition which would require a suitable boundary to be included which would prevent light from car headlights using the parking area affecting neighbouring houses.  Members sought clarification as to whether the access drive would be maintained by the applicants or by the residents and how enforceable that would be.


In response to the issues raised, the planning officer advised that the boundary treatments condition could be amended to include reference to a boarded fence on the eastern boundary between the parking area and neighbouring property.  The maintenance of the access driveway could also be conditioned with a condition which would go with the land.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and an additional condition to agree a scheme of maintenance (including maintenance responsibilities) for the access road.  To amend the recommended boundary screening condition to include reference to a close boarded fence on the eastern boundary between the parking and garden of Silver Birches. 


Wording of the access maintenance condition only shall be delegated to the Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair.


(ii)         NE/21/00954/VAR – 20 High Street, Higham Ferrers


The Committee considered an application for the variation of two conditions pursuant to application number 17/01941/FUL – change of use to B1, B2 and A3.  Planning permission was granted on 5 December 2017 and was subject to eight conditions.  This application sought to vary condition 4, which prohibited air conditioning condensers and other plant/equipment, and condition 8, the approved plans.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been an objection from Higham Ferrers Town Council and from more than two neighbours and other interested parties.


During the debate on the application, Members questioned about the decibel levels of the air conditioning units and how they would be accessed for maintenance.  Questions were also asked about the hours of operation of the proposed units and it was suggested that a condition be included to limit the operating hours of the units.


In response to the issues raised, the planning officer advised that access to the units would be through the adjacent restaurant.  Officers had received a certain level of information about the condensers to be used and Environmental Protection had stated that the units were acceptable and had not suggested any conditions. 


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and an additional condition limiting air conditioning unit operating hours.  Hours to be negotiated with the applicant.


Wording of the additional condition shall be delegated to the Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair.


(iii)        20/01154/FUL – Home Farm Cottages, Lower Street, Twywell


The Committee considered an application for the conversion of a Grade II Listed farm building and attached cottage to create a single dwelling (Class C3); demolition of a modern extension to the barn and an outbuilding; and construction of a combined garage and carport.  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been more than three objections raising material matters.


During the debate on the application, Members questioned why the alternative access was not being used as it would have less impact on the neighbouring property.  Questions were also asked about water run-off from the proposed road.


In response to the issues raised, the planning officer advised that the alternative access had been discussed with the applicant, but it was deemed by the Conservation Officer that the amount of road needed would be considerably more harmful than the access proposed.  With regards to water run-off, condition 6 was a pre-commencement condition which required approval of details of the access road including the material for the road surface.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report and the rewording of condition 6 to include reference to the need of approval of surface water drainage for access, and the addition of conditions regarding water consumption and no burning.


(iv)        20/01155/LBC – Home Farm Cottages, Lower Street, Twywell


The Committee considered an application for listed building consent for external and internal alterations to Grade II Listed buildings to allow for their conversion into a residential dwelling; demolition of a modern extension and a curtilage listed building; and construction of a combined garage and carport.  The application had been brought to the Committee as it was associated with full application 20/01154/FUL which was being considered by the Committee due to the number of objections received.


It was moved and seconded that the application be granted. On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to grant listed building consent subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report.


The meeting adjourned at 9.10pm and reconvened at 9.15pm.


(v)         NE/21/00926/FUL – 119 High Street, Rushden


The Committee considered an application for the conversion and extension of a store to the rear of shops at 119 High Street, Rushden to form a single dwelling within Class C3 (resubmission of application 20/01654/FUL).  The application had been brought to the Committee as there had been a material objection from Rushden Town Council which could not be satisfactorily resolved.


During the debate on the application, Members were concerned that no parking provision was being proposed, which highways had objected to, and would take up space on the highway and public car parks.  It was members’ view that the application was very poor and did not have a lot of merit.  There were concerns that the application was an overdevelopment of the site as there were already four flats on the site.  It was noted that a previous appeal had been dismissed but the Inspector had rejected four of the refusal reasons put forward by the Council. 


It was moved and seconded that the application be refused.  On being put to the vote the Committee agreed to refuse the application, contrary to officer recommendation, for the following reasons:


·         Detrimental impact on future occupiers as living accommodation would need to be lit artificially and outlook would be oppressive.

·         Would result in a detrimental impact on highway safety given the lack of parking.

·         Overdevelopment of the site.


Wording of the refusal reasons shall be delegated to the Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair.

Supporting documents: