Agenda item

Draft Corporate Plan

Draft Corporate Plan summary and areas relating to the Health, Wellbeing & Vulnerable People EAP

Presented By:David Watts Executive Director Adults, Communities & Wellbeing


The Executive Director, Adults, Communities and Wellbeing, introduced the Draft Corporate Plan and outlined the route for stakeholder engagement.


Members had received presentations on the relevant priorities of the draft Corporate Plan which related to Adult’s, Communities & Wellbeing and Public Health, for the Panel to consider and provide advice and feedback to the Executive.


The Executive Director informed members that the Corporate Plan would be a high-level document, with a more detailed ‘daughter’ document to follow later. The additional document would include information about the actions to deliver the Plan once the Corporate Plan had been developed. It would be then be regularly reviewed.


Members welcomed the overarching themes and commitments of the priorities and looked forward to receiving the detail behind them.


During discussion, members raised the following points:


·         Our council should always lead by example

·         The wording used in the Corporate Plan needs to be clear and understood by all

·         Councillors would like to see the detail of the policies under the headings

·         Opportunities for those who need care to access learning and employment

·         How can care leavers plan their’ care and future goals with us?

·         Need a clear understanding of Voluntary Sector involvement and impact

·         Can we clarify how we will work with partners rather than just who we will work with?

                      i.        Inc. training for informal carers

·         We need to show carers that we care about them as well as the people that they care for

·         Concessionary rates for Care Leavers and left behind communities

                      i.        Remove the stigma (e.g. family passes)

                    ii.        Could be linked to community volunteering in exchange for free/ concessionary access to Leisure Service

                   iii.        Part of the future Corporate Parenting Offer? – varied opinions within the group as to whether we should aim to lead or work in partnership with WNC to avoid a postcode lottery scenario.

·         Need to engage with residents to put pride back into communities – helping our communities to help themselves

                      i.        Support of Local Strategic Partnerships and Voluntary Sector Organisations

                    ii.        How do we create sustainable projects that provide a permanent solution to support our left behind communities?

·         Request to planning and development control to review HMO levels in Corby, improve areas of inadequate housing & building standards, and promote widespread community integration rather than pocket communities.

                      i.        Request to build new Council housing to ensure we have control over housing standards and the building and integration of future communities.

It was AGREED that:

The following priorities identified by the Panel be considered by the Executive during the development of the Corporate Plan:

  1. Employment/ apprenticeship opportunities for looked after children to be offered within NNC and our strategic partners. (This could include future opportunities for young carers)
  2. Reflect Levelling up agenda with the inclusion of set targets within the Corporate Plan.
  3. Life-long learning opportunities (Partnership working)
  4. Learning in prison with continued course provision on release.
  5. Ability appropriate learning and opportunities for community/workplace contribution.
  6. Identification, support and respite for Young Carers
  7. Inclusion of flexible respite options
  8. Ensure that our housing policies provide appropriate offers for our varied current and future communities.





Supporting documents: