Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, Northants, NN17 1QG
Contact: Raj Sohal
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Presented By: Raj Sohal Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Charlie Best.
Councillor Sarah Tubbs was in attendance, as a substitute. |
Members' Declarations of Interest Presented By: Raj Sohal Minutes: No declarations were made. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th May 2024 PDF 93 KB Presented By: Chair Decision: RESOLVED that: The minutes be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. Minutes: RESOLVED that: The minutes be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Quality Report PDF 149 KB Presented By: Linda Chibuzor/Sara Mitchell Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that: The Health Scrutiny Committee requests that the NHS Foundation Trust:
a) Provides a detailed report on the outcomes and actions taken as a result of the six thematic reviews, with particular focus on the Mental Capacity Act review, by January 2025.
b) Establishes a regular internal reporting schedule (e.g. quarterly, if not already in place) for A&E performance and health assessment rates for children and young people, using agreed-upon metrics and outcomes.
c) Implements a systemic approach to reviewing and acting upon findings from national audits and enquiries, with regular progress updates to the Health Scrutiny Committee. Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Chief Nurse/Executive Director of Nursing from the Northamptonshire NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), which provided: a briefing and discussion on the NHFT’s ‘Quality Account’ for 2023/24 and responses to queries raised by the Chair of the Committee, prior to the meeting.
RESOLVED that: The Health Scrutiny Committee requests that the NHS Foundation Trust:
a) Provides a detailed report on the outcomes and actions taken as a result of the six thematic reviews, with particular focus on the Mental Capacity Act review, by January 2025.
b) Established a regular internal reporting schedule (e.g. quarterly, if not already in place) for A&E performance and health assessment rates for children and young people, using agreed-upon metrics and outcomes.
c) Implements a systemic approach to reviewing and acting upon findings from national audits and enquiries, with regular progress updates to the Health Scrutiny Committee. |
Public Health Recommissioning PDF 859 KB Presented By: Steve Oakley Decision: RESOLVED that: The Health Scrutiny Committee requests that the Commissioining:
a) Provides a comprehensive report in six months’ time on the outcomes of all engagement activities, including how stakeholder feedback has been incorporated into the service design.
b) Provides an update on a set of key performance indicators to measure the success of the Provider Market Event and subsequent tender process; and how a robust evaluation feedback for tender responses, with clear criteria that prioritise both quality of service and value for money, is being implemented.
c) Conducts a risk assessment of the implementation timeline, identifying potential bottlenecks and developing contingency plans to ensure a smooth transition to the new services. Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Public Health Principal for Commissioning, which provided an overview of the recommissioning of public health services for children, young people and families, as well as the sexual health services which would be in place by April 2025. The report provided an overview of the proposed service models, identified the timeline for completing the commissioning process and outlined the engagement work undertaken.
RESOLVED that: The Health Scrutiny Committee requests that Commissioning:
a) Provides a comprehensive report in six months’ time on the outcomes of all engagement activities, including how stakeholder feedback has been incorporated into the service design.
b) Provides an update on a set of key performance indicators to measure the success of the Provider Market Event and subsequent tender process; and how a robust evaluation feedback for tender responses, with clear criteria that prioritise both quality of service and value for money, is being implemented.
c) Conducts a risk assessment of the implementation timeline, identifying potential bottlenecks and developing contingency plans to ensure a smooth transition to the new services. |
Health Scrutiny Work Plan PDF 78 KB Presented By: Raj Sohal Decision: RESOLVED that: The Committee notes the Scrutiny Work Plan as it relates to Health Scrutiny. Minutes: RESOLVED that: The Committee notes the Scrutiny Work Plan as it relates to Health Scrutiny. |
Close of Meeting Presented By: All Minutes: There being no further business, the Chair thanked the Committee for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9:07pm. |