Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee (South) - Wednesday 19th July, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors M Coleman, K Harrison, A Mercer, G Mercer and S North.


It was noted that Councillors Ekins, R Powell and M Tye were present as substitutes for the above Councillors.




Members' Declarations of Interests


The chair invited those members present to make a declaration of interest if they so wished.




Nature of interest





57 & 59 College Street, Wellingborough

Had previously spoken, when previous application had been before the Area Planning Committee (Wellingborough).

He would leave the room during discussion.





Car Park, Doddington Road, Wellingborough

Was a member of Wellingborough Town Council




Informal site visits had been undertaken as follows:


·         NW/22/00712/FUL – Car Park, Doddington Road

Cllrs Jackson, Powell and Tye

·         NW/23/00138/FUL – 57 & 59 College Street

Cllrs Jackson and Tye

·         NE/23/00424/FUL – 5 Dovecote Drive, Little Addington

Cllr Jackson


Minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2023 pdf icon PDF 93 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2023 were received.


It was proposed by Councillor Wilkes and seconded by Councillor Tye that the minutes be adopted as a true record of the meeting.  On being put to the vote this was declared carried.


Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee (South) held on 21 June 2023 be adopted and signed as a correct record.




Application Reference NW/22/00712/FUL Car Park, Doddington Road, Wellingborough pdf icon PDF 417 KB

Presented By: Chris Law

Additional documents:



The committee considered an application for the construction of 12 no. residential flats, in the form of 6 no. one bedroom flats and 6 no. two bedroom flats over three floors (revised scheme of NW/22/00148/FUL).


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report to committee, detailing the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.


It was recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out the report.


A request to address the meeting had been received from Matthew Sharpe, as agent for the applicant.


He addressed the committee and advised that the original planning permission, approved by the Borough Council of Wellingborough in October 2018, had lapsed and this application was very similar but had been slightly amended, with minor changes to the materials and for the provision of an up to date flood risk assessment.


The chair asked the committee if they wished to raise any points of clarification.  There were none.


The chair invited the committee to determine the application.


Councillors considered that the scheme was good and that there was a need to develop this empty plot.  It would be an ideal location for starter homes to enable people to get onto the property ladder. There was ample parking on Doddington Road and to the rear of the site in Tithe Barn Road, with a large multi storey car park located opposite the site.  The footpath, which formed part of the cycleway, was to be relocated slightly and the retention of this was welcomed for public access. The S106 monies could be used for important projects.


No highway issues had been raised and the town council were supportive of the application. Whilst there was no on-site parking there were plenty of alternative places where the public could park.  


It was proposed by Councillor Ekins that the application be granted, subject to the conditions, in the report. This was seconded by Councillor Wilkes.   


On being put to the vote, the motion for approval was declared carried with one vote against.


Resolved that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions listed in the report.







Application reference NW/23/00138/FUL 57 & 59 College Street, Wellingborough pdf icon PDF 891 KB

Presented By: Graham Northern

Additional documents:


The committee considered an application for the conversion of 2 no. existing terraced houses into 4 no. supported living apartments (C3A).


(Councillor Irwin left the meeting during the discussion and voting on this item).


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report, which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal providing full and comprehensive details.


It was recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions listed in the report.


Requests to address the meeting had been received from Mr Turner of Gilling’s Planning and Ms Webb, who was not present. 


Mr Turner, as agent, addressed the committee, and explained that the proposal would provide four single occupancy supported living accommodation units. There would be a slight external change to include an additional door with improvements to the front and rear gardens. There would be little impact on the environment.  It was unlikely that those living in the accommodation would own vehicles and any care workers would be encouraged to use public transport. 


The chair asked the committee if there were any points of clarification they wished to raise.


Mr Turner was asked if additional boarding would be put up between the party walls.  He confirmed that this would happen within the property, during the internal upgrade to building regulations.


The chair invited the committee to determine the application.


During the debate the committee raised the following:


·        An informal site visit had shown that there was very little or no parking in this or   the adjacent street.  The parking beat survey indicated that there were several unused spaces, but this was not evidenced. There were two schools in the vicinity and vehicles were often parked for long periods during the day.

·        The importance of this type of accommodation for supported living was noted as being essential and was supported.

·         It was noted that it was unlikely that carers would use public transport, as due to the nature of their job, they would need to have a vehicle for time management.


The Senior Development Management Officer explained that two parking surveys had been undertaken with 72 unused spaces on the first occasion and 65 unused spaces on the second occasion.  Following the refusal of a previous application, an appeal had been submitted and dismissed due to a clerical error; had it proceeded the council would have lost such appeal.


It was proposed by Councillor Wilkes that the planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions listed in the report.   This was seconded by Councillor Lawman.


On being put to the vote, the motion for approval was carried with one abstention.


Resolved that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions listed in the report.


 (Councillor Irwin re-joined the meeting).










Application Reference NE/23/00424/FUL 5 Dovecote Drive, Little Addington, Kettering, pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Presented By: Chris Spong

Additional documents:


The committee considered an application for an extension to a lower ground floor garage, bedroom extension over garage, and single storey rear extension.


The Development Management Officer presented the report which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal providing full and comprehensive details.


It was recommended that the planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.


One request had been received to address the meeting from Mr Baker, the applicant.  He addressed the meeting and explained that he had purchased the property to live in and enjoy and wished to extend it to make it more suitable for his needs. He considered the design to be sympathetic to existing properties and that there would be no adverse impact on the ability to park several vehicles on the driveway.  He assured the committee that he would be employing good and considerate builders to carry out any work.


The chair invited the committee to ask any questions for clarity.


A councillor asked for confirmation on how far forward the extension would be.  It was confirmed that it would be 4 metres and as far as the current bin storage area.


The chair invited the committee to determine the application.

 During debate the following points were made:


·        As the terrace was already in situ, it was considered that the view would not change, light would not be affected by the build.  Regarding the issue of a covenant on the keeping of motor homes, this was not a planning consideration and would have to be addressed as a civil action.


It was proposed by Councillor Ekins that the planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.  This was seconded by Councillor Lawman.


On being put to the vote the motion for approval was unanimously declared carried.


Resolved that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions within the report.











Close of Meeting


The chair thanked members, officers and the public for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7.35pm.





