Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG
Contact: Louise Tyers
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: None |
Members' Declarations of Interest Minutes: No Declarations of Interest were made on this occasion. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 January 2023 Minutes: RESOLVED that: -
(i) The minutes of the meeting held on 30th January 2023 be agreed as a correct record. |
Kettering Energy Park - Draft Masterplan Presented By: Simon Richardson Additional documents:
Minutes: A presentation (previously circulated) was given to the Panel by representatives of Michael Sparks Associates and First Renewable Developments. The presentation focused on the progress made on the development project since Members were last updated.
The presentation itemised the opportunities presented by the development which included addressing the climate and environment emergency, the transition towards Net Zero, investment in infrastructure for the future, addressing the energy crisis, assisting with food security and supply, developing existing energy infrastructure on site.
The presentation suggested that the Energy Park provided an opportunity to provide additional renewable energy and would have access to a major “132kV cable” on site. Anticipated benefits included jobs during construction and 5,500 jobs during operation of the site. Investment of £512m was envisaged during the construction phase, investment of £167m per annum into the local economy through wages and business rates of approximately £8m per annum. There would be an additional investment of £40m for the Energy Park on infrastructure.
The presentation included a summary of the concept behind the Energy Park proposal, the anticipated land use of the site, the energy criteria to be used on site for land usage, building height criteria to be implemented for new construction and details regarding anticipated traffic movements. Details regarding the Green Infrastructure, Landscape Strategy and Drainage Strategy were also provided.
Illustrative layout plans and details of proposed Development Zones were presented and the general design principles being proposed.
An additional presentation slide, to those circulated, addressing potential impact on local birdlife and biodiversity was also provided.
The presentation concluded with an indicative timeline for the planning process which would see a Masterplan adopted in July 2023, Outline Planning Application submitted in the Summer 2023 and subject to the granting of planning consent Reserved Matters for development plots to follow.
In addition to the presentation, NNC officers had compiled a detailed report regarding the Kettering Energy Park Draft Masterplan Document and how this Masterplan addressed the Joint Core Strategy Policy 26. The officer report provided an assessment of how the Masterplan addressed the respective criteria included within Policy 26.
Councillor Dearing sought clarification regarding land use on the site. It was stated by developer representatives that there had been interest in the site amounting to around 3 million sq.ft. of floorspace and currently 30% of that was for B2 uses, with the remainder B8 use.
Rob Harbour requested clarification regarding the potential height limits of the buildings on site, particularly those close to the “Round House.” It was noted that it was proposed to take mitigating measures to decrease the potential visibility impact that development of the site near to the Round House would cause. Further discussion would be needed during the formal planning process.
Rob Harbour also sought clarification regarding the level of interest in the site received to date, and whether this interest met the criteria stated in the Draft Masterplan. The developer representatives stated that the current level of interest had been generated by the unique criteria ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
North Northamptonshire Gypsy & Traveller Plan - Scope & Options Presented By: Terry Begley Additional documents:
Minutes: The purpose of the report was to consider the Scope and Options for the North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan, the associated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and Equality Screening Assessment for public consultation. This was the first stage of public consultation as the Local Plan progressed towards adoption.
The report also presented revisions to the Local Development Scheme for endorsement ahead of a full review by the Panel in the Summer and subsequent presentation to the Executive and to Full Council for adoption.
The Council was required to identify the needs of Gypsy and Travellers in the area, and to plan to meet those needs through its Local Plan. Full Council on 31 March 2022 approved a Local Development Scheme, which included provision for the preparation of a Local Plan to address the accommodation needs of gypsy and travellers across North Northamptonshire.
The Plan would provide planning policies and site allocations to meet the identified needs for Gypsy and Travellers and ensure high standards of design, development and living conditions. Ensuring the provision of good quality and a sufficient supply of accommodation was key to addressing some of the disparities and inequalities faced by the Gypsy and Traveller community. In addition, it would strengthen the Council’s ability to use effective enforcement powers.
The Plan would be developed through engagement with local communities and stakeholders, including representatives of Gypsy and Traveller bodies and planning agents, in accordance with the adopted Statement of Community Involvement and legislative requirements for consultation, combining what evidence was telling the Council about the needs of Gypsy and Travellers, what people want to see happen in their local area, and how the Council could best make provision for this through a clear development strategy across North Northamptonshire.
To ensure plans were prepared on a sound basis, local planning authorities were required to undertake consultation at the start of the process in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) which specified that, as part of the plan preparation process, representations must be invited on what the Local Plan ought to contain.
With regard to the location of transit sites and temporary stopping places, Councillor North suggested that these need to align with the traditional routes used by gypsies and travellers when entering or passing through the area. There was more likelihood of such sites and places being used if they were concurrent with directions of travel.
Councillor North also suggested that there needed to be wider advertisement of the consultation process and clear information what the document related to and what it did not cover.
Councillor Brackenbury reminded the Panel that future changes to Government policy may impact on this matter.
Councillor Bone noted that under consultation it proposed that planning officers would be available during office hours to deal with telephone and email enquiries from the public; Councillor Bone wondered whether that was sustainable. Officers confirmed staffing resource would be made available to deal with enquiries ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Houses in Multiple Occupation Presented By: Bernice Turner Additional documents:
Minutes: This report set out the work undertaken to date to consider options and recommendations for the management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).
The HMO Investigation and Evidence Paper in Appendix A set out the evidence and conclusions drawn following a review of the options.
It recommended the introduction of Article 4 Direction for a specifically defined area of Kingswood, Corby. In addition it recommended the preparation of supporting planning policies through the North Northamptonshire Strategic Plan and other complementary measures to help manage HMO development in areas experiencing social and environmental issues and to better understand the issues associated with HMO and trends over time. This would assist in ensuring that the services could respond effectively and ensure the highest standards of licensing and governance of dwellings in this category. Investigation into the possible use of Article 4 Directions for HMO in North Northamptonshire was instigated by Members at the Planning Policy Executive Advisory Panel meeting on 19 July 2021.
A cross-department officer working group was established to lead the investigation under the governance of the Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel, formerly the Planning Policy Executive Advisory Panel, with interim reports provided to the Panel on 21 February 2022, 16 May 2022, and 24 October 2022.
As reflected in the HMO Investigation and Evidence Paper, the investigation conducted between July 2021 and January 2023 involved:
The report before the Panel set out the issues raised and the options currently available to the Council.
The investigation affirmed that the Council needed to take a collective response to managing HMO developments. Four options were considered in detail within the HMO Investigation and Evidence Paper in Appendix A, these included:
The report indicated that the options were not mutually exclusive, and indeed may be more effective if they were combined or worked in parallel. In pursuing ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Forward List of Items for the EAP Minutes: The Panel noted the Planning Policy Work Programme circulated with the agenda. Councillor North queried why the issue of Tresham had been omitted from the list circulated; this was unintentional and would be added back.
Under this item in response to a question raised, Rob Harbour suggested that there may be a need to hold a seminar or workshop for Members with regard to the Government’s proposed Infrastructure Levy. This was noted. |
Close of Meeting Minutes: Meeting closed at 12:01pm. |