Agenda and draft minutes

Area Planning Committee Wellingborough - Wednesday 26th April, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1BP

Contact: Louise Tyers  01832 742198

No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


It was noted that apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors Jonathan Ekins, Ken Harrington and Philip Irwin.


Members' Declarations of Interests


The Chair invited those who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda.


Councillor Lora Lawman declared an interest in item 4.1 as a Ward Councillor for the proposed development.


Minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2022 pdf icon PDF 96 KB




That the minutes of the Area Planning Committee held on 7 December 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.


Planning Application NW/23/00071/FUL - 3 Aggate Way, Earls Barton pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Presented By: Planning Manager


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of an existing single garage and replacement with a double garage.  New vehicular access from Aggate Way and demolition of a stone wall to create a 3 metres wide access and automatic single leaf sliding gate and formation of additional area of hardstanding.


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.


It was recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the committee report.


Requests to address the meeting had been received from Colin Wells, an objector; Rosemary Smart, on behalf of Earls Barton Parish Council and Gavin Anderson, the agent and the Committee was given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification.


Colin Wells, an objector, made the following principal comments:


(i)      Over the years the street scene had changed with more vehicles now double parked in the evenings and weekends.  Limited parking was available.

(ii)     He had no objection to the proposed development, but he did object to the loss of some on-street parking.

(iii)    There was a compromise to be had with the nearby grass area being converted or the proposed gate being moved to south of the pedestrian access.

(iv)    Without mitigation, the application was in breach of the Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan.


Rosemary Smart, on behalf of Earls Barton Parish Council, made the following principal comments:-


(i)      Earls Barton Parish Council objected to the application due to the loss of parking and amenity. 

(ii)     During consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan, parking issues had been highlighted as the greatest concern.

(iii)    Most houses now had more than one car and the limited parking was almost always in use.


Gavin Anderson, the agent, made the following principal comments:-


(i)      The proposed driveway would eliminate the existing driveway on Park Street.  Vehicles regularly parked on Park Street and Park Lane.  Park Lane was used, but as a cut through to the doctor’s surgery opposite the site.

(ii)     Highways and conservation did not object to the application.

(iii)    Earls Barton Parish Council had submitted their objection after the deadline and therefore should have been ruled as inadmissible.


The Chair invited the Committee to determine the application.


During debate on the application, the following points were made:


(i)      A recent application had been refused which had a listed wall.  The wall on this site was a beautiful, old wall and too much was being lost.  It was accepted that the site was outside of the conservation area, but the application was contrary to the Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan.  In response, the Senior Development Management Officer clarified that the site did not contain any listed building or listed wall.

(ii)     The parking issues were understood but there did not appear to be any material planning objections to the application and it was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Planning Appeal Decision Letters pdf icon PDF 331 KB




That the Planning Appeal Decision Letters for the following be noted:


(a)      21 Manor Road, Mears Ashby

(b)      Fronting Number 44, Gilletts Road, Wellingborough

(c)       15 Orlingbury Road, Little Harrowden

(d)       60 Park Road, Wellingborough


Appeal Information




That the Appeal Information be noted.


Close of Meeting


The Chair thanked members, officers and the public for their attendance and closed the meeting.


The meeting closed at 7.30pm.