Agenda and minutes

Area Planning Committee Wellingborough - Wednesday 12th October, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1BP

Contact: Fiona Hubbard 

No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


It was noted that an apology for absence was received from Councillor Ken Harrington.




Members' Declarations of Interest


The Chair invited those who wished to do so to declare interests in respect of items on the agenda.


Councillor Bell made a personal declaration in relation to Planning Application NW/22/00503/FUL – 117 The Drive, Wellingborough, as he lived at Shaftesbury House, which backed onto the garden of the property.


Resolved that the declaration be noted. 


Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2022 (adjourned and reconvened on 22 September 2022) pdf icon PDF 106 KB




That the minutes of Planning Committee held on Wednesday 14 September 2022, adjourned and reconvened on Thursday 22 September 2022, be confirmed as a correct record and signed.




Planning Application NW/21/00174/FUL 46 - 48 Cannon Street, Wellingborough pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Change of use from A1 to C3 to create 14 no. residential apartments. Erection of a new floor and new mansard roof

Recommendation: Grant



The committee considered an application for a change of use from A1 to C3 to create 14 no residential apartments. Erection of a new floor and new mansard roof at 46 – 48 Cannon Street, Wellingborough.


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.


The committee considered the planning application report.


The planning application had been deferred at the meeting of the Area Planning Committee (Wellingborough) held on 17 August 2022 to enable the applicant to undertake a further parking beat survey. The updated parking beat survey had been undertaken on 11 September 2022 and on 13 September 2022 and indicated there was enough on street accommodation in the vicinity of the site. No objection had been submitted by NNC highways.  


It was recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The Chair then invited the committee to determine the application.


During the debate, members discussed various aspects of the application and commented that the building was a former factory unit that had become derelict and was now an eyesore, there was an urgent need to improve the site, and to provide housing of this kind.


The parking beat survey was noted;  it was also noted that there was insufficient room on site to provide parking bays, and that not all residents would have a vehicle or require parking.


There remained concern from some members over the lack of parking in the vicinity and a question was asked about departing from the council’s parking policy.  


A question regarding a developer contribution towards the provision of education was raised.


It was confirmed by the senior development management officer that the parking policy formed part of the local plan and was advisory only. The committee needed to take all material planning considerations into account and decide whether to depart from the parking policy in this instance.


The officer also clarified that with one-bedroom properties a contribution would not be sought towards educational needs as generally families would not occupy this type of property.


It was proposed by Councillor Ekins and seconded by Councillor Lawal that planning permission be granted.

On being put to the vote, the motion for approval was carried by six votes in favour and one against.




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions (and reasons) numbered 1 to 16 in the report.













Planning Application NW/22/00503/FUL 117 The Drive, Wellingborough pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Change of use of domestic outbuilding (C3 use) into a hairdressing salon (E (a) use)

Recommendation: Grant





The committee considered an application for a change of use of domestic outbuilding (C3 use) into a hairdressing salon (E (a) use) at 117 The Drive, Wellingborough.


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.


The Committee considered the planning application report.


It was recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Requests to address the meeting had been received from an objector and the agent.


Mrs Zuzanna Ward, an objector, raised the following principal comments:


(i)        Concern over the public using the parking facilities adjacent to her property, including the movement of vehicles and safety aspect to residents who lived in The Drive, due to a fence and restricted view on leaving the parking area.


(ii)        Invasion of privacy – as the parking was adjacent to her kitchen window.  During the evening, the headlamps of any vehicle entering or exiting the parking area would shine into her home. 


(iii)       Parking in general was insufficient in the area and additional vehicle movement did not need to be encouraged.


(iv)      The parking area was poorly maintained and could be a health and safety issue for users with trip and slip hazards.


(v)       Opening times – these were excessive.



Mrs Anna-Louise Jardine, the agent, raised the following principal comments:


(i)            The agent informed the committee that there was a single occupant at the property.  The property had been purchased with the additional parking opposite, which provided for three parking spaces. There was also a space to the front of the property.


(ii)          The applicant was sympathetic to the concerns raised and had agreed to make some adaptions including agreeing to add a dropped kerb to enable a crossover to be provided for clients to park in front of her property.  She would park her own vehicle in the parking area opposite.


(iii)      She would be working on her own and anticipated having a maximum of 9 clients per day. The hours worked would be limited and flexible over 4 to 5 days.


(iv)      The existing building in the garden would be upgraded with thermal insulation being installed. A noise survey would be carried out, but it was not believed that this would be an issue. 


The Chair then invited the committee to determine the application.


During the debate, members referenced the parking site which they considered was in poor condition and only suitable for two vehicles.  They noted that the applicant would make provision for a dropped curb to enable her clients to park at the front of her property and that she would use the parking site opposite for her own vehicle. It was also noted that there was limited space in the building, and that her working hours would be limited due to her other commitments.


Concern was raised, as this was in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Planning Application NW/22/00585/FUL 34 Finedon Road, Wellingborough pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Change of Use from a Residential Care Home (C2) to a 9 bed, 9 person HMO (Sui Generis)

Recommendation: Grant




The Committee considered an application for a change of use from a Residential Care Home (C2) to a 9 bed, 9 person HMO (Sui Generis) at 34 Finedon Road, Wellingborough.


The Senior Development Management Officer presented the report which detailed the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.


The Committee considered the planning application report.


It was recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.


A request to address the meeting had been received from the agent.


Mr Alex Jelley, the agent, raised the following principal comments:


(i)        the development would be of the highest standard with the applicant investing and renovating the property with nine-bedroom units, for nine persons with communal living.


(ii)        Most of those sharing the property would be recently graduated professionals.


(iii)       Each room would be large with a bed, wardrobe and washing facilities, shared facilities would include a lounge, kitchen and bathroom/shower rooms;


(iv)       A management company would run the facility and carry out a vetting process of all residents, Tenants causing issues would be removed. The demand for this type of accommodation was increasing and was a popular friendly way of living.


The Chair then invited the committee to determine the application.


During the debate, members discussed the size of each of the rooms and the facilities that were on site.  Members raised issues around the number of shower rooms and the facilities on site. Concern over the limited parking in the area was voiced, though a parking beat survey report indicated that there was sufficient on-street parking.


Members were reminded by the legal representative that this application referred to change of use only and not the detail of how the property would be configured or what it would include. The property would require a House in Multiple Occupation License from the NNC private sector housing team and as such the detail would be looked at further under this.



It was proposed by Councillor Ekins and seconded by Councillor Waters that planning permission be granted.


On being put to the vote, the motion for approval was carried by six votes, with one against and one abstention.




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions (and reasons) numbered 1 to 5 in the report.



Planning Appeal Decision Letter pdf icon PDF 210 KB

(a)   Dungee Corner, Harrold Road, Bozeat (and cost decision).




That the Planning Appeal Decision Letter (and cost decision letter) for Dungee Corner, Harrold Road, Bozeat, be noted.


Close of meeting


The meeting concluded at 8.10pm.