Agenda, decisions and minutes

Extraordinary Executive, Executive - Thursday 3rd August, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG

Contact: David Pope 


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Cllr David Howes and Interim Director of Public Health, Susan Hamilton.


Members' Declarations of Interest


A pecuniary interest was declared by Cllr Lloyd Bunday in relation to agenda item 4 – The Future of Kettering Leisure Village. Cllr Bunday left the meeting for the duration of the debate and voting on this item.


A personal interest was declared by Cllr Jim Hakewill prior to speaking in relation to agenda item 4.




Notifications of requests to address the meeting


The Chair, Councillor Jason Smithers reported that there were requests to address the meeting as set out below:


Agenda Item


Item 4 - The Future of Kettering Leisure Village

Cllrs Dorothy Maxwell, Jim Hakewill, Anne Lee, Lyn Buckingham, William Colquhoun, John McGhee, Anup Pandey


Cllr William Colquhoun did not attend the meeting and consequently did not speak in relation to agenda item 4.


The Future of Kettering Leisure Village pdf icon PDF 174 KB




That the Executive:


i)        Noted the motion approved by Council on 22nd June 2023;


ii)       Agreed to receive a comprehensive business case, including associated options appraisal and details of any agreement between North Northamptonshire Council and Phoenix Leisure Management as set out in Paragraph 5.13;


iii)     Endorsed the agreement in principle to agree revisions to the provisions of the lease to support the site to remain open


Reasons for Recommendations: The recommendations, if agreed, will allow Officers and the Executive time to fully consider the implications of the Council stepping in to operate part or all of the site, alongside a range of other options for future operation and management of the site.

Alternative Options Considered at this stage:


·       Do nothing and let the site close as the Council does not have direct control of it;

·       Pursue the various litigation options available to the Council to enforce the terms of the lease.


Both options would not have prevented the site from closing on 3rd July 2023, which would have been of detriment to users of the site, the staff employed there and to the wider community. In addition, re-opening and mobilising an already closed leisure facility would present a range of additional challenges which may be avoided if the recommendations set out above are approved.


The other option was for the Council to directly fund the operator, CCS. However, doing so would likely breach Subsidy Control restrictions and is unlikely to satisfy value for money and other fiduciary responsibilities for the Council, not least that it would place further pressure on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.                     





(Cllr Lloyd Bunday left the meeting prior to consideration and voting on this item)


The Chair, Cllr Jason Smithers invited Cllr Jim Hakewill to address the meeting. Cllr Hakewill offered thanks to Phoenix Leisure and Compass for recognising that the local community held Kettering Leisure Village (KLV) at its heart and noted that the centre remained open as a result of their efforts. Cllr Hakewill also thanked the petitioner who raised 15,000 signatures in support of KLV remaining open following news that it was set to close. Cllr Hakewill made reference to corporate memory and requested that the public KLV support group be invited to be involved in the process of developing the proposed business case for the future of KLV. Cllr Hakewill also requested scrutiny of the production of the business case.


Cllr Anne Lee was then invited to address the meeting. Cllr Lee raised a variety of queries as set out below:


·       Contract management to ensure Phoenix Leisure used “reasonable endeavours” to keep KLV open.

·       How objectives set as part of existing grant agreements would be monitored

·       A lack of defined notice period ahead of closure of the facility

·       That a clause be inserted into the agreement to allow for Northants Sport to hold its winter event at the venue.

·       The outcome following the cessation of proposed two-year agreement period with Phoenix Leisure.

·       A query between “best endeavours” and “reasonable endeavours”

·       The lack of representation from Phoenix Leisure and its intentions for the site

·       The lack of mention of the site’s gym facilities within the report.

Cllr Lyn Buckingham then spoke, recognising hard decisions to be made around KLV and raised concerns around viability of the conference centre at the site and the sustainability of the whole centre as a result. Cllr Buckingham raised a query as to the possibility of obtaining grants or modifying the existing facilities at the site to improve viability.


Cllr John McGhee addressed the Executive noting that the site was essential for the health and wellbeing of local residents. Cllr McGhee noted the opportunities for Public Health and Social Care to be involved at the site working towards the prevention agenda and thereby improving the viability of the facility. Cllr McGhee thanked all those involved in keeping KLV open to date and asked that users of the site be provided with the opportunity to have input into the discussions regarding its future.


Cllr Dorothy Maxwell was then invited to address the meeting. Cllr Maxwell spoke to query the aims for the future of the site and the cost implications for the site. Cllr Maxwell requested additional details of the costings involved in future operation of KLV.


Cllr Anup Pandey then spoke to thank all members and officers for their efforts to keep the site operational. Cllr Pandey stated his disappointment at the perceived actions of the opposition political groups in relation to the site, clarifying that no additional funding had been provided by the Council to save KLV and referenced the motion put  ...  view the full minutes text for item 473.