Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG
Contact: David Pope
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Minutes of the Meeting Held on 21st December 2023 PDF 237 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 21st December 2023 as a true and accurate record of the meeting. |
Members' Declarations of Interest Minutes: During debate for Agenda Item 6 Cllr Lloyd Bunday declared a personal interest following reference to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau who customers of his in a business capacity. |
Notifications of requests to address the meeting Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Jason Smithers reported that there were requests to address the meeting as set out below:
Cllr Anne Lee did not speak in relation to Item 7. |
Corporate Scrutiny Committee - Budget Consultation Submission 2024/2025 PDF 68 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair invited Cllr Lora Lawman to address the meeting. Cllr Lawman, as Vice Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee, highlighted a specific concern of the Budget Scrutiny Panel in relation to the Children’s Trust spending projections and the impact on the Council’s current budget and that for future years. It was heard that the committee would need further support to help the Children’s Trust work within its contracted financial figures. It was hoped that early intervention, support and scrutiny would result in an improved spending policy that would not impact on the necessary support for vulnerable children.
Cllr Lawman also referenced the Council’s investment in ICT and concerns raised by the panel in this regard, with the committee continuing to scrutinise plans to seek value for money for services and the speedy harmonisation of legacy systems. Cllr Lawman called for the establishment of new panel of scrutiny members and IT experts from across the authority to assess and fully understand the current arrangements with West Northamptonshire Council in regard to ICT operability and service improvements. Cllr Lawman concluded by thanking officers for their work and support in enabling the scrutiny programme to be completed in a timely manner.
The Chair thanked Cllr Lawman for the time and effort of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee in bringing its proposals through and noted that the Executive looked forward to working with the committee to review its recommendations.
The Chair then invited Cllr Dorothy Maxwell to address the meeting. Cllr Maxwell spoke to make reference to the current vacancy for a Wellbeing Advisor, waiting lists to access mental health services for young people, the number of children awaiting school places with SEND provision and officer attendance at the Phase 2 budget scrutiny session in regard to early years support.
The Chair thanked Cllr Maxwell for her contribution and invited Cllr Jim Hakewill to speak on this item. Cllr Hakewill spoke to note a lack of involvement in the budget scrutiny process by members outside of the Council’s scrutiny function as well as a lack of opportunity for the public to take part at meetings. Cllr Hakewill also stated his disappointment that Executive members did not hold in-person budget meetings with the public. Cllr Hakewill stated that while the national picture for local government appeared grim, the Council should look for ways to solve financial issues aside from ascribing deficits to external factors and concluded by querying whether legacy accounts for the former county council and Corby Borough Council had been signed off.
The Chair thanked Cllr Hakewill for his comments before inviting Cllr Lyn Buckingham to address the meeting and present the report of the Budget Scrutiny Panel as Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee. Cllr Buckingham opened by offering her thanks to the Executive members, officers and all those that had contributed, attended to present and provide advice and support throughout the budget scrutiny sessions. The Corporate Scrutiny Committee noted that external influences and the move towards harmonisation had hugely impacted the ... view the full minutes text for item 578. |
General Fund Draft Budget 2024-25 and Medium-Term Financial Plan PDF 584 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive endorsed the contents of the report and recommended the budget proposals on to Council for approval. This includes:
a) the 2024-25 revenue budget for approval and adoption as set out in this report, which sets:
i. a budget requirement of £763.773m including Dedicated Schools Grant of £388.440m resulting in a net revenue budget requirement of £375.333m as set out in Appendix A.
ii. a total Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes of £201.599m as contained in paragraph 5.25.
iii. An average Band D Council Tax of £1,740.22 for North Northamptonshire Council, representing a 2.99% increase in the ‘core’ Council Tax and a further 2% for the Adult Social Care Precept, noting that a separate Council Tax Resolution Report will be presented to Council.
iv. the detailed proposals of savings, pressures and income generation for 2024-25 as set out within the report and Appendix B.
v. the provisional Dedicated Schools Grant budget of £388.440m for 2024-25, as detailed in Appendix C, and summarised in paragraphs 5.42 – 5.56.
vi. the draft planned use of, contribution to, and movement in, reserves as identified in paragraph 5.57, section 9 and Appendix D of this report, subject to the final call on reserves as a result of the Final Financial Settlement or other changes.
vii. the corporate budget requirements as set out in paragraph 8.1, including a contingency sum of £4.101m as set out in paragraph 8.2.
viii. the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024-25 as set out in Appendix H, including the Authorised Borrowing Limit of £907m and to note a further update to the Strategy will be provided once the disaggregation of the former Northamptonshire County Council’s Balance Sheet has been finalised.
ix. the recommended Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy as set out in Section 10 and Appendix J.
x. that Council delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Performance (Section 151 Officer) to agree any necessary variations to the budget prior to 1st April 2024.
xi. that Council delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Performance (Section 151 Officer) to agree the use of the following reserves which will provide the flexibility to manage the overall budget during 2024-25.
• Transformation Reserve • Public Health Reserve • Waste Management Reserve • Adult Social Care Reserve • Budget Delivery Reserve • Business Rates Retention Reserve • General Risk Reserve
b) the forecast financial position for 2025-26 to 2027-28, noting that this will be reviewed as further information becomes available and updated as part of the budget process for 2025-26 onwards.
That the Executive:
a) noted that the financial position has been based on the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement announced on 18th December 2023 together with any further announcements and updates to the forecast budget position as at the date of the publication of this ... view the full decision text for item 579. Minutes: The Chair invited Cllr Jim Hakewill to address the Executive. Cllr Hakewill queried what risks were involved for the Council regarding previous legacy authority acquisition policies and whether an income pressure of £442k associated with a one-off rental pressure for the Commercial Property Portfolio would be exacerbated inf future. Cllr Hakewill also referred to proposed revenue expenditure to fund a temporary travellers’ stopping site.
The Chair then invited Cllr Anne Lee to address the meeting. Cllr Lee noted that the Labour Group was in the process of developing alternative General Fund Budget options that would be submitted prior to Budget Full Council on 22nd February. Cllr Lee queried whether the introduction of a green waste collection subscription service had been the correct decision to take given the increase in running costs and that the service operated at a loss. Cllr Lee also noted that the voluntary sector should have a longer-term contract to allow for longer-term planning, referencing the specific example of the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) and the importance of the advice they provided.
The Chair thanked the speakers for their comments and invited Cllr Lloyd Bunday, Executive Member for Finance and Transformation to introduce a report that set out the final General Fund Budget for 2024-25 and Medium-Term Financial Plan for North Northamptonshire Council.
In response to Cllr Lee’s comments, Cllr Bunday raised personal interest as the CAB were customers of his in a personal business capacity.
Cllr Bunday stated that the draft budget had previously been presented to the Executive at its meeting on 21st December 2023, at which it had been approved for public consultation alongside the draft Housing Revenue Account and Capital Programme. It was reported that an addendum to the main budget report setting out the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement, published shortly prior to the meeting had also been presented and was now incorporated within the Budget.
It was heard that the consultation process had concluded on 26th January 2024 and a summary of feedback received was included as an appendix to the report before members. Cllr Bunday referred to a number of areas of concern and suggestion made by respondents and encouraged all attendees to consider the responses received.
The meeting heard that draft budget had formed the subject of seven sessions of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee starting with the Children’s Trust in December and ending on 23rd January 2024, with the committee’s feedback considered in the previous agenda item and appended to the report before the Executive.
It was noted that report built on the draft budget proposals and reiterated the key points to ensure that this was a complete document when setting out the revenue budget for 2024-25 and the Medium-Term Financial Plan for North Northamptonshire Council, including the proposed Council Tax level for 2024-25. The Revenue Budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan were part of a suite of reports that would be considered by Council at its meeting on 22nd February 2024. Also included for ... view the full minutes text for item 579. |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive recommended to Full Council the following:-
a. The draft 2024/25 Housing Revenue Account Budgets consisting of the Corby Neighbourhood Account and the Kettering Neighbourhood Account as set out in Appendix A.
b. An increase in dwelling rents for 2024/25 of 7.7% which adheres to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) formula on rents for social housing for both the Corby Neighbourhood Account and the Kettering Neighbourhood Account.
c. The draft Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Plan consisting of the Corby Neighbourhood Account and the Kettering Neighbourhood Account, for 2025/26 to 2028/29 as set out in Appendix B.
That the Executive
d. Noted the forecast reserves for the Corby Neighbourhood Account and the Kettering Neighbourhood Account up to 2028/29 as set out in Appendix C.
Reason for Recommendations: To ensure that the Council complies with its Constitution in setting the budget for North Northamptonshire.
Alternative Options Considered: This HRA Budgets have been the subject to a formal budget consultation and comments from the consultation have been considered as part of this process.
Minutes: The Chair invited Cllr William Colquhoun to address the meeting. Cllr Colquhoun raised the issue of void properties within the Council’s housing stock and the consequent lack of income. Cllr Colquhoun suggested that the Council could realise a significant saving by turning void properties round in a more efficient manner.
The Chair thanked Cllr Colquhoun for his comments and invited Cllr Lyn Buckingham to speak on this item. Cllr Buckingham also made reference to void properties and the impact on the Housing Revenue Account budget and also the General Fund through temporary accommodation provision.
The Chair thanked Cllr Buckingham for her comments before inviting the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation, Cllr Lloyd Bunday to introduce the report, the purpose of which was to present the proposed Housing Revenue Account budget for 2024-25 and Medium-Term Financial Plan to the Executive.
Cllr Bunday stated that the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was a separate ring-fenced account within the Council for the income and expenditure associated with its housing stock. It was noted that the HRA did not directly impact on the Council’s wider General Fund budget or on the level of Council Tax, with income primarily received through the rents and other charges paid by tenants and leaseholders.
It was reported that the approach to the HRA budget setting had focused on three key areas: -
· Revenue income, rent and service charge levels · Revenue expenditure plans that reflected service delivery patterns · Capital expenditure plans that would deliver essential maintenance to the stock as well as ensuring the Decent Homes Standard is maintained and support the new build programme
The Council, at present, operated two neighbourhood accounts for Corby and Kettering, although it was required to move towards consolidating these into one account, with work underway in this regard. It was noted that this amalgamation was a substantial piece of work and would require a 30-year Business Plan to be produced, informed by the Housing Strategy for North Northamptonshire that was currently being developed.
It was heard that the draft HRA budgets had been presented to the Tenants’ Advisory Panel on 16th November 2023, and further discussed at its meeting on 18th January 2024 where formal recommendations were made to the Executive pertaining to rent levels and the budget itself. The Corporate Scrutiny Committee were also invited to consider these proposals as part of their wider scrutiny of the budget.
It was noted that alongside the General Fund Budget and Capital Programme, recommendations would be made to Full Council on 22nd February 2024 seeking approval of thee 2024/25 HRA Budgets consisting of the Corby and Kettering Neighbourhood Accounts, an increase in dwelling rents for 2024/25 for both the Corby and Kettering, and the HRA Medium Term Financial Plan consisting of the Corby and Kettering Neighbourhood Accounts for 2025/26 to 2028/29.
It was noted that the Council was required by law to avoid budgeting for a deficit on the HRA. Accordingly, the budget must not be based on total HRA revenue ... view the full minutes text for item 580. |
Capital Programme 2024-2028 PDF 157 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
KEY DECISION That the Executive recommended to Full Council:
a) the General Fund Capital Programme 2024-28 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-28.
b) that Council delegate authority to the Executive Member for Finance and Transformation in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Performance (Section 151 Officer) to agree any necessary variations to the capital budget prior to 1st April 2024.
That the Executive noted:
a) the Development Pool 2024-28 and that schemes within the pool will be subject to further approval prior to inclusion in the programme.
Reason for Recommendations: To ensure that the Council complies with its Constitution and legislative requirements in setting the budget for North Northamptonshire Council for 2024-25.
Alternative Options Considered - any comments from the consultation have been considered as part of this process.
Minutes: The Chair invited Mr Michael Blissett to address the Executive. Mr Blissett spoke to object to a budget line within the Capital Programme 2024-28 regarding a proposed temporary stopping site for travellers at Junction 3 of the A14 Rothwell. Mr Blissett raised concerns regarding the initial and ongoing costs of the project, the assertion that the site would remain unused for extended periods of time and suggested that the topic had not been sufficiently considered by the Council’s scrutiny function when referred to them following call-in of the initial approval decision. Mr Blissett suggested a number of alternative sites for the development, stating that these would offer a significant cost reduction over the proposal. Mr Blissett concluded by suggesting there was no government requirement for such a site and that the proposal did not offer best value for money.
The Chair thanked Mr Blissett for his attendance before inviting Mr Dave Thorley to address the Executive. Mr Thorley also spoke to reference the proposed stopping site and suggested that the site would cost a significant sum that could negatively impact other areas of the Council’s budget and service offer as well as stating that such a site would have implications for the police.
The Chair thanked Mr Thorley for his comments before inviting Cllr Jim Hakewill to speak. Cllr Hakewill also spoke in relation to the proposed stopping site and raised concerns at the potential loss of green space, noting that it was not too late to remove the funding line from the Capital Programme. It was suggested that that proposal was likely to consume capital and revenue funds outside of best value criteria that could be directed to mitigate pressures on demand-led services. Cllr Hakewill stated that it was not in the public interest to proceed with the proposal and that 25 pages of comments relating to the site concerned had not been provided to either the Executive of the Scrutiny Management Board as part of their considerations.
The Chair then invited Cllr Dorothy Maxwell to address the Executive. Cllr Maxwell referred to village hall grants as well as rural street lighting, SEND capacity and the number of new houses being built by the Council.
The Chair thanked Cllr Maxwell for her contribution before inviting Cllr Buckingham to speak on this item. Cllr Buckingham referred to the Corby Towns Fund spend being less than originally stated across its various individual projects.
The Chair thanked Cllr Buckingham for her attendance and invited Cllr Joseph Smyth to address the Executive. Cllr Smyth spoke to object to the proposed traveller stopping site in terms of value for money considerations and the strong opposition of Rothwell Town Council. Cllr Smyth queried why the proposal was continuing when the site was unlikely to be utilised regularly and suggested that a lack of proper consultation had been undertaken as well as referencing the destruction of a green space. Cllr Smyth concluded by noting that the Council’s budget was overspent and requested that the project be ... view the full minutes text for item 581. |