Issue - meetings

High Street Heritage Action Zone Phase 3

Meeting: 25/08/2022 - Executive (Item 269)

269 Kettering High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) - Phase 3 pdf icon PDF 936 KB






That the Executive:


i)             Noted the content of this report; and


ii)            Agreed to redirect investment in delivering Phase 3 of the plans for public realm into Gold Street, and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place and Economy to investigate and execute the delivery through the Scape Framework.



Reason for Recommendation: To provide Member awareness and seek agreement to the shaping of investment in the remaining period of the Kettering High Street Heritage Action Zone programme, in particular with regards the Phase 3 public realm works.


Alternative Options Considered: The same spend profile could be retained as was set in the original Stage 2 Programme Design over two years ago.  However, circumstances changed during the period of the programme, and fresh priorities emerge.  It is important that investment is optimised, whilst still meeting the parameters of the project.  Retaining the same spend profile has been considered, but risks of limited impact or unspent funds are considered greater from taking this approach.

The Project Team have been pleased with the standard of workmanship from the team delivering the public realm improvements, and the support it has gained from working through the Scape Framework.  It has explored options for retaining the same team and undertaking further procurement through Scape.





The Chair invited Cllr David Brackenbury, Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration to introduce a report that sought to inform Members of the work in delivering improvements to Kettering town centre with the support of funding from Historic England’s High Street Heritage Action Zone fund and also sought agreement to arrangements for the remaining programme, which included a Phase 3 of the public realm works.


Cllr Brackenbury noted the positive impact that regeneration work would have on Kettering town centre and that funding for the Phase 3 public realm works was a reallocation from the planned gateway at Lower Street to allow extended work into Gold Street.


Cllrs Edwards and Bunday spoke to welcome the improvements to the town centre and noted positive feedback from residents, traders and visitors as a result.







That the Executive:


i)             Noted the content of this report; and


ii)            Agreed to redirect investment in delivering Phase 3 of the plans for public realm into Gold Street, and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place and Economy to investigate and execute the delivery through the Scape Framework.



Reason for Recommendation: To provide Member awareness and seek agreement to the shaping of investment in the remaining period of the Kettering High Street Heritage Action Zone programme, in particular with regards the Phase 3 public realm works.


Alternative Options Considered: The same spend profile could be retained as was set in the original Stage 2 Programme Design over two years ago.  However, circumstances changed during the period of the programme, and fresh priorities emerge.  It is important that investment is optimised, whilst still meeting the parameters of the project.  Retaining the same spend profile has been considered, but risks of limited impact or unspent funds are considered greater from taking this approach.

The Project Team have been pleased with the standard of workmanship from the team delivering the public realm improvements, and the support it has gained from working through the Scape Framework.  It has explored options for retaining the same team and undertaking further procurement through Scape.