Decision details

Public Participation

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chair noted that there were no public statements on this occasion.


The following member of the public asked a question to Council in accordance with meeting procedure rule 16.


Mr Chris Ashton – asked if the Council was prepared to administer a recall petition should this take place in Wellingborough constituency??If so, would the Council publish guidance on the rules and conduct of a recall petition to assist local electors.


Adele Wylie, Petitions Officer answered that following notification from the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Electoral Services team had put in place arrangements to deliver a recall petition. The Council was well prepared to administer urgent matters such as a recall petition. The Council’s website would have information about the recall petition and how registered electors could sign the petition within the Wellingborough Constituency.  In addition, registered electors would receive a Notice of Petition (like a Poll Card in an election) to ensure that they knew how and where to sign the petition should they wish to do so. 


Mr Ashton asked the following supplementary question – What timeframe would be on receiving Notices of Petition?


Adele Wylie answered that they would be sent out on or around 3rd November 2023.


The Chair thanked Mr Ashton for asking his question and for the officer response.

Publication date: 30/10/2023

Date of decision: 26/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 26/10/2023 - Council