Decision details

Fletton Field - Oundle

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Chair invited Cllr Lyn Buckingham to address the meeting. Cllr Buckingham spoke in support of Fletton Field continuing to be utilised as a community space given its value to the residents of Oundle.


The Chair thanked Cllr Buckingham for her attendance before inviting Cllr Graham Lawman, Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets to introduce a report that sought confirmation of Fletton Field, Oundle as surplus to Council requirements and to authorise the transfer of the site following the statutory process documented in the Asset of Community Value (England) Regulations and the Council’s Asset of Community Value Policy evaluation process, noting that any transfer would be subject to a restriction of the main use as public open space.


It was heard that Fletton Field was a former school playing field located within the central area of Oundle. It was left over from the reorganisation of schools in the former East Northamptonshire area. The former County Council had planned to sell it for development, however these plans had not materialised, and the land became used by the local community for recreation, being declared an Asset of Community Value. Oundle Town Council had submitted a Community Asset Transfer request, so a decision on its future was required.


Both the Chair and Cllr Harrison welcomed the report noting that the status of the site had been a long-running issue and was one that required concluding.







That the Executive:-


a)    Confirmed the category of land use as public open space and so foregoes any potential development value from the site.


b)    Confirmed Fletton Field as surplus and authorised the transfer of the site, following the statutory process documented in the Asset of Community Value (England) Regulations and the Council’s Asset of Community Value Policy evaluation process.


c)    Noted that any transfer will be subject to a restriction of the main use as public open space.


d)    Noted that Oundle Town Council had already expressed an interest in acquiring the site to hold it as custodians for the community and maintain its use as public open space and that they will be eligible to bid for the site as part of the Asset of Community Value marketing process.


e)    Noted that Fletton Field Association continue to support community activity on Fletton Field and that this support is encouraged by the Council.


f)     Granted delegations to the Deputy Leader of the Council in consultation with the Assistant Director of Assets & Environment, to evaluate the bids, determine the preferred bidder and agree the financial terms of the transfer.



Reasons for Recommendations:


·      The recommendations provide certainty to the Council and the community regarding a local community asset.


·      The Asset Management team tasked with reviewing options for Fletton Field have identified issues that would affect development, furthermore, development was not supported through the planning process, evidenced by two failed planning applications made by NCC.


·      The Council is under an obligation to review surplus land holdings and bring sites forward within a reasonable timeframe. This site has been held surplus for over four years so a resolution to determine the outcome is due.


·      There is no alternative use identified for this land by the Council.

Alternative Options Considered: The only reasonable alternative for the site would be for the Council to own it as public open space, however, the Council does not currently maintain Fletton Field and considers that ongoing custodianship of the field as public open space is best supported locally (subject to ensuring the land has adequate restrictions registered on the title that protect future use as an open space).

Publication date: 13/10/2022

Date of decision: 13/10/2022

Decided at meeting: 13/10/2022 - Executive

Effective from: 21/10/2022

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