Decision details

Capital Programme Update 2021/22

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No




That the Executive:


a)      Approved the following changes into the capital programme totalling



i)    Cannock Road HRA New Build – increase in budget of £0.189m to

£1.036m funded from a combination of Right to Buy Receipts 40% and borrowing under the HRA Programme of 60%. The funding will be made available through a virement from the approved overall New Build HRA Programme.


ii) Council Chamber – purchase of furniture and audio-visual equipment to facilitate full council meetings requiring a budget of £163k to be financed through a virement from the budget for Municipal Offices which is currently not committed.


b)      Noted the request to Council to approve an increase in the budget of £0.666m for the Cheltenham Road HRA New Build to £3.861m funded from a combination of Right to Buy Receipts 40% and borrowing under the HRA Programme of 60%. Council approval is required due to the value of the virement from the New Build HRA Programme budget exceeding £500k.



(Reasons for Decisions)


·                Utilisation of right to buy receipts, which if not spent within four years have to be returned to the Government with interest.


·                To help address the housing need for affordable homes for residents who may not be able to afford private rented homes


·                Provide facilities to enable Council meetings to be broadcast and accommodate the potential number of attendees for each meeting.

Report author: Executive Director - Finance & Performance

Publication date: 01/10/2021

Date of decision: 30/09/2021

Decided at meeting: 30/09/2021 - Executive