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Addison, Councillor Jean Addison
Allebone, Councillor Tim Allebone
Anslow, Councillor Valerie Anslow
Armour, Councillor Ross Armour
Bell, Councillor Paul Bell
Best, Councillor Charlie Best
Binley, Councillor Matt Binley
Bone, Councillor Jennie Bone
Brackenbury, Councillor David Brackenbury
Brackenbury, Councillor Wendy Brackenbury
Brown, Councillor Cedwien Brown
Brown, Councillor Scott Brown
Buckingham, Councillor Leanne Buckingham
Buckingham, Councillor Lyn Buckingham
Bunday, Councillor Lloyd Bunday
Carr, Councillor Jon-Paul Carr
Carter, Councillor Robin Carter
Coleman, Councillor Melanie Coleman
Colquhoun, Councillor William Colquhoun
Currall, Councillor John Currall
Dalziel, Councillor Alison Dalziel
Dearing, Councillor Mark Dearing
Dell, Councillor Dez Dell
Edwards, Councillor Scott Edwards
Ekins, Councillor Jonathan Ekins
Evelyn, Councillor Alex Evelyn
Fedorowycz, Councillor Emily Fedorowycz
Griffiths, Councillor Martin Griffiths
Hakewill, Councillor Jim Hakewill
Hallam, Councillor Clive Hallam
Harrington, Councillor Ken Harrington
Harrison, Councillor Helen Harrison
Harrison, Councillor Kirk Harrison
Henson, Councillor Larry Henson
Howell, Councillor Helen Howell
Howes, Councillor David Howes
Irwin, Councillor Philip Irwin
Jackson, Councillor Bert Jackson
Jelley, Councillor Ian Jelley
Jenney, Councillor Barbara Jenney
Keane, Councillor Matt Keane
Lawal, Councillor King Lawal
Lawman, Councillor Graham Lawman
Lawman, Councillor Lora Lawman
Lee, Councillor Anne Lee
Levell, Councillor Richard Levell
Marks, Councillor Paul Marks
Maxwell, Councillor Dorothy Maxwell
McElhinney, Councillor Bill McElhinney
McEwan, Councillor Peter McEwan
McGhee, Councillor John McGhee
McGhee, Councillor Zoe McGhee
Mercer, Councillor Andy Mercer
Mercer, Councillor Gill Mercer
Nichol, Councillor Macaulay Nichol
North, Councillor Steven North
O'Hara, Councillor Jan O'Hara
Pandey, Councillor Dr Anup Pandey
Partridge-Underwood, Councillor Tom Partridge-Underwood
Pengelly, Councillor Mark Pengelly
Pentland, Councillor Harriet Pentland
Powell, Councillor Roger Powell
Prentice, Councillor Elliot Prentice
Rielly, Councillor Simon Rielly
Roberts, Councillor Russell Roberts
Rowley, Councillor Mark Rowley
Shacklock, Councillor Geoff Shacklock
Sims, Councillor David Sims
Smith-Haynes, Councillor Chris Smith-Haynes
Smithers, Councillor Jason Smithers
Smyth, Councillor Joseph John Smyth
Tebbutt, Councillor Mike Tebbutt
Tubbs, Councillor Sarah Tubbs
Tye, Councillor Michael Tye
Vacancy, Vacancy
Vacancy, Vacancy
Ward, Councillor Malcolm Ward
Waters, Councillor Malcolm Waters
Watt, Councillor Kevin Watt
Watts, Councillor Keli Watts
Weatherill, Councillor Andrew Weatherill
Wilkes, Councillor Lee Wilkes
Registered gifts and hospitalities
There are no gifts or hospitalities for this period