
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

20/01/2025 - High Street Rental Auctions Early Adopters ref: 1734    Recommendations Approved

To approve the High Street Rental Auction Policy

Decision Maker: Executive Member - Leader of the Council

Decision published: 30/01/2025

Effective from: 20/01/2025

29/01/2025 - Draft Climate Change Strategy 2025-2030 ref: 1736    For Determination

Decision Maker: Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 29/01/2025

Effective from: 29/01/2025


Resolved that Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee:

(i)            Commends the positive progress made toward the development of a Climate Change Strategy for the council;

(ii)           Notes the comments made by the committee to progress the implementation of the Climate Change Strategy and actions contained therein as quickly as possible.


29/01/2025 - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025-2028 ref: 1735    For Determination

Decision Maker: Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 29/01/2025

Effective from: 29/01/2025


Resolved that the Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee recommends:


(i)              to Executive and Council that the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025-2028 be adopted, taking into consideration the comments regarding the vehicle signage and vehicle advertising remaining for safety reasons and subject to  a table being included within the policy of timescales of implementation dates;

(ii)             That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Place and Economy to make any minor corrections to the policy.

(iii)          That delegated authority to postpone the planned commencement date of the policy, due to be 1 April 2025, be given to the Executive Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration, to ensure it is implemented in tandem with the effective date of a new set of Hackney Carriage Byelaws, which are subject to a separate adoption process and approval by Council.


27/01/2025 - Budget Scrutiny 2025/26 - Report of the Budget Scrutiny Panel ref: 1729    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 27/01/2025




(i)         To approve the draft report from the Budget Scrutiny Panel.


(ii)        To agree that the report be submitted to the Executive as the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s response to the draft budget 2025/26.

27/01/2025 - Scrutiny Work Plan for the Corporate Scrutiny Committee ref: 1730    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 27/01/2025


RESOLVED to note the Scrutiny Work Plan as it relates to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.

27/01/2025 - Capital Outturn 2024/25 - Q2 ref: 1728    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 27/01/2025


RESOLVED to note the capital outturn for Quarter 2.

27/01/2025 - Budget Forecast Update 2024/25 - Q2 ref: 1727    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 27/01/2025


RESOLVED to note the budget forecast for Quarter 2.

27/01/2025 - Key Performance Indicators 2024/25 - Q2 ref: 1726    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 27/01/2025


RESOLVED to note the performance of the Council and its services for Quarter 2.

20/01/2025 - Education Capital Programme ref: 1723    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: EAP Future Communities

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - EAP Future Communities

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 20/01/2025


RESOLVED to note the presentation on the Education Capital Programme 2025 as it relates to the planning and commissioning of school places in North Northamptonshire.

20/01/2025 - Elective Home Education ref: 1722    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: EAP Future Communities

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - EAP Future Communities

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 20/01/2025




(i)         To note the presentation on Elective Home Education.


(ii)        That Elective Home Education be a standing item on future agendas of the EAP.

20/01/2025 - Forward List of Items for the EAP ref: 1724    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: EAP Future Communities

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - EAP Future Communities

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 20/01/2025


The forward list of items for the EAP was considered. The following items are to be added:


·         Elective Home Education (Standing Item)

·         Update on EHCP (February 2025)

22/01/2025 - Application NW/24/00063/FUL - Southwood House, 45 Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 2JH ref: 1725    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee (South)

Made at meeting: 22/01/2025 - Planning Committee (South)

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 22/01/2025


Resolved that:


(i)            planning permission be granted subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 legal agreement which secures appropriate planning obligations;

(ii)           subject to an amendment to the financial contribution, secured by the  planning obligation, that this be spent on Parks and Gardens and be prioritised for open spaces within the administrative boundary of Wellingborough Town Council with the exact location to be delegated to the executive director of place and economy, in consultation with the chair of the planning committee;

(iii)          should a satisfactory Section 106 agreement securing appropriate planning obligations not be completed by 30 June 2025, or any further extension of time agreed in writing between the applicant and the local planning authority, that it be delegated to the executive director for place and economy to refuse planning permission;

(iv)          subject to conditions listed in paragraph 11 of the report;

(v)           subject to an additional condition that the contractors hours of work be limited to those set out in the ‘considerate contractors’ standard;

(vi)          subject to an additional condition that construction deliveries to the site be confined to after 9.30am and before 3pm during school term; and

(vii)        the final wording of the additional conditions be delegated to the executive director of place and economy, in consultation with the chair of the planning committee.