That the Executive:
a) Noted the findings of the public consultation analysis for the Corby Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which forms Appendix B of this report;
b) Approved and adopted the Corby LCWIP which forms Appendix A of this report as a Council policy document;
c) Agreed the prioritisation of routes within the Corby LCWIP, subject to funding being available, forms the basis of work to develop preliminary designs for the routes to inform future funding bids.
Reason for Recommendations – Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are the recommended Department for Transport approach for planning and co-ordinating provision for active travel modes. They provide a strategic and planned approach for short- and long-term provision for cycling and walking within the local area.
The Corby LCWIP has been developed to enable the Council to:
· Identify prioritised cycling and walking infrastructure improvements for future investment; · Ensure that consideration is given to cycling and walking within both local planning and transport policies and strategies; and · Make the case for future funding for walking and cycling infrastructure.
Alternative Options Considered – While it would be possible to develop an LCWIP based on a different methodology to that contained in Government guidance on LCWIPs, this is not recommended as it would mean that the Council was less likely to secure Government funding. However, should alternative funding (such as S106) become available for particular corridors, it would be possible to progress lower priority schemes on that basis.
The Chair invited Cllr Lyn Buckingham to address the Executive. Cllr Buckingham raised the issue of dropped kerbs and a lack of provision within the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan that took account of mobility scooters, especially in light of an ageing population.
The Chair thanked Cllr Buckingham for her comments before inviting Cllr Matt Binley, Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets to introduce a report that sought to provide information on the Corby Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), reported on the findings from the recent public consultation on the subject and sought approval for its adoption.
In response to Cllr Buckingham’s comments, it was noted that by its very nature the LCWIP did not cover provisions for mobility scooters and that only specific elements as mandated by the Department for Transport for active travel could be considered.
The meeting noted that the LCWIP had been developed to identify prioritised cycling and walking infrastructure improvements, to ensure that consideration was given to cycling and walking within local planning and transport policies and strategies and to make the case for future funding for walking and cycling infrastructure. It was reported that LCWIPs were recommended by the Department for Transport for short and long-term provision for cycling and walking within the local area
Cllr Binley reported that should funding become available, work would commence on the development of preliminary designs for the routes and improvements identified, allowing future funding bids to be submitted. Details of the walking and cycling improvement routes identified were highlighted to the meeting.
The Executive heard that a comprehensive consultation process had been undertaken during August and September 2023, with 59% of responses received to plans being positive, 27% neutral and 14% negative. Comments received in regard to the initial draft of the LCWIP had been reviewed and were taken into consideration as part of the technical report.
The report contained a significant amount of supporting information including analysis of current provisions as well as the potential for identified walking and cycling routes that included Weldon and other developments around Corby as a way of linking these areas. Cllr Binley noted that the LCWIP also linked in with the Council’s developing Greenway Strategy.
The proposals before members had been considered and supported by the Sustainable Communities EAP at its meetings on 26th April and 9th November 2023.
Cllr Harriet Pentland welcomed the report and noted the hard work and careful consideration that had gone into identifying routes as set out in the plan. The role of the Sustainable Communities EAP in shaping the document was referenced, as was the importance of access to active travel modes that benefitted both the environment and people’s health. Cllr Pentland concluded by stating that the plan fitted well with the Council’s corporate values and looked forward to the development of the associated infrastructure.
Cllr Helen Howell described the draft LCWIP as a great example of what could be achieved, subject to funding opportunities, when a project was viewed holistically, noting the link with the Greenway Strategy and the potential benefits for the whole of North Northamptonshire.
Cllr Edwards spoke to welcome the report, noting that planned improvements would have a beneficial impact on the number of children using active travel to get to and from school, as well as reducing parking pressures associated with schools.
Cllr David Brackenbury also welcomed the report and joined-up thinking and reasons behind it, promoting, as it did, active lives, mental health considerations and connectivity into the Greenway.
Cllr Binley concluded debate by thanking his fellow members for their comments and noting the far-reaching nature of the plan that crossed into a number of different portfolio areas.
That the Executive:
a) Noted the findings of the public consultation analysis for the Corby Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which forms Appendix B of this report;
b) Approved and adopted the Corby LCWIP which forms Appendix A of this report as a Council policy document;
c) Agreed the prioritisation of routes within the Corby LCWIP, subject to funding being available, forms the basis of work to develop preliminary designs for the routes to inform future funding bids.
Reason for Recommendations – Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are the recommended Department for Transport approach for planning and co-ordinating provision for active travel modes. They provide a strategic and planned approach for short- and long-term provision for cycling and walking within the local area.
The Corby LCWIP has been developed to enable the Council to:
· Identify prioritised cycling and walking infrastructure improvements for future investment; · Ensure that consideration is given to cycling and walking within both local planning and transport policies and strategies; and · Make the case for future funding for walking and cycling infrastructure.
Alternative Options Considered – While it would be possible to develop an LCWIP based on a different methodology to that contained in Government guidance on LCWIPs, this is not recommended as it would mean that the Council was less likely to secure Government funding. However, should alternative funding (such as S106) become available for particular corridors, it would be possible to progress lower priority schemes on that basis.
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