Agenda item


Presented By:Edward Oteng


Proposed Development


*3.2     Approval of Reserved Matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for site preparation works including remediation, development platform creation, drainage and service infrastructure provision, initial estate road construction, ecological mitigation and perimeter landscaping at Cowthick Plantation, Stamford Road, Stanion for Mulberry Commercial Developments Limited


            Application No: NC/21/00064/REM




Hartley Bolton attended the meeting and addressed the committee as a third party objector to the proposed development raising concerns with the increased level of traffic and the detrimental impact it would have on driver/resident safety along the A6116. Mr Bolton also raised concerns with regards to localised flooding that may be associated with local warehouse development.


Philip Jones attended the committee and addressed the committee as the applicant for the proposed development stating that Highways and ecological factors had been considered as part of the planning process and that all requirements would be met. Mr Jones also stated to the committee that the drainage scheme had been approved in detail and allowed for greater control to prevent excess water entering the Harpers Brook. It was also confirmed to members that access and highways were being dealt with within a separate reserved matters application.





Members received a report about a proposal for which reserved matter approval was being sought for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for site preparation works including remediation, development platform creation, drainage and service infrastructure provision, initial estate road construction, ecological mitigation and perimeter landscaping.


Members sought clarity regarding other reserved matters applications in relation to the Highways officer comments contained within the reports.


It was heard that the highway comments relating to access were to be addressed in a separate reserved matters application not yet before committee. A Transport Assessment was to be included and would inform layout of roundabout and relevant junctions but not considered relevant to the internal layout.


Members raised questions regarding the aesthetic green belt that would surround the proposed development. It was confirmed that a measure of set back and natural screening would ensure that the proposed development would not have an adverse effect on the surrounding area.


Members then agreed that the proposed development was satisfactory and saw no issue with approving the application as per the officer’s recommendation.


Following debate it was proposed by Councillor Bell and seconded by Councillor Dalziel that the application be approved in line with the officers recommendation.




It was agreed that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:



1.       The development shall conform in all aspects with the plans and details shown in the application as listed below, unless variations are agreed by the Local Planning Authority in order to discharge other conditions attached to this decision:

          -Location Plan, Dwg. No.- 4345-035 Rev.P2

          -Topographical Survey, Dwg. No.- 24561_T_Phase_2 Rev.0

          -Primary Sub-Station & Foul Pump Station, Dwg. No.- 4345-028 Rev.P8

          -Indicative Primary Sub-Station

          - Site Preparation Plateaus- Layout and Levels - Option 2, Dwg. No.- 127144/0252             Rev.G

          - Site Preparation Plateaus- Earthworks Isopachyte- Option 2, Dwg. No.-                                       127144/0253 Rev.E

          -Constraints Plan, Dwg. No.- 127144/0254 Rev.B

          -Advanced Works- Drainage Strategy, Dwg. No.- 127144/0255 Rev.F

          -Sub-Station & Pump Station Compounds Access Road G.A, Dwg. No.-                                        127144/0260 Rev.A

          -Site Sections (Sheet 1), Dwg. No.- 127144/0261 Rev.B

          -Site Sections (Sheet 2), Dwg. No.- 127144/0262 Rev.B

          -Railway Cutting Sections & Details (Sheet 1), Dwg. No.- 127144/0263

          -Railway Cutting Sections & Details (Sheet 2), Dwg. No.- 127144/0264

          -Planting Matrix & Schedules, BMD.18.023.SP.P003 Rev.B

          -Overall General Arrangement,  BMD.18.023.DR.P100 Rev.C

          -General Arrangement 1 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P101 Rev.C

          -General Arrangement 2 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P102 Rev.C

          -General Arrangement 3 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P103 Rev.B

          -General Arrangement 4 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P104 Rev.B

          -General Arrangement 5 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P105 Rev.B

          -General Arrangement 6 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P106 Rev.C

          -General Arrangement 7 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P107 Rev.B

          -General Arrangement 8 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P108 Rev.B

          - General Arrangement 9 of 9, BMD.18.023.DR.P109 Rev.B

          - Planting Plan 1 of 5 BMD.18.023.DR.P301 Rev.C

          -Planting Plan 2 of 5 BMD.18.023.DR.P302 Rev.C

          -Planting Plan 3 of 5 BMD.18.023.DR.P303 Rev.B

          -Planting Plan 4 of 5 BMD.18.023.DR.P304 Rev.B

          -Planting Plan 5 of 5 BMD.18.023.DR.P305 Rev.B

          -Sections 1 of 3 BMD.18.023.DR.P401 Rev.A

          -Sections 2 of 3 BMD.18.023.DR.P402 Rev.A

          -Sections 3 of 3 BMD.18.023.DR.P403 Rev.A

          -Tree Pit Details 1 of BMD.18.023.DR.P601 Rev.A

          -Tree Pit Details 2 of 4 BMD.18.023.DR.P602 Rev.A

          -Tree Pit Details 3 of 4 BMD.18.023.DR.P603 Rev.A

          -Tree Pit Details 4 of 4 BMD.18.023.DR.P604 Rev.A

          -Soft Landscape Details BMD.18.023.DR.P605 Rev.A

          -Landscape Design Statement BMD.18.023.SP.P002 Rev.A

          -Indicative Site External Lighting Layout 18-096-EX-001 Rev.T4

          -External Artificial Lighting Assessment Report 18-096 Revision P2.


(Members voted on the officers’ recommendation to approve the application)


(Voting: For: 10; Against 1)


The application was therefore