Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Motions on Notice


To consider motions received in accordance with Meeting Procedure Rule 18 as follows: -


Motion 1


To be proposed by Cllr Russell Roberts and seconded by Cllr Ian Jelley –


The Labour Government’s decision to block Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners who do not receive benefits such as pension credit will impact around 57,000 pensioners in North Northants. This will affect the health & well-being of our poorest older residents.


44% of pensioners entitled to pension credit do not claim it. Many pensioners are too proud to ask for means tested benefits or could find it difficult to manage the 22 page application form to apply for pension credit.


Pensioners have received this payment without means testing since its inception. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, fuel costs have increased, and the Government is raising the energy price cap by 10% this winter. There is also a prediction that the price cap will rise another 3% in early 2025.


Pensioners will therefore need the winter fuel allowance more than ever as without it, many vulnerable pensioners will be forced to choose between heating and eating.


Therefore, this Council calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer  asking them to reverse the decision to stop Winter Fuel payments for our pensioners.


Motion 2


To be proposed by Cllr Philip Irwin and seconded by Cllr Lee Wilkes –


The Government has said that it will remove the exemption for 20% VAT in fees for private schools. This Council is concerned that this may lead to many parents having to remove their children from their private school and send them to a state school. Many parents struggle and go without to pay for their children’s private education and would not be able to afford a rise of 20% in the fees.


In view of the lack of school places particularly in our secondary schools, we are concerned that this will have a big impact on schools in North Northants and on the pupils.


This Council therefore calls on the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Education to ask:


1.     What estimates have you made of the effect of this decision on schools in North Northamptonshire? i.e. How many extra pupils in what year groups are expected to move to the state system?

2.     What estimates have been made of the cost to North Northants Council to provide school places and home to school transport for these displaced pupils?

3.     Is the Government going to provide new burden funding for local authorities to cope with the capital cost of buildings and facilities to cope with this increase in pupils at our state schools?

4.       Is the Government going to provide funding for local authorities to cope with the revenue cost for our state schools if they have sudden influx of new pupils?



Motion 1 – Winter Fuel Payments


That Council approves the following motion:-


“The Labour Government’s decision to block Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners who do not receive benefits such as pension credit will impact around 57,000 pensioners in North Northants. This will affect the health & well-being of our poorest older residents.


44% of pensioners entitled to pension credit do not claim it. Many pensioners are too proud to ask for means tested benefits or could find it difficult to manage the 22 page application form to apply for pension credit.


Pensioners have received this payment without means testing since its inception. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, fuel costs have increased, and the Government is raising the energy price cap by 10% this winter. There is also a prediction that the price cap will rise another 3% in early 2025.


Pensioners will therefore need the winter fuel allowance more than ever as without it, many vulnerable pensioners will be forced to choose between heating and eating.


Therefore, this Council calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer  asking them to reverse the decision to stop Winter Fuel payments for our pensioners.”


Motion 2 – VAT on Private School Fees


That Council approves the following motion:-


“The Government has said that it will remove the exemption for 20% VAT in fees for private schools. This Council is concerned that this may lead to many parents having to remove their children from their private school and send them to a state school. Many parents struggle and go without to pay for their children’s private education and would not be able to afford a rise of 20% in the fees.


In view of the lack of school places particularly in our secondary schools, we are concerned that this will have a big impact on schools in North Northants and on the pupils.


This Council therefore calls on the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Education to ask:


1.    What estimates have you made of the effect of this decision on schools in North Northamptonshire? i.e. How many extra pupils in what year groups are expected to move to the state system?


2.    What estimates have been made of the cost to North Northants Council to provide school places and home to school transport for these displaced pupils?


3.    Is the Government going to provide new burden funding for local authorities to cope with the capital cost of buildings and facilities to cope with this increase in pupils at our state schools?


4.    Is the Government going to provide funding for local authorities to cope with the revenue cost for our state schools if they have sudden influx of new pupils?”


Motion 1 – Winter Fuel Payments


Councillor Russel Roberts moved and Councillor Ian Jelley seconded the following motion to Council:


“The Labour Government’s decision to block Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners who do not receive benefits such as pension credit will impact around 57,000 pensioners in North Northants. This will affect the health & well-being of our poorest older residents.


44% of pensioners entitled to pension credit do not claim it. Many pensioners are too proud to ask for means tested benefits or could find it difficult to manage the 22 page application form to apply for pension credit.


Pensioners have received this payment without means testing since its inception. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, fuel costs have increased, and the Government is raising the energy price cap by 10% this winter. There is also a prediction that the price cap will rise another 3% in early 2025.


Pensioners will therefore need the winter fuel allowance more than ever as without it, many vulnerable pensioners will be forced to choose between heating and eating.


Therefore, this Council calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer  asking them to reverse the decision to stop Winter Fuel payments for our pensioners.”


During debate, a range of views were heard relating to the impact of changes to the provision of winter fuel payments to residents in North Northamptonshire.


Following the debate’s conclusion, a recorded vote on the motion was requested and accepted, with the requisite number of councillors rising from their seats. The motion was voted on and recorded as follows:-


In favour (45 votes)

-            Councillors Tim Allebone, Paul Bell, Matt Binley, Jennie Bone, Wendy Brackenbury, Cedwien Brown, Scott Brown, Lloyd Bunday, Robin Carter, John Currall, Dez Dell, Jonathan Ekins, Alex Evelyn, Emily Fedorowycz, Martin Griffiths, Jim Hakewill, Clive Hallam, Ken Harrington, Helen Harrison, Larry Henson, Helen Howell, David Howes, Philip Irwin, Ian Jelley, Barbara Jenney, King Lawal, Lora Lawman, Paul Marks, Dorothy Maxwell, Bill McElhinney, Andy Mercer, Gill Mercer, Macaulay Nichol, Jan O’Hara, Anup Pandey, Tom Partridge-Underwood, Harriet Pentland, Roger Powell, Russell Roberts, Mark Rowley, Geoff Shacklock, Joseph Smyth, Malcolm Ward, Kevin Watt, and Lee Wilkes.

Abstained (0 votes)


Against (12 votes)

-            Councillors Jean Addison, Valerie Anslow, Charlie Best, Lyn Buckingham, Leanne Buckingham, Matt Keane, Anne Lee, Peter McEwan, John McGhee, Mark Pengelly, Elliot Prentice, and Simon Rielly.



That the motion be approved.


Following debate on Motion 1, a short recess was held, following which the meeting resumed.


Motion 2 – VAT on Private Schools


Councillor Philip Irwin moved and Councillor Lee Wilkes seconded the following motion to Council:-


“The Government has said that it will remove the exemption for 20% VAT in fees for private schools. This Council is concerned that this may lead to many parents having to remove their children from their private school and send them to a state school. Many parents struggle and go without to pay for their children’s private education and would not be able to afford a rise of 20% in the fees.


In view of the lack of school places particularly in our secondary schools, we are concerned that this will have a big impact on schools in North Northants and on the pupils.


This Council therefore calls on the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Education to ask:


1.        What estimates have you made of the effect of this decision on schools in North Northamptonshire? i.e. How many extra pupils in what year groups are expected to move to the state system?


2.        What estimates have been made of the cost to North Northants Council to provide school places and home to school transport for these displaced pupils?


3.        Is the Government going to provide new burden funding for local authorities to cope with the capital cost of buildings and facilities to cope with this increase in pupils at our state schools?


4.        Is the Government going to provide funding for local authorities to cope with the revenue cost for our state schools if they have sudden influx of new pupils?”


During debate, a range of views were heard relating to the impact of VAT on private schools.


Following the debate’s conclusion, a recorded vote on the motion was requested and accepted, with the requisite number of councillors rising from their seats. The motion was voted on and recorded as follows:-


In favour (40 votes)

-            Councillors Tim Allebone, Paul Bell, Matt Binley, Jennie Bone, Wendy Brackenbury, Cedwien Brown, Scott Brown, Lloyd Bunday, Robin Carter, John Currall, Jonathan Ekins, Alex Evelyn, Martin Griffiths, Jim Hakewill, Clive Hallam, Ken Harrington, Helen Harrison, Helen Howell, David Howes, Philip Irwin, Ian Jelley, Barbara Jenney, King Lawal, Lora Lawman, Paul Marks, Dorothy Maxwell, Andy Mercer, Gill Mercer, Macaulay Nichol, Jan O’Hara, Anup Pandey, Tom Partridge-Underwood, Harriet Pentland, Roger Powell, Russell Roberts, Mark Rowley, Geoff Shacklock, Malcolm Ward, Kevin Watt, and Lee Wilkes.

Abstained (2 votes)

-            Councillors Charlie Best, and Emily Fedorowycz.

Against (11 votes)

-            Councillors Jean Addison, Valerie Anslow, Lyn Buckingham, Leanne Buckingham, Dez Dell, Matt Keane, Anne Lee, Peter McEwan, John McGhee, Elliot Prentice, and Simon Rielly.



That the motion be approved.


During debate on Motion 2, a guillotine motion was moved by Councillor Helen Howell and seconded by Councillor Emily Fedorowycz that the business of the meeting be continued for an additional half an hour following the conclusion of the three hour normal time limit.

The guillotine motion was carried by a show of hands, with the Chair determining that business be concluded by 9.30pm.