Agenda item

North Northamptonshire Greenway Strategy






That the Executive:


a)    Noted the changes made to the final version of the Greenway Strategic Masterplan following public consultation;


b)    Adopted the Greenway Strategic Masterplan; and


c)    Delegated authority to the Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism, in consultation with the Director of Public Health to take any necessary actions to progress delivery of the Strategy.



Reasons for Recommendations: To support the Council and its partners to prioritise future routes for the Greenway and to inform future feasibility studies which will assist the Council to secure developer contributions and other external funding to deliver the programme.


Alternative Options Considered: The alternative option would be to not have a Greenway Strategic Masterplan However, this is not a recommended approach as the strategy clearly outlines what the priority routes are for North Northamptonshire, based on comprehensive data and evidence, will inform future feasibility studies, which are required to secure external funding and developer contributions to enable the expansion of the Greenway across North Northamptonshire. It will also ensure a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of the Greenway.


The Chair invited Cllr Anne Lee to address the committee. Cllr Lee spoke to welcome the adoption of the Greenway Strategy and spoke positively of the project and its vision. Cllr Lee noted the importance of the surface used for pathways across the Greenway network to ensure it was suitable for all potential users including the disabled and those with pushchairs and prams.


The Chair thanked Cllr Lee for her supportive comments before inviting Cllr Dorothy Maxwell to address the meeting. Cllr Maxwell spoke to welcome the strategy and spoke to reference a specific route link for Great Addington and the need to widely advertise the Greenway to the public. Cllr Maxwell requested that ward members be kept informed as well as parish councils who could link into the scheme. Cllr Maxwell also referenced maintenance of entrances to the Greenway and called for recognition of former East Northamptonshire Council (ENC) councillor, Sarah Peacock who had been a driving force behind the initial stages of the project under ENC.


The Chair then invited the Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism, Cllr Helen Howell to introduce a report that presented the final version of the North Northamptonshire Greenway Strategic Masterplan following public and stakeholder consultation and requested Executive approval for adoption of the strategy.


Cllr Howell noted that the strategy before members had taken some time to come to fruition due the detailed nature of route designs and consultation requirements. Responding to comments from speakers, Cllr Howell stated that suitable path surfacing for all users was part of all funding bids for the development of routes within the project. Advertising of the Greenway was a key factor to getting people onboard and the Council would continue to work with partner organisations in this regard. Cllr Howell noted that ongoing grounds maintenance would be an important part of the project and referenced the Peacock Express installation in Rushden that paid tribute to the efforts of Sarah Peacock.


Cllr Howell provided some background details to the strategy, noting that a report had been submitted to the Executive on 14th September 2023 that introduced and sought approval to consult on the draft Strategic Masterplan for the North Northamptonshire Greenway that comprised over 350km of routes connecting settlements within North Northamptonshire and neighbouring authorities. Consultation was consequently undertaken with the public and other stakeholders between 21st September 2023 and 1st November 2023.


The key objectives of the North Northamptonshire Greenway were detailed as follows:  


·       Enable people to choose to walk, wheel or cycle for a range of trip purposes including school, commuting, every day and leisure trips;

·       Deliver an accessible, inclusive active travel network in line with current design standards in terms of coherence, directness, safety, comfort and attractiveness;

·       Help to deliver North Northamptonshire’s Green Infrastructure network including the Ise and Nene Valley Corridors;

·       Improve the tourism offer across North Northamptonshire, with connected market towns, nature reserves and tourism sites and circular routes;

·       Improve the vitality of North Northamptonshire’s towns, aiding local businesses by improving access for commuters and shoppers;

·       Provide safe routes to schools;

·       Provide additional sustainable transport options for residents who don’t own a car.


The public consultation had determined the level of support for the strategy, sought feedback on the S106 funding formula while understanding the route prioritisation criteria and identification of potential gaps. This work had informed the final version of the North Northamptonshire Greenway Strategic Masterplan before members that would provide the following:


·       A clear vision and definition for the Greenway

·       An evidence-led masterplan to shape investment and development over the next 10-20 years

·       Work towards a formula to calculate developer contributions

·       Further guidance on Rights of Way and their role in developing Greenways and ensuring the Greenways were designed to current national standards

·       A clear link to the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans process to bring these to rural areas

·       A masterplan which would link to policies such as the Local Transport Plan and help shape and influence decision making


Cllr Howell provided details of the consultation responses, noting that 88% of respondents strongly supported the creation of a Greenway for North Northamptonshire, with the “helping to choose walking, wheeling and cycling” vision resonating with the majority. In addition, specific comments received relating to safety, maintenance, inclusivity, deliverability and connectivity were noted.


It was reported that in March 2024 the Greenway Programme Board had considered the outputs from the consultation and comments received from specific organisations, with several changes being made to the final document and these were detailed to the meeting.


Cllr Howell outlined the next steps of the process, noting development of a web page to demonstrate all routes and track progress for all North Northamptonshire residents, stakeholders and local interest groups. Existing Greenway routes would be promoted, with development of an online interactive map, route brochures and attendance at external outreach events. Cllr Howell also made reference to recruitment of additional Greenway Champions, continued engagement with landowners and key partner organisations, exploration of funding opportunities and production of further design recommendation booklets that would provide clear summaries of each route; length, surface, land ownership, costs, key stakeholders and route constraints.


It was reported that since the consultation closed, work with Braybrooke Parish Council and a local landowner has resulted in £100,000 being secured through a variety of external funding sources to deliver the section of Greenway from Market Harborough to Braybrooke. Securing this funding provided a positive indication of the effective partnership working resulting in delivery and would be used as an exemplar across North Northamptonshire to deliver further routes.


Cllr Howell noted that the strategy development had been funded through external funding from the Shared Prosperity fund and did not include specific saving targets or future expenditure proposals at this stage. However, the strategy, if approved, would inform future capital investment in the Greenway through developer contributions, external funding bids and any capital investment the Council may or may not choose to consider.


Cllr Howell noted that since the report was published there has been a minor change to the proposed North Northamptonshire Greenway logo, following consultation with the Executive members, to include a wheelchair user to highlight the accessibility of the routes.


Concluding, Cllr Howell thanked the four ward councillor member locality leads, who continued to develop positive relationships with landowners and stakeholders. Thanks were also offered to officers and stakeholders for their tireless work since inception of the project.


The Chair spoke to welcome a project that would become a fantastic asset for the area, noting he was a regular user of existing Greenway routes, and that the development of the Greenway would be beneficial in promoting an active lifestyle for residents.


Cllr Harriet Pentland spoke to welcome the finalised version of the strategic masterplan, the collaborative nature of which enabled the Executive to have the best document possible for approval. Cllr Pentland stated that she was a great advocate of the Greenway and was a daily user of it alongside many residents. It was heard that the Greenway was an important way of promoting safe, sustainable travel where people could interact with the countryside and get between towns and villages.


Cllr Gill Mercer noted that the Greenway formed a fantastic prospect for health and wellbeing in the Council area, noting the initial steps of the project at the former East Northamptonshire Council. Cllr Mercer referenced developer contributions and noted that safety of the routes was paramount.


Cllr Matt Binley spoke to welcome the health benefits of getting people to use more active routes while noting the potential for a reduction in pressures on local roads as a result.


Cllr David Brackenbury spoke to welcome report and noted the far-reaching nature of the strategy and wide involvement of external stakeholders. Cllr Brackenbury noted that the Planning Policy team would be examining developer contributions, with funding a key aspect of the whole project. Thanks were offered to Cllr Howell and the team involved in production of the strategy.







That the Executive:


a)    Noted the changes made to the final version of the Greenway Strategic Masterplan following public consultation;


b)    Adopted the Greenway Strategic Masterplan; and


c)    Delegated authority to the Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism, in consultation with the Director of Public Health to take any necessary actions to progress delivery of the Strategy.



Reasons for Recommendations: To support the Council and its partners to prioritise future routes for the Greenway and to inform future feasibility studies which will assist the Council to secure developer contributions and other external funding to deliver the programme.


Alternative Options Considered: The alternative option would be to not have a Greenway Strategic Masterplan However, this is not a recommended approach as the strategy clearly outlines what the priority routes are for North Northamptonshire, based on comprehensive data and evidence, will inform future feasibility studies, which are required to secure external funding and developer contributions to enable the expansion of the Greenway across North Northamptonshire. It will also ensure a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of the Greenway.

Supporting documents: