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North Northamptonshire Youth Advisory Council

This page lists the meetings for North Northamptonshire Youth Advisory Council.


Information about North Northamptonshire Youth Advisory Council

Role of the Youth Advisory Council


The Youth Advisory Council members aim to speak up for, and on behalf of young people in North Northamptonshire by:


  • identifying and tackling issues considered important by young people 
  • helping to make sure that young people’s voices shape services and facilities in North Northamptonshire, to reflect what young people want and need
  • seeking the views of young people and promoting opportunities to get involved in the democratic process and have their say
  • supporting and promoting the work of UK Youth Members of Parliament through local and national initiatives


Council members will meet monthly face-to-face at a council office or virtually.

They will also be involved in activities including:


  • discussions and consultation on various topics where the council and other network partners need a young person’s perspective and voice
  • completing specific tasks linked to the Youth Advisory Council Action Plan
  • focus groups 
  • secret shopping activities for the council and partners
  • organising and supporting events for young people and the wider community