Venue: Council Chambers, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
No. | Item |
Introduction & Apologies Minutes: Nine YAC members were present for the meeting. Apologies were received from Melinda Mhemba (Elected YP) and Sarah Bailey-Shaw (CYPN).
The Youth Advisory Council meeting format Minutes: 1. The Youth Advisory Council meeting format: A -Rotating chair B -Agenda setting C -Minute taking D -Inviting people into meetings E -Uploading minutes onto website . 2A - Rotating Chair: A general discussion was had around the need for a chairperson to lead and control the meeting. Young elected members understood the role of chairperson but had very little experience in chairing them. During discussion, duties and responsibilities of the chairperson were highlighted. YAC members discussed the concept of a rotating chair and accepted the practice in principle. A volunteer was requested to chair the next meeting. Tyler Hudnott took up the mantle and all agreed for Tyler to chair the next meeting on 11th February 2025. YAC also considered electing a deputy chairperson. A suggestion was made where a deputy chairperson was also voted on, in the event that the chairperson would not be available. Samuel Atkinson put himself forward and was accepted as deputy chairperson by the rest of the council. In addition to acting as deputy, the following YAC meeting in March, will be chaired by Samuel and another Deputy will be elected. The deputy will then chair the following meeting in April. The cycle will continue until the end of the year when new elections will be held for YAC members. A further meeting to discuss chairing the meeting will be had with Tyler and Samuel prior to the next meeting. Brian to arrange.
2B – Agenda Setting: A brief discussed was had on how to set the agenda. More detail will be had when the meeting takes place between Brian, Tyler and Samuel. The council then debated how to manage requests from external agencies requesting some agenda time that may be considered. Council will consider this again as agenda items come in for consideration.
2C - ?Minute Taking: Explaining what minutes taking is all about and how it works. The council were asked to be mindful of information considered sensitive or confidential. Cllr Edwards offered advice on confidentiality and how not to record sensitive information. Three members of the council then volunteered to take minutes at YAC meetings. Lucy, Phoebe and Finley have taken up the responsibility of writing minutes on a rotational basis.
2D – Inviting People Into Meetings: It is accepted that there will be people who would like to access the Youth Advisory Council to present to, get involved with or consult with on a regular basis. To be accepted, there must be an official request written to the council via the engagement & partnership email. Once requested, the email will be passed to the YAC to agree or not for the person / agency to attend. They person requesting an invitation will be written to by the Youth Council and given a time slot in which to appear and present. On completing their time, the invited person will leave the meeting. Council members will need to be mindful of time and the purpose of the request from external parties.
Voting in Chair Minutes: See 2A above. The council agreed for Tyler Hudnott to take on the role of chairperson for next meeting. Samuel Atkinson would take on the deputy chairperson. The position of chairperson and deputy will rotate and will be different at each YAC meeting.
Role of Partner agencies / involved partners Minutes: Each agency reiterated their roles within the Youth Advisory Council. Much of the discussion identified offering support, guidance, mentoring and access to resources. However, if the council so choose, they can ask for all adults to leave the meeting for 5-10 mins if they wish to discuss something privately amongst themselves.
Recruitment of East Northants Representatives Minutes: Some ideas were discussed as to how best to recruit for the 2 vacant spaces left by East Northants. Publicising through the likes of NAYC, and schools would be good. Also consider adverts and posters. To be discussed further next session.
Make group chat and get everyone’s number- among young people Next meeting- advert, publicity to recruit people.
MYP's & DMYP's Minutes: Members of YAC were informed about the MYP’s coming online. The hope was that they will be in place for sitting in parliament on 28th February 2025 but timelines will be tight and may not happen. Current members of YAC can apply for the 2 positions available. If successful, this will release 2 places within YAC that will require filling. However, with regards to the DMYP’s, these will be elected from inside YAC. These will deputise for MYP’s but will not be able to sit in parliament.
MYP’s will be able to meet alongside YAC members but will have a separate meeting 2 weeks later. DMYP’s will also be able to attend the MYP’s meeting. These will be held virtually.
Voting for MYP’s will be done online. Anonymised manifestos will form the basis of individual campaigns. Young people will be able to vote on what manifesto appealed to them most. It will be 1 person one vote but to vote, young people will need a pass code. Results will be based on ‘first past the post.’
Input Request Minutes: A – Kerri Marshall-Duckett (Youth Works) B - Mel Newman (Engagement & Participation Manager)
7A - Kerry Marshall-Duckett: A request has been made from Kerri to meet with the YAC to discuss a project around young people’s mental health. YAC agreed to invite Kerri to next meeting using the format noted in 2D above. The invite to Kerri will be made by members of YAC. This will be discussed when Brian meets with Tyler and Samuel.
7B – Mel Newman: A request for volunteers from YAC to help support a project that Mel is involved with in gaining the voices of Young People. Members of the YAC expressed an interest in being involved. A formal request from Mel would be welcome. Brian to chase up.
During sessions where people have been brought in, young people will be able to ask her questions as they seek clarification on the subject presented to aid them in YAC’s decision process.
Any Other Business Minutes: All members of YAC agreed to share their email address. All have agreed to set up a Whatsapp group between themselves so that they can keep in touch and co-ordinate meetings between themselves. Finley (Young person responsible), suggested that a separate Whatsapp group can be set up to include YAC and professionals as well, to make it easier to keep in touch
A discussion took place over the venue for meeting as a YAC. We will not have access to the Council Chambers every meeting as other groups, e.g. Cllrs, have already booked the room for meetings. Where this is the case, alternative settings will need to be found. Family Hubs may be able to be used. Members of YAC also agreed that Kettering is the preferred town to meet as it is easy to get to and is central to all areas represented on the Council
A request was made by a number of members to change the name of YAC and the logo. All agreed that they did not find it appealing. Further discussions can take place next meeting.
Dates of next meeting Minutes: Date of next meeting: 11th February 2025, 4:30 pm in Committee Room, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX