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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies submitted.
Members' declarations of interest (if any) Minutes: Resolved to note that:
Notification of any requests to address the meeting Minutes: The were none.
Minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2025 were received.
Resolved that the minutes be approved and signed as a correct record of the meeting.
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025-2028 Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved that the Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee recommends:
(i) to Executive and Council that the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025-2028 be adopted, taking into consideration the comments regarding the vehicle signage and vehicle advertising remaining for safety reasons and subject to a table being included within the policy of timescales of implementation dates; (ii) That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Place and Economy to make any minor corrections to the policy. (iii) That delegated authority to postpone the planned commencement date of the policy, due to be 1 April 2025, be given to the Executive Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration, to ensure it is implemented in tandem with the effective date of a new set of Hackney Carriage Byelaws, which are subject to a separate adoption process and approval by Council.
Minutes: The circulated report of the Assistant Director Regulatory Services was received to inform committee of the proposed updates to be made to the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025-2028 following a period of public consultation.
Amanda Wilcox, Head of Environmental Health, presented the report to committee.
She explained that there were several reasons to review the policy to:
· Ensure it reflects the decision of the council’s executive made in July 2024 to transition to a single hackney carriage zone from 1 April 2025. · To consider concerns raised by the public. · To ensure its cognisance of updated guidance issued by the Department for Transport in June 2022 and November 2023. · To reflect the updated guidance issued by the Institute of Licensing regarding driver and operator suitability (October 24). · To consider officer operational experience acquired in the intervening period.
The purpose of the policy is to guide the administration of driver, vehicle and private hire licensing activities under taxi and private hire legislation. It aims to ensure the appropriate balance between the interests of those wishing to obtain or maintain a licence to undertake those activities and the public, particularly those who use taxi or private hire transport, along with supporting and promoting the council’s priorities.
The consultation had taken place between the 18 October 2024 and 9 December 2024 with 30 responses being received, the analysis thereof was appended to the report.
Mrs Wilcox explained that in tandem with the review of the taxi policy and in accordance with the Executive decision officers were progressing work integral to the administration of the new single hackney carriage zone, comprising:
· Reviewing the current geographical/knowledge test and securing the services of a third party to deliver this work. · Reviewing the current Hackney Carriage Byelaws in accordance with Section 236 of the Local Government Act 1972. Officers will present the new byelaws to council for adoption prior to the implementation of the revised taxi policy.
There were also two further supporting pieces of ongoing work to review the current taxi and private hire licensing fees and charges for 2025/26 and to review the hackney carriage ranks across the NNC area to ensure they are correct and properly adopted under licensing and highways legislation.
Mrs Wilcox detailed the updates to the policy made taking into consideration public safety, the needs of the public and to comply with legislation and best practice.
She also informed the committee that the Licensing and Appeals Committee at its meeting held on 14 January 2025 had heard from several speakers who had raised concern over the removal of the ability to retain signage/advertising on vehicles, as they considered that this was important for the safety of the public. Whilst the removal was recommended by the department of transport the current policy allowed signage on vehicles. Reference was also made to the byelaws which would be consulted on from 31 January 2025 to 1 March 2025 and would be presented to Council on 6 March 2025.
Members thanked officers ... view the full minutes text for item 85. |
Draft Climate Change Strategy 2025-2030 Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved that Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee: (i) Commends the positive progress made toward the development of a Climate Change Strategy for the council; (ii) Notes the comments made by the committee to progress the implementation of the Climate Change Strategy and actions contained therein as quickly as possible.
Minutes: The circulated report of the Assistant Director of Assets and Environment was received to provide a summary of the key areas of focus in the appended draft Climate Change Strategy, along with the objectives to provide a green sustainable environment.
The report detailed that the need for action to be taken to enhance, protect and prevent further environmental decline had been declared by the council in July 2021 and the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan had been developed.
Public consultation had been undertaken between 16 September and 20 October 2024 with the key findings from the consultation being analysed and appended to the report.
The report was presented to the committee by the Assistant Director, Mr Waterworth and Councillor Helen Harrison, Executive Member for Climate and the Green Environment.
Councillor Harrison thanked her predecessor Councillor Harriet Pentland for all the work that she had put into the development of the strategy over the last four years and also thanked Electric Places for their input and guidance.
It was explained that there were six key areas of focus within the strategy as follows:
All of these were further detailed in the strategy which focused on achieving net zero by 2050
The next steps were for the Executive to receive the strategy and for a roadmap and action plan to be formed to bring the sectors together.
The Executive Director of Place and Economy informed the committee that the strategy would sit alongside the Carbon Management Plan which was already in place.
The chair and committee thanked officers for the report.
Some of the points raised are summarised below:
· It was noted that many properties in urban areas could not have charging points installed due to the nature of the location of the home not being suitable for charging points an option could be to have cabling laid under pavements and whether this could be considered. Officers clarified that this may be an option but cautioned that it would be challenging and costly to do. Officers were aware that more and faster charging points were required to encourage the use of more electric vehicles.
(Councillor Pengelly left the meeting at 8.55pm).
Close of meeting Minutes: There being no further business the chair declared the meeting closed at 9.35pm.
Chair ……………………………………
Date ……………………………………..